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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

Before you go any further, I would like you to prove your qualification to comment by giving a full run-down of your experience of opining on things that you do not have direct experience of. Thank you in advance.
Its not that difficult, Has anyone on this thread ever been to drag queen story time or not.
if someone has been then I am mistaken and will own it and of course listen to what they have to say.
If no one has a direct experience then there are still fifty pages , but I may regard these as less informed
Its not that difficult, Has anyone on this thread ever been to drag queen story time or not.
if someone has been then I am mistaken and will own it and of course listen to what they have to say.
If no one has a direct experience then there are still fifty pages , but I may regard these as less informed
Why do you think anybody cares what you (don't) think?
the other theory is, if someone says that they are a trans woman then that is what they are, sudden onset intermittent humungous boob syndrome neither here nor there. I'm pretty sure this was trolling, of the school or of "the left" idk.
I think Kayla actually says she is intersex and unfortunately has a condition that means she has naturally gigantic breasts.
I think Kayla actually says she is intersex and unfortunately has a condition that means she has naturally gigantic breasts.
and has been photographed while dressed as a man and without fake breasts. Which sheds doubt on everything this person has claimed.
I think Kayla actually says she is intersex and unfortunately has a condition that means she has naturally gigantic breasts.
It's pretty clear they are lying, though (specifically about the gigantic breasts, because they spend at least part of their time presenting as a man, with somewhat less remarkable boobs).
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Are you saying that there's nothing you could ever see in a Daily Mail report that might make you think 'that's a genuine issue of concern, despite the source'?
It'd need to be taken with a massive ladle of salt first.

ETA: I'm sure you realise that the Daily Mail has a massive far right axe to grind. It's fucking vile. Why should anyone with the slightest notion of justice, fairness, equality and a basic level of humanity take any notice of anything in that arse rag?
By faith, do you believing in something that there's no evidence for and, in fact, isn't really there... and then vilifying and making laws against anyone who doesn't also believe in that that thing that isn't there?
What I said was perfectly clear.
Are you saying that there's nothing you could ever see in a Daily Mail report that might make you think 'that's a genuine issue of concern, despite the source'?
From 10 years ago on a different thread... :D
What's your evidence base. Aside from tabloid journalism, I assume. You wouldn't be basing your argument solely on a few Daily Mail-type stories about the terrible things that teens get up to.
Its not that difficult, Has anyone on this thread ever been to drag queen story time or not.
if someone has been then I am mistaken and will own it and of course listen to what they have to say.
If no one has a direct experience then there are still fifty pages , but I may regard these as less informed
I think there's a number of people on this thread, myself included, who've been to counterprotests outside the events, but not sure if anyone's actually been inside, if that helps.
Are you saying that there's nothing you could ever see in a Daily Mail report that might make you think 'that's a genuine issue of concern, despite the source'?
I think there's quite a big middle ground between "there is no way I could ever be concerned about anything that was mentioned in a Daily Mail article" and "I think on this particular occasion that people are right to be concerned that these two mums have organised an event for other mums that's actually part of a paedo grooming plot".
From 10 years ago on a different thread... :D
Blimey, that's one of the most impressive deployments of The Files I've seen in a while.
Its not that difficult, Has anyone on this thread ever been to drag queen story time or not.
if someone has been then I am mistaken and will own it and of course listen to what they have to say.
If no one has a direct experience then there are still fifty pages , but I may regard these as less informed
so you only skim read the thread before butting in because this post answers that question
I think you're missing the point here. It's not a matter of whether or not we'd take our kids to these events. It's about encouraging hatred of the "other" or anything different or remotely "transgressive". It could be Gypsies or Jews one day, LGB people (without Trans) the next. Current bugbears of conservative, reactionary twats are asylum seekers and trans people. As bellaozzydog says, it's about finding anyone to blame, scapegoating anyone other than the real fuckers in the boss class and the assorted political scum.

Anyone who's banging on with the tedious "think of the children" shite on here needs to wise up because you've been had. Our real enemies are making a mug of you.
There's a lot of antisemitic code and canards out there, too. Especially on social media and often badly moderated. The hatred of "others" is amplified online and one way of doing it is claiming that the majority is under attack/its children are under attack or being controlled.
If the Mail is the only source and it wasn't backed up by others? I'd absolutely treat it as nonsense. They do just regularly flat out lie about things.

I’m going to gently hazard that this is not what Santino meant.
There's a lot of antisemitic code and canards out there, too. Especially on social media and often badly moderated. The hatred of "others" is amplified online and one way of doing it is claiming that the majority is under attack/its children are under attack or being controlled.
And every synagogue service in england far as I know has security people outside, from the community, manning the entrance, just in case, always has far as I can recall. This is seen as just normal though not any kind of alarming situation that people in general should worry about or offer to help with.
Its not that difficult, Has anyone on this thread ever been to drag queen story time or not.
if someone has been then I am mistaken and will own it and of course listen to what they have to say.
If no one has a direct experience then there are still fifty pages , but I may regard these as less informed
🙋‍♀️ I’ve been to drag story time, just not one run/performed by the drag queen whose story times sparked all the protests. I follow them on other social media though.

Though I think I’m still under 10 posts on this thread so most of the 50 pages won’t have come from me ;)
Are you saying that there's nothing you could ever see in a Daily Mail report that might make you think 'that's a genuine issue of concern, despite the source'?

Well in that case perhaps you might see how or if it's being reported elsewhere. With this story you might find out what the event organisers have to say, or the performers, or parents who attended, and if they haven't been reached out to for quotes you might ask why. You might ask if a few pics and a very short video is really reflective of the event overall and given the tone of the story whether it is written to encourage you to view it in a certain way.

You might even wonder if your own prejudices are coming into play and try and look at things from a different point of view - is it sexual, is that what the performer thinks, or the audience, or the babies? Is it ideological or just a bit of fun? Is it reasonable that some parents might think well my baby won't know what's going on so it's okay. Are there comparators amongst other kinds of event which aren't perhaps so queer coded and did they make you feel this way? Why are they talking about safeguarding, where is the evidence of harm? Is that feeling in your gut a genuine concern for danger or a manifestation of unexamined homophobia (which we all possess to some degree)?
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