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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

Criticising Islam is not in any way racist, nor is criticising any religion on rational grounds. Attacking Muslims is most definitely racist and that's what the far right does, while using "criticising islam" as a bullshit excuse. Islamophobia however is a problematic term that conflates legitimate criticism of religious nonsense with racism against mostly brown people of a certain religion, or attacking people for a religion they hold, or a religious group they were born into.

Anyway, the black and brown stripes in the progress flag are definitely meant to represent people of colour, not because of racism among LGBT+ people but because it was felt that black and brown people were often left out of mainstream and "official" LGBT+ narratives. Fuck all to do with scat.
Islamophobia however is a problematic term that conflates legitimate criticism of religious nonsense with racism against mostly brown people of a certain religion, or attacking people for a religion they hold, or a religious group they were born into.
Yeah, I would say the term anti-Muslim bigotry might be better but definitely just the word racist/racism.
Is also bizarre how people don't even think to fact-check the most basic things when they align with their prejudices e.g. the meaning of brown stripe in the progress flag.
I mean, that's the trouble with social media. Some random could post 'I saw [Drag Queen] doing story time with 3 year old and he was wearing hot pants and a bra and made a joke about eating cum' and it'd be all over the place thanks to Outraged of Tunbridge Wells long before said drag queen has been able share images of herself in a ballgown, doing nothing more than reading Tabby McTat, which Outraged's pals would never see anyway.
Not really sure how to deal with that.
Is that an accusation of racism towards the gay liberation movement?
Just emphasising their contribution surely? And there is plenty of racism in the lgbt community. Personally I don't like the progress flag as it has too many stripes and just seems like they're trying to chuck everything in but the message is pretty positive imo
Funnily enough, the rainbow stripes all have a significance, can't remember what what without looking it up. I do know the original design also contained two extra stripes, pink and turquoise.
I mean, that's the trouble with social media. Some random could post 'I saw [Drag Queen] doing story time with 3 year old and he was wearing hot pants and a bra and made a joke about eating cum' and it'd be all over the place thanks to Outraged of Tunbridge Wells long before said drag queen has been able share images of herself in a ballgown, doing nothing more than reading Tabby McTat, which Outraged's pals would never see anyway.
It never fails to dismay me how bloody stupid some people are, and how easily they believe everything they read on Facebook.
there's an explanation (it's possible there's more than one) of the rainbow flag here.

this is not to be confused with the 'hanky code' in which gay men would have one (or more) coloured hankies visible in one of their back pockets, the colour indicating a particular preference or fetish, and wearing it in the left or right pocket indicating which way round you prefer doing that. (more here) - not sure it ever caught on in a big way in the uk, possibly within the leather / s+m sort of scenes. maybe that's what these nurks are thinking of...
VICE has interviewed Sab, the drag queen, following the protest in Brighton yesterday, which sadly had some success because 2 out of the 3 events ended-up being cancelled, the behaviour of the loons is dreadful.

On Thursday, Samuel was blocked from driving out of a car park following a story hour session at Brighton’s Jubilee library. The protesters, prominent COVID “truther” influencers who subscribe to a bogus sovereign citizen ideology – which they mistakenly believe places them above the law – blocked his exit with their vehicles, while calling him a “paedophile” and yelling: “Why are you grooming children?”

The confrontation, and the aggressive protests that took place outside the venue, resulted in two subsequent “drag queen story hour” performances in the area being cancelled on Thursday. The altercation was the most significant flashpoint so far amid a series of protests targeting the drag queen story hour tour since it began last month, instigated by COVID conspiracists and far-right groups such as Patriotic Alternative which have mobilised heavily over the issue.

Speaking to VICE World News exclusively in the nearby Hove library, following the postponement of the event in the venue, Samuel said he believed he would have been kidnapped if he had been alone. He said he would now reappraise his security arrangements.

“I've had threats of being kidnapped by these people, and it is extremely clear to me that if I had been available to throw into one of those big cars, I probably wouldn't be seen again,” he said.

Samuel said he had received death threats over the tour, been threatened with bleach attacks, and seen opponents boast that they were prepared to go to jail to stop him. On Telegram channels, militant COVID conspiracists have threatened to “arrest” him – a tactic favoured by sovereign citizens against their perceived enemies, and which he had previously been threatened with at a story hour event in Reading, a town in southeast England.

A few of these DQSTs around were supposed to take place in different library branches on the same day, but they had to reduce them to one appearance as safety couldn’t be guaranteed for the performer moving from venue to venue, rather than at the events themselves.
Tomorrow’s event has been reduced to two sessions at the central library, where there’s lots of space outside to have two separate protesting areas and loads of ‘escape’ routes.
Police didn’t have the resources to cover multiple venues across the city. It’s first-of-the-season sportsball match day tomorrow so they were already stretched as it is.
A few of these DQSTs around were supposed to take place in different library branches on the same day, but they had to reduce them to one appearance as safety couldn’t be guaranteed for the performer moving from venue to venue, rather than at the events themselves.
Tomorrow’s event has been reduced to two sessions at the central library, where there’s lots of space outside to have two separate protesting areas and loads of ‘escape’ routes.
Police didn’t have the resources to cover multiple venues across the city. It’s first-of-the-season sportsball match day tomorrow so they were already stretched as it is.

That's understandable, but it's also sad, as the Patriotic Alternative will see that as a partial victory, as per the loons in Brighton yesterday, when 2 out of 3 events were also cancelled.
I've known someone who did DQST and also know a child that would likely benefit from going to one themselves. The whole thing is utter fucking shit for all of those involved. It's part of a wider narrative and doubt it will stop here.
'There shouldn't be a gay pub this near where families live!', 'This lgbtq cabaret venue is only 800m from a school, it's not safe!' :mad:
Yeah, this kind of shit is just the thin end of the wedge. These people have already proven that they can be manipulated by the far-right. The same scum who want all LGBTQ+ folk (including bisexuals like me) to be either dead, or forcibly shoved so deep into the closet that we'll never be able to be our true selves in public. Fuckin' stomp em out.
Criticising Islam is not in any way racist, nor is criticising any religion on rational grounds. Attacking Muslims is most definitely racist and that's what the far right does, while using "criticising islam" as a bullshit excuse. Islamophobia however is a problematic term that conflates legitimate criticism of religious nonsense with racism against mostly brown people of a certain religion, or attacking people for a religion they hold, or a religious group they were born into.

Anyway, the black and brown stripes in the progress flag are definitely meant to represent people of colour, not because of racism among LGBT+ people but because it was felt that black and brown people were often left out of mainstream and "official" LGBT+ narratives. Fuck all to do with scat.

At the risk of diverting, I think a lot of islamophobia takes the form of mining the Quran for fear mongering purposes. Just as anti-semitism often takes the same form mining the Talmud/Torah. When people point out something horrendous in say, The Book of Revelation, it's understood that Christians generally don't take it too literally or hedge it in some way. But the same understanding is not extended to Islam which is often seen as alien and dangerous. Whether or not that's racism per se, fuck that shit.
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At the risk of diverting, I think a lot of islamophobia takes the form of mining the Quran for fear mongering purposes. Just as anti-semitism often takes the same form mining the Talmud/Torah. When people point out something horrendous in say, The Book of Revelation, it's understood that Christians generally don't take it too literally or hedge it in some way. But the same understanding is not extended to Islam which is often seen as alien and dangerous. Whether or not that's racism per se, fuck that shit.
you don't need to look as far as the book of revelations when there are so many horrendous things in the old testament let alone the new.
At the risk of diverting, I think a lot of islamophobia takes the form of mining the Quran for fear mongering purposes. Just as anti-semitism often takes the same form mining the Talmud/Torah. When people point out something horrendous in say, The Book of Revelation, it's understood that Christians generally don't take it too literally or hedge it in some way. But the same understanding is not extended to Islam which is often seen as alien and dangerous. Whether or not that's racism per se, fuck that shit.
2 kings 2 23-25
the he going to bethel is the prophet elisha
2 kings 2 23-25
the he going to bethel is the prophet elisha
View attachment 336099
And the modern shits who attempt to explain and justify that story:

At the risk of diverting, I think a lot of islamophobia takes the form of mining the Quran for fear mongering purposes. Just as anti-semitism often takes the same form mining the Talmud/Torah. When people point out something horrendous in say, The Book of Revelation, it's understood that Christians generally don't take it too literally or hedge it in some way. But the same understanding is not extended to Islam which is often seen as alien and dangerous. Whether or not that's racism per se, fuck that shit.

I don’t think you need to play games with context to find really nasty shit in the Quran, but then you don’t in the Bible either. It was written by people who were going through and reacting to nasty shit to a fair extent tbf.

The thing with religious nuts is they never read their own texts. And some are just nasty sorts looking for justifications obv.
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