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fascist infiltration of the left

Geordiexxx said:
Just before the Le Pen demo (the Friday) when the SW paper sale never happened, a member of the SWP told me he had or knew of spies in the BNP in Cafe Nero. So don't tell me you don't do it to us because Richard told me so.

I'll see some of you soon no doubt.

Diane Stoker xxx
So you think the BNP is also infiltrated in the same manner then? Interesting.
We may disagree politically but I don't want this to come to violence, like at the Le Pen demo.

By the look of you and the other misfit I should think you wouldn’t want it to come to blows!!!!

In terms of it wasn’t personal, what a joke. You’ve just put people at risk of being attacked by fascists who have a track record of physically attacking people and their homes and you think it’s not personal……politics is personal if someone is a fascist ffs!

At one of your recent RWB festivals people made jokes about the holocaust and talked about white dreadlocked slags. You also want all black and Asian people to leave the country. And you say it’s not personal….I mean I just want people to fuck off out of the country because of their race but it's nothing personal mind, you're all scum to me!

If a Nazis member, Franco supporter, Le Pen supporter etc turned around to someone in the CP, an anarchist, a Jewish person etc and said it wasn’t personal would that sound sincere?
i never thought i'd say this ... but

in the picture of the future fuhrers with nick griffin on the bnp website, nick griffin's the best-looking out of a very bad bunch. :D
Pickman's I think you're right....

Do you think they have as a good a taste in waste coats. By the look of that shirt and tie they do.....

As said a bunch of social misfits......
From the BNP's article:

A massive well done and thank you goes to Joe Finnon and Diane Stoker for the dedication and valour they have conveyed over the last year. With total selflessness and with total disregard for their own safety they have achieved in year what some political activists will only achieve after years of involvement.

"Total disregard for their own safety" my arse.

Whatever their faults, the SWP don't make a habit of beating up their political opponents - or anyone else they deem "undesirable" for that matter. That cannot be said of the BNP.
PM: you just cussed her and her boyfriend (and the other infiltrator tosser obviously).

Come on, she's trying to be friendly. :)mad: )

She even aroused suspicion when saying her boyfriend was at Salford Uni. Hindsight is fucking powerful.
seriously, though, perhaps this should make the swp and its various vile fronts think a little bit about security. why anyone should wish to waste their time in the swp &c is beyond me, but it's no surprise that people who take anti-fascism seriously have steered clear of the swp for many years. perhaps the bnp sent a couple of unlucky people into the swp because they were unable to get anyone into afa, no platform or other militant anti-fascist groups. a wake-up call for the swp will do some good if they do wake up to what's obviously a prank the bnp will try again in future.
butchersapron said:
What attracted you to the BNP Diane?

The first bloke she could get to shag her turns out to be the student organiser.

The second? Nope, even SWP members have some taste.
This is far from amusing. The BNP are murdering scum and it's about time the left seriously got its act together on no platforming the bastards. The BNP are not just a normal political party with vile racist views but a fascist outfit who actively maim and murder. We should accord them no democratic rights whatsoever and any idea that it can be peaceful between us and the BNP is a sick joke. I'm now pretty convinced this whole shit must be true but of course time will tell. I couldn't beleive it at first but unless there's some very clever manipulation going on I suppose it must be. In which case, things will certainly be stormy if any fascist scum show their faces in the new term.
flimsier said:
The first bloke she could get to shag her turns out to be the student organiser.

The second? Nope, even SWP members have some taste.
I'm actually seriously interested in Dianes's response - i think it might be instructive for a few left-wingers here as well (not aimed at you). What's the issues that drives a young kid to join the BNP.
What attracted you to the BNP Diane?

Feeling at home with the other misfits?

When Nick Griffin is the best looking person in the photo there's gotta be something wrong!

Diane are you as friendly to black and Asian people you want to leave the country? Is that not personal?

Was Nick Griffin not being personal when he said the BNP needed "well directed fists and boots"?

Were Franco and Hitler not being personal and all the other fascist regimes who massacred people?
urbanrevolt said:
This is far from amusing. The BNP are murdering scum and it's about time the left seriously got its act together on no platforming the bastards. The BNP are not just a normal political party with vile racist views but a fascist outfit who actively maim and murder. We should accord them no democratic rights whatsoever and any idea that it can be peaceful between us and the BNP is a sick joke. I'm now pretty convinced this whole shit must be true but of course time will tell. I couldn't beleive it at first but unless there's some very clever manipulation going on I suppose it must be. In which case, things will certainly be stormy if any fascist scum show their faces in the new term.
perhaps if the swp didn't "elect" people to important positions within minutes of their joining, then this wouldn't happen. again, if there were some sort of candidate membership to get people's measure then this sort of thing would be less likely to occur. although i doubt even the swp would allow people in who were confessed fash.
danno_at_work said:
i'm amazed they think they can go back to college next year tbh

That was the naive bit I was surprised about. I thought they'd pull them straight out of Manchester, not just the SWSS group or whatever.

It could be the case that they've been seriously used by the nazis. Do they realise the hatred people will feel towards them? How easily identifiable are they going to be?
flimsier said:
That was the naive bit I was surprised about. I thought they'd pull them straight out of Manchester, not just the SWSS group or whatever.

It could be the case that they've been seriously used by the nazis. Do they realise the hatred people will feel towards them? How easily identifiable are they going to be?
Of course they don't - Griifin and the likes do though, and it's all good publicity -a la Harrington 20 years back.
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