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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

the eating local pets thing has been around for a few days, trump didn't make it up on the spot. the local PD has debunked it, and a local factory manager says the Hatians are great and he'd hire more.

this doesn’t need to be said, but here in the states it needs to be said. yet even denying it plays into the rightwingers' hands.
you can be people.in America are weird was watching the news yesterday in rural Georgia and they had two old white fella saying they were voting for trump because Harris has been in 3 and half years and had not brought industry's back to their state. and trump had promised would bring it back

These lies have been circulating for a while. The only new-ish one is the pets thing, which broke into the public yesterday. But it didn't come from nowhere. It's been repeated in the comments for a while already.

Trump repeats them because they're already working.
Yeah, that's the sad bit, that American politics now has a very real space for that kind of insanity. And that's not just the result of people like Trump spouting it and amplifying it, it's also the betrayal of the voters from both sides that has opened the space up.
Also there are a block of people in between Trump cultists and undecideds - people who voted for Trump before but aren't true believers, they matter too.

The other thing that plays into this in a way that's unfamiliar to us here is that there will be people who will vote for Trump knowing he can only legally serve a other 4 years. They're so anti Harris for whatever reason that they'll go for him as a protest vote.

Similarly, there will be Republicans who will vote Democrat with the intention to keep Trump out and then rally behind whoever is the next GOP nominee.

We don't have to do these equations equations when we vote. They're very much part of the decision making process over there.

Keep Trump out now and risk someone worse (or maybe even him) the next time. Or vote for him now and he gets in so he can never stand again, but at the risk of whatever he might do.
Is Trump's stuff about eating dogs and cats any more mad than the daily mail articles about Romanian immigrants eating swans?
There are always loads of articles/posts on local FB groups about people's dogs getting stolen. Some of them might end up eaten by someone. Unlikely, but if you're already inclined to believe that stuff and get enraged about it then maybe what he's saying won't seem so outlandish

I feel like there is a significant difference between some yellow rag or random dickhead on social media saying this stuff, and a leader of a mainstream political party doing so. I don't think a Conservative leader has ever brought up Roma eating swans during a live debate.
I feel like there is a significant difference between some yellow rag or random dickhead on social media saying this stuff, and a leader of a mainstream political party doing so. I don't think a Conservative leader has ever brought up Roma eating swans during a live debate.
Yeah I agree. But the kind of people who believe such crap might get 'inspired' by trump:(
the eating local pets thing has been around for a few days, trump didn't make it up on the spot. the local PD has debunked it, and a local factory manager says the Hatians are great and he'd hire more.

this doesn’t need to be said, but here in the states it needs to be said. yet even denying it plays into the rightwingers' hands.


And while we're not chatting shit to support the notion, Urban is chatting about it. Even knowing it's not true people are talking about what happens to lost pets. Filter that chat through a different lens and you'll see the exact same thing but with different details and "facts".

Just as we think they're bonkers for believing what they believe (they're being eaten) they think we're bonkers for believing what we believe (they're not being eaten).
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Exactly. He’ll come out of this looking “presidential”

People are leaving laughing emojis to this.
It is indeed a ridiculous statement.

But, I was seeing a man who knows that his mugshot is now a highly popular and powerful image (it's even being used on normal news channels as his official headshot FFS) and deliberately trying to recreate it.

He's no doubt practiced it at home: in the mirror, with his camera, walking around, with his brown-nose team.
I'm still scared.


So you should be. He is standing to be President of the United States of America.​
Even this Fox News opinion writer admits Harris won:

But had to throw this in:

Oh really? I wonder why the felt the need to do that?
https://www.foxnews. com/opinion/trump-harris-face-off-there-clear-winner-dont-believe-election-over

LOL. Only a trump supporter could regard fact-checking as a disadvantage to their candidate.

The mindset! The desperation of it all.
Is Trump's stuff about eating dogs and cats any more mad than the daily mail articles about Romanian immigrants eating swans?
Its exactly the same thing, and he cited it coz it has been in media...to the extent that Springfield police had publicly refuted it (at which point -it really was folly to mention it)
I think I’ve made my point pretty clear in every post I’ve made today.

The memes and comments are just to show what Trump supporters are saying after the debate. They don’t prove anything and they don’t especially support my view. That’s not why I posted them.
the eating local pets thing has been around for a few days, trump didn't make it up on the spot. the local PD has debunked it, and a local factory manager says the Hatians are great and he'd hire more.

this doesn’t need to be said, but here in the states it needs to be said. yet even denying it plays into the rightwingers' hands.
It's been an effective lie in some places - like social media - but I think it does not play well in a Presidential debate, it just looks as utterly stupid as it is. It won't put off the Red Hats, but then nothing will; but it could well put off lukewarm Republican voters and switch on Dem-leaning generally-non-voters as they consider just how deranged Trump looks and that maybe it's a good idea to keep him out.

Also he actually said 'Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.' Someone pointed out that sounded like he'd dropped all his dogwhistle cards on the floor and had just read them out in random order.
I think Trump in particular is very vulnerable to developing a general 'losing' vibe because it's so counter to everything that he's about. For me that's where this stuff might have an impact, more than people changing their minds as a direct result of the debate as such.
Why do we always call women ' Whiny' ?
I'm listening to the words.

Tired old tropes used against women - whiny, bossy, demanding, irrational, etc etc - when those who dislike/resent them can't come up with anything concrete to criticise them for. A piece in the WaPo a few days ago sums it up perfectly, Harris's efficiency and professionalism reduced to weaknesses and negatives -

In interviews, former staff who signed the letter acknowledged it also addressed one of Harris’s perceived weaknesses as a candidate and elected official: her demanding management style. People who have worked for Harris say her interactions with staff can resemble a prosecutor prying details from a witness, asking pointed questions about everything from her schedule to policy briefings. Some of Harris’s early staff was also discomfited by her prosecutorial leadership style, former staffers said, which included pointed questions from Harris about footnotes in their reports or the reasons behind why certain items had been added to her schedule.It’s stressful to brief her, because she’s read all the materials, has annotated it and is prepared to talk through it,” said one former aide. “You can’t come to the vice president and just ask her to do something,” said another staffer. “You need to have a why.”

It's pathetic. (ETA - the WaPo link https://archive.ph/XGeDi )
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I think Trump in particular is very vulnerable to developing a general 'losing' vibe because it's so counter to everything that he's about. For me that's where this stuff might have an impact, more than people changing their minds as a direct result of the debate as such.

Looking forward to a vicious circle of Truth Social price tanking as his polling drops and shares are dumped.
I think I’ve made my point pretty clear in every post I’ve made today.

The memes and comments are just to show what Trump supporters are saying after the debate. They don’t prove anything and they don’t especially support my view. That’s not why I posted them.

I've just read through the thread and I'm a little confused. Is anyone arguing the opposite to you? Is anyone saying that there aren't still Trump supporters or that he's not in with a good chance in November? Because I can't see posts that are even close to that, so I'm not sure why you're arguing. And you're not an idiot.

(Though even though I mean it when I say you're not an idiot, please note that lens doesn't have an e on the end. Someone else seems to have picked up that misspelling and has started to use it too).
I don't think eating dog is really a thing, moast stolen dogs probably juts ran away and got lost, any that are actually stollen will he sold. If you want to go dark I guess some could be for breeding or fighting. But not for eating.

Ultimately if you want to steel meat the easiest way is to shoplif it.
I genuinely would eat a stollen dog.

Sorry, childish, couldn't resist.
I've just read through the thread and I'm a little confused. Is anyone arguing the opposite to you? Is anyone saying that there aren't still Trump supporters or that he's not in with a good chance in November? Because I can't see posts that are even close to that, so I'm not sure why you're arguing. And you're not an idiot.

(Though even though I mean it when I say you're not an idiot, please note that lens doesn't have an e on the end. Someone else seems to have picked up that misspelling and has started to use it too).

I don’t feel like I’m arguing.

Does it look like I’m arguing?

Sorry about the misspelling. I’ll go back and correct it.
I’ve been on the move all day and using my phone. I normally (but not always) go back and correct typos etc. but I haven’t done that today.
And I think I used programme somewhere when I meant program (i.e. a computer program). I noticed at the time but was rushing about.
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It's been an effective lie in some places - like social media - but I think it does not play well in a Presidential debate, it just looks as utterly stupid as it is. It won't put off the Red Hats, but then nothing will; but it could well put off lukewarm Republican voters and switch on Dem-leaning generally-non-voters as they consider just how deranged Trump looks and that maybe it's a good idea to keep him out.

Also he actually said 'Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.' Someone pointed out that sounded like he'd dropped all his dogwhistle cards on the floor and had just read them out in random order.

Now now, that's an example of his brilliant word-weaving.

I do the weave. You know what the weave is? I’ll talk about, like, nine different things that they all come back brilliantly together. And it’s like friends of mine that are like English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen,’” he told a bemused audience. "But the fake news, you know what they say, ‘He rambled.’ It’s not rambling. What you do is you get off a subject to mention another little titbit, then you get back on to the subject, and you go through this and you do it for two hours, and you don’t even mispronounce one word.”

Some of us are just not sophisticated enough to follow the weave.
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I think I’ve made my point pretty clear in every post I’ve made today.

The memes and comments are just to show what Trump supporters are saying after the debate. They don’t prove anything and they don’t especially support my view. That’s not why I posted them.

But they're pretty meaningless in the scheme of things, surely? Just another day of logic-defying and grammatically challenged idiocy and ignorance from the usual sources and suspects.
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Story, yeah, I absolutely got the impression you were arguing. Could just be tone not getting across online of course.

Tired old tropes used against women - whiny, bossy, demanding, irrational, etc etc - when those who dislike/resent them can't come up with anything concrete to criticise them for. A piece in the WaPo a few days ago sums it up perfectly, Harris's efficiency and professionalism reduced to weaknesses and negatives -

It's pathetic. (ETA - the WaPo link https://archive.ph/XGeDi )

That's a bizarre criticism, isn't it. The VP wants to know why something's been added to her schedule, and won't just do things her staff tell her to without asking why?

Has there ever been a President or vice president who was ordered about by their staff? I mean, except probably Reagan, for obvious reasons.
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