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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

It's the end of an error. Or, by New York Attorney General Letitia James' count, it's the end of at least 200 errors.

According to the latest report from his court-mandated fraud monitor, Donald Trump is officially through with boasting about his wealth in those wildly exaggerated net-worth statements he used to send out each year.

In fact, Trump is calling it quits on officially stating the value of even his individual properties, the report says. He is finished, in other words, with saying "I'm rich" in any financial document that could come back to bite him.

Trump's fraud monitor, Barbara Jones, revealed this new commitment to caution in a footnote to her latest report, made available in online court records last week.
Jones is the retired federal judge who has been monitoring Trump's real-estate empire, the Trump Organization, for almost two years, ever since the AG and state Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron found persistent fraud in a decade of those annual net-worth statements.
The bank typically lowered Trump's numbers by set percentages — adjustments they called a "Trump haircut" — in large part to account for what they presumed were his exaggerations.
Christians vote for me, but am not a Christian

Also, if you vote for me, everything's sorted forever.
I think Trump (or the people who create his talking points and speeches) are just actively on a wind up towards people who know politics and/or have respect for the democratic process these days.

Sort of 'you don't like us we don't care' kind of a thing. Trump's already said to his followers 'I love the uneducated'. Straight down the barrel. No qualifications. They're showing naked contempt for them.

This latest open statement in favour of cheating democracy is just more of the same. Similar to him famously saying 'I could shoot someone and not lose any voters'.

They're not even hiding it or pretending at this point.
So a photo has emerged of the orange cunt with no noticable injury to his ear, yet ex doc now Texan lawmaker who examined it says it left a 2cm gash
Question now..is he:
1. completly ignorant of what a centimetre is
2. a fucking Liar
3. both the above ???
So a photo has emerged of the orange cunt with no noticable injury to his ear, yet ex doc now Texan lawmaker who examined it says it left a 2cm gash
Question now..is he:
1. completly ignorant of what a centimetre is
2. a fucking Liar
3. both the above ???

His ear clearly was injured a couple of weeks ago. However, he has had time to heal, good quality medical care, and a personal make-up artist used to applying thick layers of slap, so no need to go conspiraloon about his current appearance.
Harris campaign not holding back here

I think they have to keep hammering this stuff home because while absolutely nothing you or he can do or say will turn the red hats against him, I think there's a lot to play for with people who usually are Republican voters and don't like Trump or the undecideds (though how anyone can be fucking undecided, especially any woman, I do not understand) and make people embarrassed to vote for him. Put a super-edit together of just some of the times he was weird, crass and stupid - shoving past other world leaders, mocking a disabled person, going on about Hannibal Lecter (repeatedly) etc, emphasise what an utter liability he is.
Harris campaign not holding back here

I think they have to keep hammering this stuff home because while absolutely nothing you or he can do or say will turn the red hats against him, I think there's a lot to play for with people who usually are Republican voters and don't like Trump or the undecideds (though how anyone can be fucking undecided, especially any woman, I do not understand) and make people embarrassed to vote for him. Put a super-edit together of just some of the times he was weird, crass and stupid - shoving past other world leaders, mocking a disabled person, going on about Hannibal Lecter (repeatedly) etc, emphasise what an utter liability he is.

Yeah, it's both to be expected and Al's super weird that his base worship him.

The Hannibal stuff is exceptionally off the chart...
Yeah, it's both to be expected and Al's super weird that his base worship him.

The Hannibal stuff is exceptionally off the chart...
It is bizarre, he keeps repeating it and he has acknowledged that people are commenting about but he seems to think it's, I dunno, owning the libs or something? He's all 'Haha, they go crazy when I talk about Hannibal Lecter'. Rather than understanding that his opposition are saying this seems like proof that he's really losing it and it makes him sound insane and stupid and it's therefore not something he should be repeating in front of the world.

I think he's retreated so much into his own little world of rules that he thinks opposition responses to anything he says means he's 'getting to' the other side and winding them up.
Some of the ambiguous statements may have an innocent interpretation but abusers often seem to say out loud exactly what they're doing/intend to do. And if he gets to power he can point back to the extreme interpretation and say 'well you voted me in and I did warn you ...'
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Regarding the 'you won't have to vote' comment, I genuinely think that was an incredibly clumsy and inept way of trying to say 'Things will be so good you won't need to come out and vote' but fuck it, the Dems should call him on it like the GOP did every slip Biden made. Put them on the back foot about this shit.
Regarding the 'you won't have to vote' comment, I genuinely think that was an incredibly clumsy and inept way of trying to say 'Things will be so good you won't need to come out and vote' but fuck it, the Dems should call him on it like the GOP did every slip Biden made. Put them on the back foot about this shit.

Check out his support base online... or maybe don't... it's horrific

They want fascism. They really do.
Check out his support base online... or maybe don't... it's horrific

They want fascism. They really do.
There are definitely some who want it but I still don't think they are the majority of potential GOP voters and it's not those people the Dems should be going after. As I said, you want the waverers to vote Dem and the GOP votes who are not keen on Trump to stay home at least.
There are definitely some who want it but I still don't think they are the majority of potential GOP voters and it's not those people the Dems should be going after. As I said, you want the waverers to vote Dem and the GOP votes who are not keen on Trump to stay home at least.
Yes, leaving militant magas aside, i think the majority of trump voters just want a better life after decades of shit and find it interesting to be represented by a non-politician.
There are definitely some who want it but I still don't think they are the majority of potential GOP voters and it's not those people the Dems should be going after. As I said, you want the waverers to vote Dem and the GOP votes who are not keen on Trump to stay home at least.
Possibly... for me, it's just that having met or argued online with some of them over the years... and what they say will absolutely blow your mind with their hot takes and askew views!

Eta: trying to make it more sensible (always difficult in talking about the cultists)
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His ear clearly was injured a couple of weeks ago. However, he has had time to heal, good quality medical care, and a personal make-up artist used to applying thick layers of slap, so no need to go conspiraloon about his current appearance.
Your intentional misrepresentation of my posts and name calling is getting a bit boring, I never implied no injury, I merely question the 2cm gash claim...now fuck off please
It is bizarre, he keeps repeating it and he has acknowledged that people are commenting about but he seems to think it's, I dunno, owning the libs or something? He's all 'Haha, they go crazy when I talk about Hannibal Lecter'. Rather than understanding that his opposition are saying this seems like proof that he's really losing it and it makes him sound insane and stupid and it's therefore not something he should be repeating in front of the world.

I think he's retreated so much into his own little world of rules that he thinks opposition responses to anything he says means he's 'getting to' the other side and winding them up.
Tbh the reverting to ad-libbing ranyu fishing for applause/cheers like a stand-up style... is the one thing that gives me a sliver of hope - The glaringly obvious thing for him to do would to act a bit measured and Presidential, which dresses up his fascist, nasty, chaotic policies in button-ed up reasonable sounding palatable things that a large chunk of middle America will swallow (i.e. beyond the cult).. All the worry from the Biden performance overlooked that Trump nailed the 'sounding reasonable/Presidential' bit, even tho he constantly lied through his teeth for policies that are far right greatest hits.

...But he can't help himself. I think/hope Kamala goads him mercilessly if they debate, she should run rings around him (the antagonistic lines/pressure points for a narcissist are obvious), and ensure he responds with crazy outbursts.
Regarding the 'you won't have to vote' comment, I genuinely think that was an incredibly clumsy and inept way of trying to say 'Things will be so good you won't need to come out and vote' but fuck it, the Dems should call him on it like the GOP did every slip Biden made. Put them on the back foot about this shit.

It was far more sinister than that. He's essentially telling them voting won't apply under his dictatorship. There's a good albeit chilling breakdown of exactly what Project 2025 is about and where it's coming from here -

Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei
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To really double-click* on the 'never vote again' line (I mean, everything he says you must take with a pinch of salt so any analysis is meaningless...But here I am ;)...) it was actually - and quite accidentally - a classic-of-the-genre of the quotes that would cause maximum infuriation on the left, signal to his base on the right, and all have plausible deniability for both, depending on how you interpreted it. Johnson is the true master of them (and they wouldn't be by accident), but Trump came out with a bit of a gem - the very online Dem Twitter people are all assempling to call it out**.

Tbh I read it as "look just get out and vote on the 5th, you won't have to do it again (for another 4 years)" ***. I don't think he's crazy enough to start laying the tracks this early for the forthcoming 2 term limit removal or some other legal somersault that will mean he doesn't have to leave. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to do it, just because he can. He would have completed US politics by then (if our worst fears come true), and at that age...

*The phrase 'double click' will be added to the Wanky Work Speak thread in due course.

**I have noticed Dems/The Left are recently a bit more forthcoming hyperbolic interpretations of any far/right slip up, almost like they are saying "we can do crazy/not exhaustively verified too". Like watching your football team start diving recognising that 'its part of football'.

***Getting people out to vote has a slightly different context in US - turnout impacts the election much more significantly in that there's some stat whereby campaign dollar spends are massively more impactful spent convincing your opponent's supporters not to bother (or be supportive enough) to get out and vote (and, of course, for your supporters to bother), instead of converting Republican to Democrat and vice versa.
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