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Douglas Murray is a skid mark

I didn't catch it all. But the bit I saw was enough for me to agree with you.

However, you do your argument no favours by adding that photo. On telly he was a smug horrid person, but he seems to be quite photogenic, because that photo makes me think phwoooargh! :oops:
AnnO'Neemus said:
I didn't catch it all. But the bit I saw was enough for me to agree with you.

However, you do your argument no favours by adding that photo. On telly he was a smug horrid person, but he seems to be quite photogenic, because that photo makes me think phwoooargh! :oops:

I agree he is photogenic, it was the only pic I could find of him on google.

I put it up hoping he'd be put in the slap gallery, there surely must be a better one that illustrates his repulsiveness.

Here we go:

Smoky said:
I agree he is photogenic, it was the only pic I could find of him on google.

I put it up hoping he'd be put in the slap gallery, there surely must be a better one that illustrates his repulsiveness.

Here we go:

He is a rather tense and uncomfortable little man.

What's his problem?

How can we have social cohesion when we give the terrorists every excuse for their action, and when we destroy other countries without any legal mandate?

How can one man be so blinkered?

I suspect arguing with him is like arguing with a reglisiou nut; his internal logic is so perfect he can counter everything.

I note he couldn't make eye contact with anyone.
That picture enough is enough to get my blood up. He's one of those people (like Peter Hitchens and Hazel Blears) of whom the mere sight is enough to throw me into a rage. Fortunately I wasn't watching QT last night. I saw him last time he was on and that's more than enough for me.
Wookey said:
A dishily intense little man. I rather like him. In a strictly perverse way.

I'd suggest you go wire your gonads to the mains, but you'd probably enjoy it! :p

MInd you, I did say to my wife, while watching QT, "I bet that twat has got a fanclub among our gay brethren". :D
A horrid little man, must have been shafted at Prep school. But even more spooky, every time, is the image of Dianne Abbott and Portillo - he really really scares me.
wishface said:
He is a rather tense and uncomfortable little man.

What's his problem?
Absolutely massive haemorrhoids, going by the look on his face.
How can we have social cohesion when we give the terrorists every excuse for their action, and when we destroy other countries without any legal mandate?

How can one man be so blinkered?
Easy, he's taking the rightwing shilling.
I suspect arguing with him is like arguing with a reglisiou nut; his internal logic is so perfect he can counter everything.
He comes across more as a polemicist than as a debater, not willing to argue points because, as you say, his logic is, to him, perfect.
I note he couldn't make eye contact with anyone.
Odd, that.
I noticed he kept stealing glances at Charlie Bell, though. Hmmmmmm...
Nemo said:
That picture enough is enough to get my blood up. He's one of those people (like Peter Hitchens and Hazel Blears) of whom the mere sight is enough to throw me into a rage. Fortunately I wasn't watching QT last night. I saw him last time he was on and that's more than enough for me.

Just imagine an episode with Hitchens, Blears, Murray, Mandelson, Littlejohn and Galloway on it. :D
ViolentPanda said:
Trans: "Universities should only allow people of my quality to attend".

IME the education given to a lot of the "élite" at high-powered universities is wasted because they don't actually think about anything apart from how much of a sin it is to have an opinion.
Wookey said:
[Charlie Bell is] A dishily intense little man. I rather like him. In a strictly perverse way.

He talked a fair bit of sense, and ... well, I felt a wee bit guilty when I found out he's only 18... ;) :oops: :D

As for the odious Murray, I rarely shout at the TV these days, but he had me close to it on one or two occasions. What a complete cock...
Sayeeda Warsi is the Conservative shadow Minister for Community Cohesion. Douglas Murray - or Son of Simon Heffer as he is also known- is a contrarian troll.

Im watching Question Time from last night on the BBC site. He got his arse kicked repeatedly by teenagers!
Question Time - what a joke programe. I was on my way to a heart attack so I stopped watching it.

A right-wing wing love fest it is.
So we're all agreed then? he should be placed in the slap gallery? cause I don't know about you, but I would happily donate some of my precious time here on earth to electronically slapping his repugnant, smug little face.
Smoky said:
So we're all agreed then? he should be placed in the slap gallery? cause I don't know about you, but I would happily donate some of my precious time here on earth to electronically slapping his repugnant, smug little face.

i would, but tbh he's such an inconsequential little turd that a couple of months from now we'll all have forgotten who he is.

Simon Heffer, Melanie Phillips, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and the obnoxious neocon Bruce anderson (who for some inexplicable reason writes for the liberal Independent) would all be better candidates.

editor...? :D
I caught the first 20 minutes of QT and I'd noticed that he spent a great deal of time talking over the other guests.

Another nasty, one-dimensional twat with a megaphone and no sense of history.
Roadkill said:
i would, but tbh he's such an inconsequential little turd that a couple of months from now we'll all have forgotten who he is.

Simon Heffer, Melanie Phillips, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and the obnoxious neocon Bruce anderson (who for some inexplicable reason writes for the liberal Independent) would all be better candidates.

editor...? :D
Another vote for Simon Heffer or Andrew Roberts, please let it be Andrew Roberts.
Actually, whoever it was who objected to describing Murray as a cum stain is quite right. Cum stains mean something nice has happened in the recent past. Murray is more like a large, slimy bogey.
Quite right on the cum stain issue, I have politley requested to Crispy that the title be edited to give Murray the more accurate description of a shit stain.
Smoky said:
Quite right on the cum stain issue, I have politley requested to Crispy that the title be edited to give Murray the more accurate description of a shit stain.

Skid mark :)
cum is productive - reproductive, in fact - he is not.

what an odious, blinkered, frightened little man he must be.

what a sad world he lives in.
wishface said:
cum is productive - reproductive, in fact - he is not.

what an odious, blinkered, frightened little man he must be.

what a sad world he lives in.

Yeah a cum stain is a result of a pleasurable experience and one that has a purpose.

A skid mark is a result of someone not whiping their arse properly, and it made me laugh quite alot, probably a bit too much for a 25 year old :oops: but I haven't heard the term for ages and it describes him perfectly :D
Nemo said:
Yeah, she's a fucking lackwit. One of the most idiotic Labour politicians they've had on in a while.

As for Douglas Murray, I spent most of the time he was talking swearing frenziedly at the TV. What an utter wanker.

Funnily enough, I found myself in agreement with about 80% of what he said. Certainly, the presentation could have been a tad less histrionic, but there was huge approval from the audience.
Who lets this fucking cunt on telly?


I got up especially to voice my opinion that he is a cunt, and I am about to email Question Time AGAIN.

He has dead eyes, like wells full of murdered kittens.
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