Bring back hanging
Labour just won 2015
ymu said:The under-performed polling predictions
The BBC and others seemed intent on playing down labours results yesterday. They certainly did not do badly, as BBC reported. Later in the evening they were lining up Blairites to attack Miliband from the right.
The bulk of the media class have reached a consensual anti Miliband position it seems. the Blairites will be twisting the knife now.
Yeah. They were wrong so now they're useless.But those predictions are a crap basis for analysis. If the predictions had been less optimistic would the labour result now be better?
As I understand it the predictions were based on April polling. Its May now and things have moved since then. We knew that before Thursday so this analysis misses the actual tangible implications of the election, by steering all analysis to comparisons with April predictions.
What the polls do seem to say is that the ukip vote is real, as are the returning labour voters. And as butchers says this means labour should have 2015 in the bag.
The Thrasher and Rallings’s local elections projections came out ever the weekend (n brief anyway, in-depth later this week) - usually broadly reliable: Labour to gain 350 seats, Conservatives to lose 310, the Liberal Democrats to lose 130 and UKIP to win 40, national share: CON 29, LAB 38, LD 16, UKIP 11.
Attacking Miliband from the right must leave them crammed up against the wall quite hard. Only the media could see things that way. It reminds me of the stories on the Beeb when Blair was leader and there was talk of the non-existent challenge from Brown, where they talked of Blairites and Brownites, thus missing the point that Brown was a Blairite in his policies. So is Miliband you bozos. Where is that cigarette paper when you need it?The BBC and others seemed intent on playing down labours results yesterday. They certainly did not do badly, as BBC reported. Later in the evening they were lining up Blairites to attack Miliband from the right.
The bulk of the media class have reached a consensual anti Miliband position it seems. the Blairites will be twisting the knife now.
Attacking Miliband from the right must leave them crammed up against the wall quite hard. Only the media could see things that way. It reminds me of the stories on the Beeb when Blair was leader and there was talk of the non-existent challenge from Brown, where they talked of Blairites and Brownites, thus missing the point that Brown was a Blairite in his policies. So is Miliband you bozos. Where is that cigarette paper when you need it?
Oh right yeah of course its been a long weeknope, t'other way round, ukip had 8 before, gained 139
Who were "save your services" and why were tusc standing against them?
Where the independents on the left?, that would have come to a decent combined figure.
Froggie got in first
It's a decent result for a good working class candidate - It's the sort of result that if TUSC got consistently would be a basis on which to go forward with a bit of confidence in future elections. It's a shame you don't appear to have the character to acknowledge this and would rather reach for a dubious comparison like that so you can shit on what little positives they have for your own narcissistic amusement.
Depends which part of Labour your own about. Quite a hefty chunk of Progress, the PLP etc, want Labour to back the bedroom tax, and to try matching the Tories on cutting benefits - a policy which polling shows a fairly large chunk of w/c and lower m/c people support.
For all their faults I don't think that TUSC's opposition to the Bedroom Tax is insincere or simply a vain attempt to relive the Poll Tax stuff. And it's hardly surprising that a political organisation wants to campaign on issues that'll help the organisation grow - a political party that tries to increase it's size and influence? For Shame!
ymu said:Yeah. They were wrong so now they're useless.