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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.


Maybe I was loud /argumentative because I was following the thread in a disjointed way myself.

The thread probably does read differently when it’s moving than when it’s read start to finish. Well I know it does cos that’s how threads always read. Like, bunfights always look and feel very different during vs after.

I guess I’m pressing the point because to me it doesn’t look like there’s enough recognition of what I perceive to be significant danger.
It feels to me like there’s a wide spread complacency (everywhere) about how well Harris is doing (the closing of the gap notwithstanding.)
I’d be very glad to be wrong about that.

I’m certainly no political intellectual but I’m pretty good at reading the zeitgeist; what’s currently going on in America feels deeply worrying to me, in a way that exceeds what I see and read anywhere.

(E.g. the day after the first debate in the 2016 campaign I knew without any doubt at all that Trump would win, and never wavered in my certainty. It felt unsettling. And I’m having similar gut feelings now.)

My opinion has changed back and forth during this campaign. I’m paying close attention to what Trump supporters are saying because it was listening to them that gave me the clues last time.

That’s why I’m including the comments etc that I posted up there. I posted them because I find them useful as part of my own observations. If others find them redundant or distracting or irrelevant I can easily not share that stuff again.
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oh - they have different meanings? i thought it was just a US/UK thing.

It’s both. (I think)
But program has been adopted in some quarters (probably because of Silicon Valley) to refer to computer stuff. (I think)

I could be entirely wrong about that. Or it might be something that’s labile at the moment.

I sometimes get muddled because of my American connections.
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I guess I’m pressing the point because to me it doesn’t look like there’s enough recognition of what I perceive to be significant danger. It feels to me like there’s a wide spread complacency (everywhere) about how well Harris is doing (the closing of the gap notwithstanding.)
I’d be very glad to be wrong about that.

Honestly, I think you're reading that incorrectly. That you're mistaking positivity towards Harris on here as complacency, when all it really is is desperate hope that somehow, despite everything she's up against, that America, come Nov, will rise to the occasion and come good again. I don't think anyone on here - or elsewhere for that matter - is under the impression that sanity must and will prevail.

Staying positive and focused on positivity is all that we can do in the interim in order to remain sane.
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I find it a little odd that Trump can say really insulting things about people in and outside the room, but he doesn't swear. It kind of sounds like he must be swearing but of course he isn't.

I liked when Harris went on the direct offensive against Trump and looked at him while she said it, he looked a bit shocked that someone could play his game back at him.
I find it a little odd that Trump can say really insulting things about people in and outside the room, but he doesn't swear. It kind of sounds like he must be swearing but of course he isn't.

I liked when Harris went on the direct offensive against Trump and looked at him while she said it, he looked a bit shocked that someone could play his game back at him.
Going for the Conservative anti 'cursing' vote
I find it a little odd that Trump can say really insulting things about people in and outside the room, but he doesn't swear. It kind of sounds like he must be swearing but of course he isn't.

I liked when Harris went on the direct offensive against Trump and looked at him while she said it, he looked a bit shocked that someone could play his game back at him.
I found this.

If you read or scroll down to what Billy Graham said about Nixon I think Graham is rather silly.
I thought Harris was terrific and really made Trump look ridiculous which he is/was. She’s her own person and doesn’t need aggression to get her point across. She’s very clever and very calm. I think Trump should be worried and probably is. Watching CNN earlier most presenters and commentators were bordering on either laughing or smirking. I don’t think they could help it. Unprofessional? Some might think so, but I think Kamala Harris’s debating skills and technique has burst Trump’s bullshit bubble.

The contrast between sanity and insanity was crystal clear but yes Americans must not be complacent. They must get out and vote.
Honestly, I think you're reading that incorrectly. That you're mistaking positivity towards Harris on here as complacency, when all it really is is desperate hope that somehow, despite everything she's up against, that America, come Nov, will rise to the occasion and come good again. I don't think anyone on here - or elsewhere for that matter - is under the impression that sanity must and will prevail.

Staying positive and focused on positivity is all that we can do in the interim in order to remain sane.


I’ll back off and keep reading.
Honestly, I think you're reading that incorrectly. That you're mistaking positivity towards Harris on here as complacency, when all it really is is desperate hope that somehow, despite everything she's up against, that America, come Nov, will rise to the occasion and come good again. I don't think anyone on here - or elsewhere for that matter - is under the impression that sanity must and will prevail.

Staying positive and focused on positivity is all that we can do in the interim in order to remain sane.

Yeah, all I see is people hoping against hope, really.

I have to say, Trump was better than expected in those excerpts. He was mostly using full sentences and real words and didn't walk around behind Kamala like he was trying to stick a "kick me" paper on her back.
I can just imagine trumpies going "yay" as he landed each of his killer blows .. they're eating your pets ... biggest crowds in the history of politics ... nobody goes to her rallies ... Afghanistan was the most embarrassing day in the history of America ...
Every single Trump supporter I know personally was a bully in high school, and often beyond high school. They recognize their own.

A great deal of the support Trump had here over Menie cold equally be described as bullying cunts. Loyalists, misogynists, football thugs etc. He certainly appealed strongly to that mindset.

And my ex, now at least. Back then, she hated him with some vengeance but has gone right down that rabbit hole in all the worst ways over the years since.
I guessed Trump was gonna win in 2016 too. This time i think its gonna be Harris but I'm much less certain of that than I'd like to be and I think it will be by a lower margin than people expect too.
Trump’s team are claiming to be pursuing a similar strategy to the Brexit vote, working to get people out voting who don’t normally vote so that they win even if it doesn’t reflect public opinion overall. All the lies and bullshit help this.

We probably aren’t seeing his hidden campaign on social media because we won’t be targeted by it and won’t be able to call out the bullahit. But with Silicon Valley billionaires and Russia on his team it’s likely to be highly efffective unfortunately. Let’s hope the democrats can get their vote out, but I’m not hopeful.
Unfortunately I don't think it's that simple. I used to know a couple of people who had been on the far left (indeed thats how i met them) who went to the alt right who had mental health problems or other issues to do with some sort of trauma and they ended up blaming trans people and 'leftists' and ultimately going towards trump and MAGA after alienating all their friends. :(
I bet a lot of them don't even truly want an America as it might well be under a second Trump presidency. The consumption of conspiracy theories and factionalism as some kind of entertainment or celebrity rather than the reality of shrill fascism, upheaval and societal crises and degradation.
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