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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

That’s common or garden social proof, though, a la Robert Cialdini - you don’t need to be a nudge theorist to use those methods.
Yeah, this is true. But I think it’s fair to say that all psychological models are just metaphors that partially describe reality, rather than any one being definitively “true” in some kind of logical positivist way
Trump’s team are claiming to be pursuing a similar strategy to the Brexit vote, working to get people out voting who don’t normally vote so that they win even if it doesn’t reflect public opinion overall. All the lies and bullshit help this.

We probably aren’t seeing his hidden campaign on social media because we won’t be targeted by it and won’t be able to call out the bullahit. But with Silicon Valley billionaires and Russia on his team it’s likely to be highly efffective unfortunately. Let’s hope the democrats can get their vote out, but I’m not hopeful.

^This is why I subscribe to right-wing sites and registered as a Republican. The odd thing is that I'm pretty sure they know I'm not one of them, even though I don't post, I just lurk. For example, I've gotten none of the usual campaign literature from the Republicans. I get some from the Democrats.

So they have a detailed profile on everyone.
I'm fed up of the neighbourhood cats shitting all over my garden and catching the wild birds. Anyone know if there are some immigrants who want to move into my estate? If Trump is right, they would be most welcome!
i don't want to post a link, the details are awful, but someone in another ohio town did kill and eat of a cat. there's police bodycam of the arrest. she's an American and trumpers are passing her off as a Haitian in Springfield.

remember, there is no bottom.

I had a neighbor lady that was poisoning dogs because they chased her cats. She was no Haitian.
I mean, I was half asleep, so could have imagined it but at one point did Trump suggest Harris was in favour of aborting babies after they were born? Ie, murdering them? And had to be corrected by the moderator?

He says this quite a bit at his rallies and his supporters eat it up.
you can be people.in America are weird was watching the news yesterday in rural Georgia and they had two old white fella saying they were voting for trump because Harris has been in 3 and half years and had not brought industry's back to their state. and trump had promised would bring it back


He must have missed the part where Trump was in there for four years and didn't bring his job back.
Is there a leftwing Labour Party? They weren't on the ballot paper on East Ham.
Well, no, not now, they've moved too far to the centre, arguably tipped over into right of centre with their let's keep hungry children living in poverty and let's kill pensioners to prove we're fiscally responsible and keep the markets happy policies/votes.

I was signposting where they (ostensibly) are on the UK political spectrum for frogwoman who seems to be based in the US.
I'm still scared.

I am too. Even if Trump loses, the people who wrote Project 2025 will still be out there pushing their agenda. They'll smoothly transition to another candidate that will push it. They'll fund think tanks and professorships that will push their ideology. IMHO, these nebulous religious groups that back him, the Heritage Foundation, and ALEC are even more scary than Trump ever thought of being. They don't see Democracy as a good thing. The crazy shit we see has taken decades to develop, it's not going away soon.
I am too. Even if Trump loses, the people who wrote Project 2025 will still be out there pushing their agenda. They'll smoothly transition to another candidate that will push it. They'll fund think tanks and professorships that will push their ideology. IMHO, these nebulous religious groups that back him, the Heritage Foundation, and ALEC are even more scary than Trump ever thought of being. They don't see Democracy as a good thing. The crazy shit we see has taken decades to develop, it's not going away soon.
Sounds a bit like Project for the New American Century for a new era. The architects of PNAC already pre-formulated their intention to invade Iraq and just needed Bush junior to be voted in in order to make it happen.

ETA: I've just been taking a closer look at Project 2025. Eek!

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Talk about displacement activity. Harris put Trump off his stride from the moment she came onstage and forced the world’s biggest germophobe to shake her hand. In her high heels and dark suit, the 5ft 4in vice-president did more than stand up to the 6ft 3in former president — she towered over him. Trump’s face was a mask of sullen resentment as Harris drove her stilettos into the most sensitive parts of his anatomy. In short, she kicked him in the balls.

Trump's mature and gracious reaction to Taylor Swift endorsing Harris: (for info, Mahomes is an idiot MAGA friend of Swift's who's been vocal recently in her support for him):

“I actually like Mrs. Mahomes much better if you want to know the truth,” Trump said. “She’s a big Trump fan. I was not a Taylor Swift fan... But no, I liked Brittany. Brittany got a lot of news last week. She’s a big MAGA fan. That’s the one I like much better than Taylor Swift.”

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Don't know why Trump would be getting his knickers in a twist about eating cats, anyway. I'm guessing he would only approve if the cats were endangered and they just killed it, to cut of it's tail for a trophy.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump announced Thursday that there would not be a third presidential debate.

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