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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

I went out earlier for some beers and the go local ran by Asians was shut ( normally open till 11) went to another one and he informed me that it's kicking off in Willington, Durham. about 4 miles away. Told him we're not all arseholes and to take care. You can feel the tension on the streets here. Willington has pockets of very anti social behaviour so I think they're in for a long night.
From a Guardian report on Middlesbrough:

The marchers headed back towards the cenotaph, this time snaking through terraced streets to the west of Linthorpe Road. Several homes of working-class people had their front windows smashed for no discernible reason.

At least two parked taxis had all their windows broken. Other parked cars were chosen randomly to have their windscreen smashed. One car owner bravely and furiously confronted them: “That’s my car,” she shouted. “You fascist thugs!”

Children used bricks and stones to smash windows of a new development of affordable homes.

They're attacking other working-class people. Disaffected, my fucking arse. And kids? Kids are doing this now? Where are their parents?
From a Guardian report on Middlesbrough:

The marchers headed back towards the cenotaph, this time snaking through terraced streets to the west of Linthorpe Road. Several homes of working-class people had their front windows smashed for no discernible reason.

At least two parked taxis had all their windows broken. Other parked cars were chosen randomly to have their windscreen smashed. One car owner bravely and furiously confronted them: “That’s my car,” she shouted. “You fascist thugs!”

Children used bricks and stones to smash windows of a new development of affordable homes.

They're attacking other working-class people. Disaffected, my fucking arse. And kids? Kids are doing this now? Where are their parents?

If we blame the parents, why isn't society protecting or supporting parents and their environment?

What would you expect to happen, happy families of well behaved, well adjusted children.

If you don't think the poorest in society have been abandoned, let down and given shithate for the results of it I don't think we agree.

Housing and food is insecure, jobs and union involvement is fragmented.

Popular resistance is fronted by Billionaire backed Nazis after their own cut. Andrew Tate tells the boys this is good.

Now every neighbourhood, area just wants to prove they are 'game'.
If we blame the parents, why isn't society protecting or supporting parents and their environment?

What would you expect to happen, happy families of well behaved, well adjusted children.

If you don't think the poorest in society have been abandoned, let down and given shithate for the results of it I don't think we agree.

Housing and food is insecure, jobs and union involvement is fragmented.

Popular resistance is fronted by Billionaire backed Nazis after their own cut. Andrew Tate tells the boys this is good.

Now every neighbourhood, area just wants to prove they are 'game'.

They don't though, do they? The overwhelming majority in all of these communities aren't out being racist filth. And materially that non racist majority is no better off.
They don't though, do they? The overwhelming majority in all of these communities aren't out being racist filth. And materially that non racist majority is no better off.
No the majority don't smash their neighbours cars and windows. Thankfully.

But a stable home with good guidance isn't a given. Struggling to do their best but their kid's might be a bit out in the wind and susceptable to whatever is common enough.
No the majority don't smash their neighbours cars and windows. Thankfully.

But a stable home with good guidance isn't a given. Struggling to do their best but their kid's might be a bit out in the wind and susceptable to whatever is common enough.
That's why it's better to engage until it's clear that's not working.
Tbf, all your governments seem to merge into one massive disappointment, year after year. Don't see the Starmer version being that much different from the multiple Tory ones...

Starmer could come out and denounce the far right, once and for all. Don't give them even a hint of legitimacy.

Pretty sure Corbyn would have.

Ah, he has done a bit of condemnation. It's a start...

Ah, he has done a bit of condemnation. It's a start...

There's a time-lag. But yeah, up thread.
Ok can i refer to my post and explain what I mean, yes I can. Re: blaming parents and apparently 'scum 15/16 y/os'


*If we blame the parents, why isn't society protecting or supporting parents and their environment?

The idea that parents are ultimately responsible comes with a lot of baggage. Benefits are strict, public services are pretty much gone. Black or white or Muslim.

*What would you expect to happen, happy families of well behaved, well adjusted children.

Fewer police, more organised crime. Greater brutality. (but wait I'd have to give these people some sense of worth :()

*If you don't think the poorest in society have been abandoned, let down and given shithate for the results of it I don't think we agree.

It's been going on for decades through my life. (bufftuff can't say that)

'Housing and food is insecure, jobs and union involvement is fragmented.'

*Popular resistance is fronted by Billionaire backed Nazis after their own cut. Andrew Tate tells the boys this is good.

Pretty much why we are here.

*Now every neighbourhood, area just wants to prove they are 'game'.

Yep. That's what you are seeing.
That's where that Nazi scumbag, Joshua Bonehead, who used to write the Daily Bale is from. If he's out of prison yet, would be worth keeping an eye out for him so he can go straight back.
I managed to get on his new Facebook page after he left prison. Posts on there that he regretted what he had done. Living somewhere else in the countryside with a girlfriend and dog. Totally not into the utterly mad stuff he was doing before he got sent down. I was there at his trial and sentencing for the Luciana Berger stuff which proper screwed him.
Haven't seen this posted yet:
Bristol Antifascists Statement

Yesterday (Saturday 3rd August 2024), Bristol Antifascists joined with antiracist and antifascist groups from Bristol and the South West, along with hundreds of Bristolians, to oppose a far right "Stop the Boats" protest.

We want people to understand up front: hundreds of normal Bristolians held the line yesterday against a brutal, sustained assault by fascists trying to attack a hotel housing migrant and asylum seeker families with very young children. The police absolutely failed in their duty to protect these families.

Disorganised, incompetent and hopelessly outnumbered by fascists, Avon and Somerset Police and the other forces brought in from outside the area would have, if left to their own devices yesterday, allowed a pogrom to happen.

At this stage everyone is familiar with the murders of Bebe, Elsie and Alice in Southport on Monday (29th August 2024). Our hearts are broken for these little girls and their families and loved ones.
We cannot imagine the pain they are suffering at this time. We wish a speedy recovery to the other children and adults injured and traumatised by this attack.

Far right and fascist groups are using this tragedy, and the categorically false story that the attacker was a migrant or asylum seeker and a Muslim as an excuse to carry out violent pogroms against those members of our communities around the country.

Bristol Antifascists and our comrades joined a static, peaceful, counter-protest of around 700 people at 6pm at Castle Park. Throughout this hour small groups of fascists and far right attempted to provoke or even attack people around the edges of the protest. By around 7pm a larger group of around 100-200 fascists had gathered nearby in Castle Park. The fascists had clearly been drinking all day, and full of Dutch courage were keen on violence, attempting to March directly into the static-counter protest next to St Nicholas' Church.

What ensued was a series of attacks against the static protest by fascists as they repeatedly broke through the hopelessly thin police lines. We faced full cans of beer and cider, glass bottles,and large stones being thrown and a series of direct physical assaults by groups of pissed-up and coked-up wannabe hard men, who were repeatedly sent packing by far better organised counter-protestors and antifascists. Even with horses and attack dogs, the police were far too outnumbered and far to disorganised to efectively control the fascists, and collective self defence was the only thing keeping everybody safe.

Eventually the fascists had retreated to Bristol Bridge. Knowing that they were believed to be intending to head to Redcliffe Hill, where the Mercure Hotel housing migrant families is located, a quick decision was made by a total of around 200-250 counter-protestors to head around via Queen Square to the Hotel to protect it.

When we arrived the police were all but completely absent, with a handful of cops on bicycles who had followed us being the only visible presence. Conscious of our potentially scary appearance to residents at the hotel, we made certain to demonstrate our solidarity and love for them, with waves, thumbs up, and heart signs exchanged between antifascists and residents of the hotel. It was really notable just how many of the residents are very young, primary school aged children. The downstairs lobby windows are covered with kids' drawnings and paintings.

A group of counter-protestors formed a line and linked arms across the hotel entrance while still more of us formed into a tight bloc on the grassy area in front of the hotel. After about 30 minutes a group of around 80-100 fascists, who had broken away from the police on Bristol Bridge, marched up Redcliffe Hill and immediately began to attack us outside the hotel. Again, the police were wildly outnumbered and unable to effectively defend themselves, let alone anyone else.

For a sustained period of around 15-20 minutes, antifascists stood firm, defending ourselves and each other from a constant, intense assault of fists, kicks, bottles and stones thrown at us by fascists intent on attacking the hotel and its residents. The handful of police present flailed, hitting people seemingly at random with batons, and occasionally PAVA-spraying groups of people.

When police enforcements finally arrive in the form of attack dogs, horses and extra officers, the fascists lost their bottle and retreated to the other side of Redcliffe Hill. They remained there in rapidly dwindling numbers, occasionally hurling the odd insult or glass bottle at the counter-protestors, but ultimately unable to muster another attempt at attacking the hotel.

The majority of the 200-250 counter protestors stayed outside the hotel to protect it until around 9pm when Green Party Bristol City Councillors who had began encouraging people to leave telling them that the police would now have the situation under contol. Bristol Antifascists want to make it clear: this was wrong of them. The police had demonstrated a total lack of ability to defend the people housed in the Mercure Hotel or to contain the fascist threat in our city. There was still the potential for fascists to regroup and try again to attack the hotel. Around 50-60 people chose to stay at the hotel as it got dark. We'd recieved a request from parents inside the hotel to keep things quiet as they were putting young children to bed, and we happily obliged.

At around 10pm, as larger numbers of police arrived at the hotel, those of us remaining decided the time was right to quietly leave as a group and then disperse in a safe area in town. However, this wasn't before the police decided to reassert their authority after a frankly humiliating day for them. While people were largely sat quietly on the grass or stood around chatting in front of the hotel entrance, a group of cops in riot get suddenly pushed their way to the front of the hotel, hitting, shoving and shouting at counter-protestors for no apparent reason. Fine. Let them believe they're in charge. Whatever keeps them quiet.

Despite clear confusion and a lack of communication between different groups of police trying to send us in opposite directions, we eventually left the Redcliffe Hill area, and quietly disbanded, blending back into the now quiet night of the city we live in and love so much.

We want to drive that point home: the media and politicians and police will talk about "protestors" and "the public" as though they're two mutally exclusive groups of people. We are the public. This city is our home, and the people who live in it, of every race, ethnicity and religion are our neighbours and friends. So too are the residents of the Mercure Hotel. Bristol welcomes migrants and refugees, and we will fight for them if we have to.

Yesterday showed the power and importance of community self-defence. Normal Bristolians put themselves in harms way to protect their neighbours in the Mercure hotel, and we stopped a violent, racist mob from doing harm to the families inside. The police were beyond useless, and it was the bravery, moral conviction, and community solidarity of the antifascist counter-protestors that kept the fascists at bay.

Again, we are the public. Outside of this we're normal boring people, with normal boring lives,and normal boring jobs. Antifascism is and must be a community effort, and as this flare-up of far right violence continues, we are going to need everyone to step up and do their part to keep our communities safe around the country.

Every day is the Battle of Cable Street. Keep fighting it.

Always Antifascist. No Pasaran.
Love and Solidarity Forever.
Bristol Antifascists.
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Haven't seen this posted yet:
Bristol Antifascists Statement
Yesterday (Saturday 3rd August 2024), Bristol Antifascists joined with antiracist and antifascist groups from Bristol and the South West, along with hundreds of Bristolians, to oppose a far right "Stop the Boats" protest.
We want people to understand up front: hundreds of normal Bristolians held the line yesterday against a brutal, sustained assault by fascists trying to attack a hotel housing migrant and asylum seeker families with very young children. The police absolutely failed in their duty to protect these families.
Disorganised, incompetent and hopelessly outnumbered by fascists, Avon and Somerset Police and the other forces brought in from outside the area would have, if left to their own devices yesterday, allowed a pogrom to happen.
At this stage everyone is familiar with the murders of Bebe, Elsie and Alice in Southport on Monday (29th August 2024). Our hearts are broken for these little girls and their families and loved ones. We cannot imagine the pain they are suffering at this time. We wish a speedy recovery to the other children and adults injured and traumatised by this attack.
Far right and fascist groups are using this tragedy, and the categorically false story that the attacker was a migrant or asylum seeker and a Muslim as an excuse to carry out violent pogroms against those members of our communities around the country.
Bristol Antifascists and our comrades joined a static, peaceful, counter-protest of around 700 people at 6pm at Castle Park. Throughout this hour small groups of fascists and far right attempted to provoke or even attack people around the edges of the protest. By around 7pm a larger group of around 100-200 fascists had gathered nearby in Castle Park. The fascists had clearly been drinking all day, and full of Dutch courage were keen on violence, attempting to March directly into the static-counter protest next to St Nicholas' Church.
What ensued was a series of attacks against the static protest by fascists as they repeatedly broke through the hopelessly thin police lines. We faced full cans of beer and cider, glass bottles,and large stones being thrown and a series of direct physical assaults by groups of pissed-up and coked-up wannabe hard men, who were repeatedly sent packing by far better organised counter-protestors and antifascists. Even with horses and attack dogs, the police were far too outnumbered and far to disorganised to efectively control the fascists, and collective self defence was the only thing keeping everybody safe.
Eventually the fascists had retreated to Bristol Bridge. Knowing that they were believed to be intending to head to Redcliffe Hill, where the Mercure Hotel housing migrant families is located, a quick decision was made by a total of around 200-250 counter-protestors to head around via Queen Square to the Hotel to protect it.
When we arrived the police were all but completely absent, with a handful of cops on bicycles who had followed us being the only visible presence. Conscious of our potentially scary appearance to residents at the hotel, we made certain to demonstrate our solidarity and love for them, with waves, thumbs up, and heart signs exchanged between antifascists and residents of the hotel. It was really notable just how many of the residents are very young, primary school aged children. The downstairs lobby windows are covered with kids' drawnings and paintings.
A group of counter-protestors formed a line and linked arms across the hotel entrance while still more of us formed into a tight bloc on the grassy area in front of the hotel. After about 30 minutes a group of around 80-100 fascists, who had broken away from the police on Bristol Bridge, marched up Redcliffe Hill and immediately began to attack us outside the hotel. Again, the police were wildly outnumbered and unable to effectively defend themselves, let alone anyone else.
For a sustained period of around 15-20 minutes, antifascists stood firm, defending ourselves and each other from a constant, intense assault of fists, kicks, bottles and stones thrown at us by fascists intent on attacking the hotel and its residents. The handful of police present flailed, hitting people seemingly at random with batons, and occasionally PAVA-spraying groups of people.
When police enforcements finally arrive in the form of attack dogs, horses and extra officers, the fascists lost their bottle and retreated to the other side of Redcliffe Hill. They remained there in rapidly dwindling numbers, occasionally hurling the odd insult or glass bottle at the counter-protestors, but ultimately unable to muster another attempt at attacking the hotel.
The majority of the 200-250 counter protestors stayed outside the hotel to protect it until around 9pm when Green Party Bristol City Councillors who had began encouraging people to leave telling them that the police would now have the situation under contol. Bristol Antifascists want to make it clear: this was wrong of them. The police had demonstrated a total lack of ability to defend the people housed in the Mercure Hotel or to contain the fascist threat in our city. There was still the potential for fascists to regroup and try again to attack the hotel. Around 50-60 people chose to stay at the hotel as it got dark. We'd recieved a request from parents inside the hotel to keep things quiet as they were putting young children to bed, and we happily obliged.
At around 10pm, as larger numbers of police arrived at the hotel, those of us remaining decided the time was right to quietly leave as a group and then disperse in a safe area in town. However, this wasn't before the police decided to reassert their authority after a frankly humiliating day for them. While people were largely sat quietly on the grass or stood around chatting in front of the hotel entrance, a group of cops in riot get suddenly pushed their way to the front of the hotel, hitting, shoving and shouting at counter-protestors for no apparent reason. Fine. Let them believe they're in charge. Whatever keeps them quiet.
Despite clear confusion and a lack of communication between different groups of police trying to send us in opposite directions, we eventually left the Redcliffe Hill area, and quietly disbanded, blending back into the now quiet night of the city we live in and love so much.
We want to drive that point home: the media and politicians and police will talk about "protestors" and "the public" as though they're two mutally exclusive groups of people. We are the public. This city is our home, and the people who live in it, of every race, ethnicity and religion are our neighbours and friends. So too are the residents of the Mercure Hotel. Bristol welcomes migrants and refugees, and we will fight for them if we have to.
Yesterday showed the power and importance of community self-defence. Normal Bristolians put themselves in harms way to protect their neighbours in the Mercure hotel, and we stopped a violent, racist mob from doing harm to the families inside. The police were beyond useless, and it was the bravery, moral conviction, and community solidarity of the antifascist counter-protestors that kept the fascists at bay.
Again, we are the public. Outside of this we're normal boring people, with normal boring lives,and normal boring jobs. Antifascism is and must be a community effort, and as this flare-up of far right violence continues, we are going to need everyone to step up and do their part to keep our communities safe around the country.
Every day is the Battle of Cable Street. Keep fighting it.
Always Antifascist. No Pasaran.
Love and Solidarity Forever.
Bristol Antifascists.

No one's gonna read that slab.

Also, saw this thread recommended, from a legal observer out in Manchester this weekend:
Decompressing after the most fucked up (7hr) LO stint in a while but have some reflections on yesterday:- threats against LOs - I was the LO threatened with arrest. I was also threatened on multiple occasions that the horses would kick me and at one point shoved by Mr 131(5)2

Horses as a weapon - 4-6 completely out of control horses were used to control the counter demos. The horses were clearly stressed and there were several points where the riders’ inability to control them very nearly resulted in injury.

Now as for later in the day when crowds of fash were permitted to assemble in Picc Gardens: the first thing to say is GMP knew this would happen and they allowed it. They made the active choice to kettle the counter demo and were told this would result in the fash marching

They completely enabled and allowed the situation to get as out of control as it did - when they finally intervened they did it by sending the horses into a crowd of around 20 people (mostly civilians)

I saw an elderly woman of colour next to me crying, holding her hands up and apologising as a massive fucking horse hounded her onto the pavement. She wasn’t part of a counter demo - she was an elderly woman trying to do her shopping on a Saturday

Eventually (as usual) it was left up to the last few remaining counter demonstrators to ensure community safety by pulling (mostly kids) out of scuffles and standing at the entrance to Picc Gardens warning people about the race riot they were about to walk into bc GMP didn’t gaf

So to wake up this morning to GM leaders saying racists are “not welcome”, “no place for it” is laughable when GMP literally fenced them off a nice area in the busiest part of town, protected them throughout the day and did absolutely fuck all to stop them until it was too late
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