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DUP and Tory f*ck up thread

Have to say though, that I can't see a way - at the moment - of them getting to give it a go. The DUP won't be voting against, so the best we can hope for there is an abstention. And while the likes of Clarke & Soubry might vote with Labour on less important bills, the idea of them siding with Labour on a confidence vote is inconceivable. So for now, I think the Tories are safe(ish).

Fuck knows really though. We seem to be in relatively uncharted territory.
Have to say though, that I can't see a way - at the moment - of them getting to give it a go. The DUP won't be voting against, so the best we can hope for there is an abstention. And while the likes of Clarke & Soubry might vote with Labour on less important bills, the idea of them siding with Labour on a confidence vote is inconceivable. So for now, I think the Tories are safe(ish).

Fuck knows really though. We seem to be in relatively uncharted territory.
The creationists will relent and back them next week.
Regarding the deputy speaker thing, looking it up, the convention is that, including the speaker, the four of them are chosen as two each from either side of the house so that they cancel each other out. So speaker and deputies are effectively out.
Have to say though, that I can't see a way - at the moment - of them getting to give it a go. The DUP won't be voting against, so the best we can hope for there is an abstention. And while the likes of Clarke & Soubry might vote with Labour on less important bills, the idea of them siding with Labour on a confidence vote is inconceivable. So for now, I think the Tories are safe(ish).

Fuck knows really though. We seem to be in relatively uncharted territory.

The problem comes when they're trying to get Brexit legislation through and find they can't do it and they can't reach a compromise. We can't go through five years of deadlock on that, so something will have to happen.
Have to say though, that I can't see a way - at the moment - of them getting to give it a go. The DUP won't be voting against, so the best we can hope for there is an abstention. And while the likes of Clarke & Soubry might vote with Labour on less important bills, the idea of them siding with Labour on a confidence vote is inconceivable. So for now, I think the Tories are safe(ish).

Fuck knows really though. We seem to be in relatively uncharted territory.
The pessimist in me sees this QS as an opportunity to ditch all the unpopular stuff from the manifesto. In due course, probably after the summer, they will ditch May, so they will have a new leader by October who is unencumbered by dementia tax, grammar schools, fox hunting or all the other guff.
The pessimist in me sees this QS as an opportunity to ditch all the unpopular stuff from the manifesto. In due course, probably after the summer, they will ditch May, so they will have a new leader by October who is unencumbered by dementia tax, grammar schools, fox hunting or all the other guff.
Sounds about right; damage limitation in the short-run, then bask in the glory of Brexit success medium term. I'm sure that's what they hope for.
The big issue over the next Parliament is going to be one thing Brexit and to what extent May and her cronies can fuck it up even further, they're not even capable of agreeing amongst themselves let alone with the EU
As for everything else in the Queens Speech here is a quick summary of points from the Beeb

a Civil Liability Bill, designed to address the "compensation culture" around motoring insurance claims
a Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill, establishing a Domestic Violence and Abuse Commissioner to stand up for victims and survivors and monitor the response of the authorities
a Tenant's Fees Bill, banning landlords from charging "letting fees"
a High-Speed Two Bill to authorise the second leg of the rail link from Birmingham to Crewe
A Data Protection Bill to strengthen individuals' rights and introduce a "right to be forgotten".
An Armed Forces Bill allowing people to serve on a part-time and flexible basis

I think they mean banning letting agents from charging tenant fees (which is f*cking outrageous) rather than landlords
Now they've dropped all the contentious right wing shit like expanding grammars and punishing people for having the temerity to be poor what's left is pretty sensible, the devil as always will be in the details but I would broadly expect Labour to support the above.

The fun and games will come when they have to pass a budget
Apparently the DUP want an extra "One Billion Dollars" (best doctor evil voice) for the NHS in Northern Ireland.

Presumably Queens is going to get a "state of art" gay conversion therapy wing, and a witch dunking pond in every village.
Apparently the DUP want an extra "One Billion Dollars" (best doctor evil voice) for the NHS in Northern Ireland.

Presumably Queens is going to get a "state of art" gay conversion therapy wing, and a witch dunking pond in every village.
pounds or dollars? this is actually a rational demand (Well the money is i'm guessing/hoping you're joking about the others). Something I saw earlier in the week was that the Orange Order were asking the DUP to demand the right to march downing Garvaghy Road shouting "Fuck yeah!"
May has backed herself into a corner where something totally reasonable like more money for health is a sticking point because it will cause discontent amongst other regions, best stock up on popcorn
the witch dunking is probably going to far
gay conversion not so much:(:facepalm:
the barnett formula rather precludes chucking a huge bribe at one region:hmm:
pounds or dollars? this is actually a rational demand (Well the money is i'm guessing/hoping you're joking about the others). Something I saw earlier in the week was that the Orange Order were asking the DUP to demand the right to march downing Garvaghy Road shouting "Fuck yeah!"
May has backed herself into a corner where something totally reasonable like more money for health is a sticking point because it will cause discontent amongst other regions, best stock up on popcorn

Pounds. It's an Austin Powers quote. A rational demand? It'd be like charging everyone in the rest of the uk £31 quid to give everyone in NI £1,100.
Pounds. It's an Austin Powers quote. A rational demand? It'd be like charging everyone in the rest of the uk £31 quid to give everyone in NI £1,100.
I said rational not acceptable or reasonable or doable, it is the sort of demand that intelligent and reasonable people that sit down around a table and thrash out the details (and yes i realise that description may be subject to debate) whether May is willing to charge the rest of us £31 so they can have their £1100 is something that she will need to decide and deal with the consequences of.
Not rational demands are such things teaching creationism in schools, requiring gays to pray themselves straight or chucking away the Good Friday agreement for 10 extra votes in Parliament
I said rational not acceptable or reasonable or doable, it is the sort of demand that intelligent and reasonable people that sit down around a table and thrash out the details (and yes i realise that description may be subject to debate) whether May is willing to charge the rest of us £31 so they can have their £1100 is something that she will need to decide and deal with the consequences of.
Not rational demands are such things teaching creationism in schools, requiring gays to pray themselves straight or chucking away the Good Friday agreement for 10 extra votes in Parliament

Okay so lets agree it's outrageous but not irrational...
the witch dunking is probably going to far
gay conversion not so much:(:facepalm:
the barnett formula rather precludes chucking a huge bribe at one region:hmm:
They've been doing it for years, 'United Kingdom' is a fucking joke when it comes down to 'regional spending' Scotland has been one of the most affluent areas of the UK for donkeys yet still benefits substantially from the BF, yet parts of the NE, one of the most deprived areas doesn't! yet we have to watch while Scotland offers bribes to attract investment!
They've been doing it for years, 'United Kingdom' is a fucking joke when it comes down to 'regional spending' Scotland has been one of the most affluent areas of the UK for donkeys yet still benefits substantially from the BF, yet parts of the NE, one of the most deprived areas doesn't! yet we have to watch while Scotland offers bribes to attract investment!

Mebbe your resentment should be directed towards Westminster rather than Scotland?
Just to note: By my rekoning, Theresa May will be the first tory to fail to win a General Election majority since Bonar Law in 1918 - the biggest failure of a conservative leader in a century.
On Slugger The DUP deal is nearly done. But they back a hard Brexit to thwart a customs border at the ports.
The £2billion demand – with £1billion spent on the National Health Service and £1billion on infrastructure – was made by the DUP this week.

The Telegraph story added the bizarre detail

It came as the DUP team decided not to answer their telephones for 36 hours to the Conservative team .

A source said: “They stopped answering their phones. It went on for 36 hours. Number 10 is putting in calls and they are not answering their phones.”

The concern is that these hard demands for cash will make it harder for the Tories and DUP to work together over the next five years.

The demand could cost the UK taxpayer billions more if any of the cash is judged to trigger spending elsewhere in the UK through the Barnett formula.

Typically £1 spent in the Province would require an additional £35 to be found for Scotland, England and Wales.
That would be a bung of £1,100 per person in N.I.; it implies £70 billion of public spending in total. Mostly paid for by English tax payers who are often visibly worse off than folk in the 6C. That's the sort of money the EU are demanding as dues on the UK flouncing. Or you might see it as taking a wrecking ball to the "dark tunnel of austerity" but to benefit the only part of the UK that retains a pre-Thatcherite public sector.

There'll surely be a fat bribe involved in any deal but the DUP are not admitting to those figures; it would basically be opportunistic looting. One thing is for sure with the DUP they'll just be thinking of it as a down payment to be renegotiated.

It's also been leaking out that the DUP think May's lot are really terrible negotiators. Though dipping No 11's pockets might be a bit short sighted as I can't think of a better way to plant the idea that the entire UK periphery is a greedy parasite best seceded from amongst the put upon English.
Liz wore a blue hat with blue flowers and yellow centres?
A bit of trolling going on as shes missing ascot?:hmm:

That was her pro Euro bunnet.

Well spotted. It won't have just been the only thing that wasn't at the laundrette.

According to reports, the Queens outfit is carefully chosen and selected, she can't have thought "I'll just wear the blue dress with the yellow bits in the hat" unwittingly. She may not be able to publicly express her view but I'd say that's as explicitly "fuck brexit" as she gets.
I love it, a woman wears a dress and you guys come out on form :D
We're not the only people who noticed

She's wearing a blue outfit with yellow dots, she may as well have walked into parliament to the sound of "ode to Joy" and delivered her speech in French.

That is pretty bait.
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