Try and elaborate, it will lend you more credibility. I imagine though your next move will be to defiantly state that you don't need any from me or Douglas Murray or anyone else.
People like you: people who undoubtedly have a strong ideological opposition to anything and everything mentioned by the new right and are clearly of such conviction for whatever opinions) they hold that they think invective alone is enough.
I think Muray's very entertaining, can't say I agree with everythin he says, especially in his book on neoconservatism which has some black holes and unecessary spat time but I do like the fact that he's prepared to come up against the comfortable hegemony of opinion on certain subjects. His main problem, as far as I see it, is his background. He'd be better off being from a working class neighbourhood and have a regional accent. Oh and the suits are pretty sharp. I think he went to Eton too, so he's likely to be vilified before he even opens his mouth.