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Douglas Murray is a skid mark

Any elaboration? It must really upset you to see that someone dares think like he does. Personally I quite like the plurality which makes things a little more entertaining. Why do people like you get so incensed by these things? Seriously why?

You're labouring under a massive delusion if you believe that Murray engages his brain. If he did so, he wouldn't talk such tosh.
Nope, he follows the tried and tested path of the provocateur. He watches to see where the scabs are, and then he picks them. It's hardly original or interesting, but I suppose it gets him some shekels, so I doubt he's unhappy with the outcome.
5/10 - well written but overplayed. I advise splitting the ad hominem from the commentary, it's more believable, and only bringing up "class bias" at a later stage.

duly noted, 'tis a mountain from a mole hill. I thought this thread had died weeks ago but when someone has a pop at me I feel inclined to pop back. tbh believability was never the aim given the rather insurmountable task I have of trying to convince another living (or dead) urbanite that Douglas Murray might have anything at all to contribute to anything.


Of course he's a provocateur, he's selling himself like everyone else on QT. I've seen each programme he's been on though and can't say I disagreed with everything he said. He mentioned the problems of the NHS, arguing that perhaps the current model isn't working (and perhaps we'll have to move towards privatisation), he pointed out that the Hammas Charter isn't something we want to associate with and pointed out that the media shouldn't be given or give out sensitive information because of security issues. That's just three things which quite a few people in the UK happen to think. Oh, and he added that Iraqi people are capable of acting democratically. I'm not starting his fanclub, far from it, but why keep inviting him back on? Why do people clap at what he says?
I just watched Newsnight just now.

I noticed that Douglas Murray had some kind of tension in his wrists, he kept rubbing and holding them, clenching his fists and his eye movements were erratic, as was his style of speaking/ranting. Add to that his over-arrogance, methinks this guy is a cokehead.

All I'm guessing is how many lines this guy snorted up before going on the programme?

Nasty personality, I'll agree.

He actually looks like someone teetering on the edge of losing their mind to me. He seems very highly strung to me (and that's a kind way of putting it).
why keep inviting him back on?

Well, that's an easy one. Or, at least, it has the same answer as "why keep Melanie Phillips on The Moral Maze?" (The question "why have The Moral Maze at all?" is connected but not identical.) The BBC seem to have a terror of being thought to have "liberal bias" and that is a terrific environment for an articulate illiberal to exploit, no matter how barking they might be. He can handle himself on TV or radio without coaching, will reliably come up with something to fill airtime, and certainly can't be said to be a leftie liberal PC fascist etc.
He (Douglas Murray) does not exactly help himself in convincing anybody that he is not a cunt.

He doesn't want to convince anyone of that. He's a controversialist, a Richard Littlejohn for those who find the real thing too raw.

Think of him as Ann Coulter with about a smidgen more intelligence and a less prominent and manly Adam's apple.
He was on TV this morning (The Big Question, alongisde Kelvin MackEnzie, AND discussing BOTH sharia law AND welfare - surprisingly the universe seems to have survived).

I don't think I could point to a more odious commentator.

He comes across as the most arrogant, spoilt, private school brat you could imagine. Both snide and rude; he made a cheap hand-over-mouth quip while a spokesman from socialist worker raised the point about tax evasion costing more than welfare that he was surprised there were still socialists.

Throughly unpleasant pig of a man.
First time I'd seen him. He and McKenzie presented as a pair of monied, shit-stirring, loud mouthed yobs. Nicky Campbell repeatedly allowed them to shout down other guests.

A most unpleasant spectacle.
Yes I noticed he never did return, despite saying it twice, to the Socialist Worker spokesman. What a surprise. Not that i expected much from a 20 minute debate dominated by loudmoth mckenzie.

the whole debate inevitably missed the point. asking if people freeload is utterly erroneous.
That the 'The Big Question' has become trashy, worthless rabble-rousing is easy to see.

Today's 'show' touched on the Archbishop of Canterbury's recent comments on the possibility of some kind of "accomodation" with traditional muslim dispute settlement procedures. But they went into this without bothering to educate the studio audience about Beth Din (which has obvious parallels and which we already enjoy). If the producers were decent and sincere, I think they could have taken a different approach. They could have informed the audience and viewers about Beth Din. They could have explained why it was introduced and the the effect it has had on allowing Jewish people to feel at home in their own country. And then they could have asked "is there any reason why Jews (but not Muslims) should have their culture respected in this way ...
In Jewish Law, Jewish parties are forbidden to take their civil disputes to a secular court and are required to have those disputes adjudicated by a Beth Din. The London Beth Din sits as an arbitral tribunal in respect of civil disputes and the parties to any such dispute are required to sign an Arbitration Agreement prior to a hearing taking place. The effect of this is that the award given by the Beth Din has the full force of an Arbitration Award and may be enforced (with prior permission of the Beth Din) by the civil courts. At a hearing before the Dayanim, the parties do not require legal representation although they are allowed to have legal or other representation.
Instead, the 'The Big Question' producers foistered a load of ill-informed rabble-rousing nonsense onto the airwaves.

After today, attack-dog day, there can be no doubt that "The Big Question" is a deeply distasteful and morally bankrupt charade of a show.
First time I'd seen him. He and McKenzie presented as a pair of monied, shit-stirring, loud mouthed yobs. Nicky Campbell repeatedly allowed them to shout down other guests.

A most unpleasant spectacle.

It's an awful programme made worse by the presence of Campbell and his choice of vile, reactionary guests. Bring back the Heaven and Earth Show (not really).
Just what is the centre for social cohesion supposed to be about?
Scapegoating to distract attention from the wealthy and over-privileged looters who finance it, I think. With an implicit view that "Social cohesion can be enhanced by scapegoating minorities".

Looks like they have the BBC's Religion and Ethics's folks on board too.

Patriotism having become unsatisfying in a world of mutually dependent states, it is religion that is now the last resort of the scoundrel.


Ewwwwww, he sounds dreadful, but this thread title caught my eye, in the "new posts" list, and it made LMFHO :D
I don't normally do threads about people I dislike but this cunt is something else. Did anyone see him on question time last night? it was the first time and hopefully the last time i've ever seen him, he is quite possibly the most smug, rude and arrogant little shit i've ever come accross. He has the view that the Iraq war is a good idea and the NHS is a bad idea that will never work.

Here's a fucking idea mate, how about stop spending billions of pounds invading countries we know fuck all about, and spend the money on building new hospitals, getting them up to scratch and giving all those doctors who have recently finished training a job.

KILL HIM IN THE FACE :mad: :mad: :mad:

Can you please put him in the slap gallery Editor? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.


I don't know who the fuck he is so he must be a new Labour minister right?
I don't know who the fuck he is so he must be a new Labour minister right?

Nah, he is one of those talking heads that are on the telly every so often. He is part of a think tank called 'the center for social cohesion'. A proper proper PROPER cunt.
Nah, he is one of those talking heads that are on the telly every so often. He is part of a think tank called 'the center for social cohesion'. A proper proper PROPER cunt.

Its a shame these think tanks didn't actually meet some ordinary people to see how THEY live
Bilderberg, eh?


I'm just one of them 'conspiraloons' who think Diana's death might not have been an accident, the Deepcut soldiers deaths might not have been suicide and there might just have been SOMETHINg suspicious about the death of Dabid Kelly

I'm mental me!
I'm just one of them 'conspiraloons' who think Diana's death might not have been an accident, the Deepcut soldiers deaths might not have been suicide and there might just have been SOMETHINg suspicious about the death of Dabid Kelly

I'm mental me!
So is the skidmark and his ho'
Douglas Murray, and James Purnell.
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