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fascist infiltration of the left

Solidarnosc said:
...recruitment should be tightend.
Is there anything wrong with foisting membership cards on all and sundry - including people who haven't a clue what your 'party' stands for? Surely not!
JHE said:
Is there anything wrong with foisting membership cards on all and sundry - including people who haven't a clue what your 'party' stands for? Surely not!
Oh, you can fuck right off if all you can do is snipe at me.
past caring said:
These two will certainly have the names and addresses for most of the Manchester region. If they were on the organising team for Marxism it's quite likely they'll have had access to details of quite a few other areas as well. And these won't all be SWP members will they? I'd have thought non-members might feel quite let down by the SWP at the prospect that their details were now with the BNP..........

To be honest, this is something I didn't think of tonight in me being stunned.

It's the most worrying aspect. Utterly.


edit: just to clarify: I know I was very very thick not thinking of this. I don't think it'd be hard to infiltrate anyone, but...
JHE said:
Is there anything wrong with foisting membership cards on all and sundry - including people who haven't a clue what your 'party' stands for? Surely not!

You really can fuck off.
butchersapron said:
Help me out here..
I'll explain my full position on this - a position I have held for quite some time - later, when I am not such a bag of nerves.

In terms of personal details - shit.
Solidarnosc said:
Oh, you can fuck right off if all you can do is snipe at me.
It wasn't a snipe at you - at least, not at you singular.

You know that (i) the Social Workers have always had a pretty liberal recruitment policy and (ii) for more than a decade (since about '92?) the 'party' has been frantic in dishing out membership. In fact, you lot have been so frantic that some people have been 'recruited' without knowing that they've been recruited and that others (more) have joined without knowing what the SWP (thinks it) is.
OK, I'll fuck off - but not without one last thing...

Your infiltrators (the BNP writers of parodic letters to Social Worker) have, so far, done no more damage than upsetting a few Social Workers. Upsetting Social Workers is not difficult. In fact, it can be done very easily, even by accident.

Are there any interesting anti-SWP stories we can expect from them in the next week or so? Be frank.
JHE said:
OK, I'll fuck off - but not without one last thing...

Your infiltrators (the BNP writers of parodic letters to Social Worker) have, so far, done no more damage than upsetting a few Social Workers. Upsetting Social Workers is not difficult. In fact, it can be done very easily, even by accident.

Are there any interesting anti-SWP stories we can expect from them in the next week or so? Be frank.
I don't know. Right now I'm still in shock. It's a lot to take in, especially given those concerned. Maybe, maybe not. Nothing is aluded to, and I guess they wouldn't have found out much that the BNP didn't already know, apart from who was shagging who.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

shit! :(

If they have been invovled for a whole year theu're gonn know alot of people's personal details - will have probably been round lots of pepole's houses......god, Sol, I'm not suprised it's such a shock for you, mus be awful to find that out about ppl you thought were friends. Dunno what to say really, other than you have my sympathy (FWIW)

Are both these people in their final years? I wouldn't want to be either of them returning to Manchester for uni in september, I wonder if they gave their real contact info to the SWP.....

I'd be interested what other Manc SWPers think of this (altho Rosa is the only one that i can think of who posts on here..)
Solidarnosc said:
...apart from who was shagging who.
If that's all they've got, there's nothing more to fear. Political parties are full of tedious gossip about sexual goings-on. Who's interested in the brief romance between Cde X and Cde Y? Their mates - and nobody else.

It's not as if the Home Secretary is a member of your sect! Come to think of it, few people are interested in his love life either.
No, I think they were in their first years, smash. I also actually know where they live as well, not that it means much to be honest. Oddly enough I can't think of anyone who's been in their flats. However, now they've been outed, a lot of people will want their blood. They might move.

Thanks for your sympathy as well - to be honest, I'm not arsed at the moment about the political rammifications. There is no getting away with how shit it feels. I don't know if Rosa knew them well - they joined SWSS after she left Uni.

The article also claims they were involved in AFA - Do you know anything about this smash?

JHE - finally, something constructive. But the bugbear is that they did have access to personal records for ring-rounds etc. I don't think they took anything away with them, but they still had them - alongside a lot of people's phone numbers - including mine. I suppose we'll find out if they did have them soon enough on a fascist hitlist near you...
Solidarnosc said:
No, I think they were in their first years, smash.

well, the BNP leaders obviously don't have much regard for their members safety....

I also actually know where they live as well, not that it means much to be honest. Oddly enough I can't think of anyone who's been in their flats. However, now they've been outed, a lot of people will want their blood. They might move.

I would! They should count themselves lucky I never met them :mad:

Thanks for your sympathy as well - to be honest, I'm not arsed at the moment about the political rammifications. There is no getting away with how shit it feels. I don't know if Rosa knew them well - they joined SWSS after she left Uni.

yeah but they must know most of the Manc SWPers who are active now, not just the students, esp if they were at Marxism :(

The article also claims they were involved in AFA - Do you know anything about this smash?

I thought AFA stopped existing years ago tbh - sounds like bollocks to me.
if there is an AFA group (which i doubt) and if these individuals managed to get involved (which i very much doubt) any AFA type people are probably very worried right now, but I suspect the claim is untrue.
JHE - finally, something constructive. But the bugbear is that they did have access to personal records for ring-rounds etc. I don't think they took anything away with them, but they still had them - alongside a lot of people's phone numbers - including mine. I suppose we'll find out if they did have them soon enough on a fascist hitlist near you...

sorry, Sol, but if you think they didn't keep / copy this information you are deluding yourself :(
It's pritty easy to figure out who's active in Manc SWP - just go down Market Street every Saturday. Also, at last year's Marxism the NF demonstrated outside SOAS.

Also, in terms of the personal info - yes, it's quite possible that they could have copied it. But the only time they had access to real information - apart from people's phone numbers - they were under constant supervision as we were doing ring-rounds. It would have been impossible to copy it without someone noticing. But then again, I don't know what info they had.

I'm sure they also have my bank account details as well, as I gave one of them a cheque for some money I owed to UAF, and they said they would pass it on. Fortunatly, I don't use the account anymore, and I'll have to nofity the bank it was from about what's happened. If they believe me!
butchersapron said:
That's a really crap and confused repsonse. No way out of this one.

Doesnt anyone find this even a bit amusing, SWP wetting themselves over recruiting two working class students trying to massage their ego through quick promotion through the ranks and publishing articles in their "theoretical journal"
Maybe they were turned - I've read le Carre- and are now moling away at BNP HQ revealing who's shagging who back to the SWP?
first of all commiseration with solidarnosc


Uncovered plans by ‘anti-fascist' veterans to re-form the notoriously violent Anti Fascist Action (AFA). Plans included the arson and kidnap of a senior Manchester BNP activist and a violent enforcement of the ‘No Platform' policy.

some of the report was obviously bollocks, i don't think they would have uncovered this, maybe heard some pissed people in the pub having a laugh at most...

still, it is true about "promising" new people being rapidly pushed into postions of influence - it happened to me - i had full access to the member list within 3 days of joining!!!
john malcolm said:
Doesnt anyone find this even a bit amusing, SWP wetting themselves over recruiting two working class students trying to massage their ego through quick promotion through the ranks and publishing articles in their "theoretical journal"

I don't. I find it strange that you do. Aren't you an SP member?
TBH I can't believe that SWPers would be so naive.

I mean someone writing stuff all about "our wonderful multi-cultural, multi-faith society" etc. etc. are obviously fash! Someone came on the enrager forums doing that and it only took a tiny bit of digging to uncover them as WNP from Sheffield.

If they were on team Marxism I bet they could've easily got hold of the addresses of everyone who bought a ticket - most of the SWP as well as a lot of non-aligned socialists.

This is pretty interesting though... Must be fucking horrible for Solidarnosc + co.
PS could someone C&P it, or PM it to me or something - or maybe post it on indymedia cos I can't access the BNP site at work (or at least i don't want to!)
icepick said:
PS could someone C&P it, or PM it to me or something - or maybe post it on indymedia cos I can't access the BNP site at work (or at least i don't want to!)

same for me if anyone would be so kind


Sol and Flimsier et al.

I really have nothing to add beyond what has been said here.

Basically, if you can't see that this really does show up this organisation for the pisstake it is then you have problems. Any organisation that is serious about revolutionary politics needs to approach new members with caution, not have an unsecured open-door policy to make the organisation look as big as possible.

There needs to be a re-think here- i'm sure you will agree. It is either of two things

# a party that looks large
# a party that is effective

I hope that the political naievety of your masters doesn't result in you having midnight visits from the fascists.

Good luck to you all.
Cheers flimsy and icepick i've got enougth copies now.

Be careful soli, levien and the manchester people.
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