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England local election results thread

But this time PC have two less councillors than the independents.
Traditionally Anglesey councillors don't align along party political lines, the last time out there was 40 seats available, this time only 30, last time out the Independants had 14, Plaid 8, Labour 5, Tories and UKIP nothing, the rest of the seats was spread around various other groups, this time the Independents had 14, Plaid 12, Labour 3 and Libs 1.
Plaid had 32% of the vote up 11% the Independents had 31% of the vote down 25%.
Traditionally Anglesey councillors don't align along party political lines, the last time out there was 40 seats available, this time only 30, last time out the Independants had 14, Plaid 8, Labour 5, Tories and UKIP nothing, the rest of the seats was spread around various other groups, this time the Independents had 14, Plaid 12, Labour 3 and Libs 1.
Plaid had 32% of the vote up 11% the Independents had 31% of the vote down 25%.

Good to hear that PC are making gains....but
Traditionally Anglesey councillors don't align along party political lines
does sound a little, erm....well backward?
Donny round one:

Ros Jones (Labour) 21,996
Peter Davies (Independent) 21,406
David Allen (English Democrats) 4,615
Michael Maye (Independent) 4,557
Martin Drake (Conservative) 2,811
Mary Jackson (Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts) 1,916
John Brown (Liberal Democrats) 1,122
Tony Ward (Indepdendent) 1,110
Dave Owen (National Front) 1,066
Doug Wright (Save Your Services) 786

A good show for TUSC!

From the likely split of the parties' votes for round two, it will take the other two indies votes to split overwhelmingly (4-1ish) in favour of Jones for her to win it.

After counting of the second votes Labour scraped in by just over 650 votes. am amazed that my prediction in post 54 of a narrow Labour victory came true. The consolation TUSC can take away is they finished above the Libdems.
What I find fascinating is the nf polled 1066 in the first vote result. Strange figure with a lot of meaning for the xenophobes!:)
Sorry all, not been following thread at all, but just saw the final count- UKIP no gain in councils and got 8 more councillors 147 up from 139. Labour are up 538 from 291. Doesn't look like much of a UKIP victory to me - looks flat in fact. Great result for Labour. Am i missing something?
After counting of the second votes Labour scraped in by just over 650 votes. am amazed that my prediction in post 54 of a narrow Labour victory came true. The consolation TUSC can take away is they finished above the Libdems.
What I find fascinating is the nf polled 1066 in the first vote result. Strange figure with a lot of meaning for the xenophobes!:)

Where the independents on the left?, that would have come to a decent combined figure.

Froggie got in first
If those votes had combined they could have got over 2000 votes. Not that I necessarily think that's the right way to go, but you know.
Sorry all, not been following thread at all, but just saw the final count- UKIP no gain in councils and got 8 more councillors 147 up from 139. Labour are up 538 from 291. Doesn't look like much of a UKIP victory to me - looks flat in fact. Great result for Labour. Am i missing something?

nope, t'other way round, ukip had 8 before, gained 139
Who were "save your services" and why were tusc standing against them?
I always thought one of TUSC's main ways of going about things was to work with candidates who aim to stop the austerity budget (like the SP do, as far as I'm aware). I wonder what happened? Maybe Save Your Services started campaigning after TUSC decided they'd do something in the area. Maybe they refused to work alongside TUSC (or vice versa) due to some really over the top argument with one of the smaller groups within TUSC. maybe it was a legitimate political issue. Maybe it was just a bureaucratic fuck up, or maybe they just weren't aware of each other's existence.

Edit: I'd say what I just wrote was the most pointless post in existence but I've lurked long enough to know better.
If those votes had combined they could have got over 2000 votes. Not that I necessarily think that's the right way to go, but you know.
I don't know, i can only think that you think is the way to go.

If the conditions existed for these two things to be together then they would be. They're not.
144 at the mo ...
Yep I was massively wrong (obviously).

Brilliant result for UKIP. Be interesting to see how they manage this success and whether they have learned anything from the BNP comparison. They'll no doubt be some loons among the elected which the leadership will have to deal with but I think they've got two advantages the BNP didn't - (1) they don't face the same outright hostility from the establishment that the BNP did (ATM), Labour won't be too unhappy to see their success (so long as it's kept at a certain level), (2) they've still got the Euro elections next year where they can make strong gains, so in the short term at least, they don't have problem the BNP had of getting 'stuck' at a certain level of support and the membership getting frustrated.
Times likes our pic too...
The Times splashes with an image of a jubilant Nigel Farage. It reports that Conservatives "fear" that Nadine Dorries will defect to Ukip. Fear may not be the right word.

Mad Nad!:D

'Defect' seems somehow appropriate.
..and as for the Torygraph*...

The Daily Telegraph leads with the Conservatives' election postmortem. It quotes a Tory insider who argues the party's elitist outlook has cost it dearly. "David Cameron needs to 'break the impression of being privileged and out of touch', according to a senior Tory, if he wants recover from the drubbing in this week's local elections..."

Not enough :D's for that.

*may make me appear like a member of the slacker generation.
I'm beginning to think that pictures of farrago ought to follow the rule about potentially disturbing imagaes and be put under a spoiler...
Tories -335
Labour + 291
UKIP +139
LD -124

Against predictions of Tories -350 (they did better by 15) and Labour +350 (they did worse by 59).

UKIP either took most of the dead LDs and the ex-Tories, and/or split these with Labour but nicked some from Labour/Indies/Other. May have protected Tories in some areas.

LDs made small overall gains in parts of the south-west too, against a not that big overall loss. Middle of the road worthy types still sticking with them as tactical anti-Tory in the absence of other choices. May or may not mean anything for 2015, they've always been stronger in the locals than Westminster.
The BBC and others seemed intent on playing down labours results yesterday. They certainly did not do badly, as BBC reported. Later in the evening they were lining up Blairites to attack Miliband from the right.

The bulk of the media class have reached a consensual anti Miliband position it seems. the Blairites will be twisting the knife now.
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