Your responsibilities and obligations exist only in your imagination.
Tell that to my kids. Or have I imagined them?
Your responsibilities and obligations exist only in your imagination.
I clean my own toilet, thanks, but not public toilets. You up for that?
As for Communards, Spanish Anarchists and Kronstadt Sailors - where are they now?
Fair play to you for the volunteering at the youth centre. Now, rather than sitting on your arse all summer indulging yourself, why don't you go back there and do it again?
Perhaps I could take a job in an insurance company or bank, not only would I be keeping someone else out of a job who might need it more than a single twenty something male with no dependents, :
You're a humanist. It remains a faith based belief. A secular version of Christianity.I'm atheist btw, hth.
The values you take for granted are actually essentially contestable.If you're seriously questioning that then you really are on another planet.
I think you're intelligent enough to know that the toilet work is just an example of unsavoury work that people would not want to do and refuse. As it's also an important job that needs doing, you have to tell us how you would solve that particular problem...As for public toliets, we can have them self cleaning mofo's. Honestly if the one thing holding back the abolishment of wage labour was the issue of cleaning public toliets I'd be much more optimistic about our collective future.
cos it doesn't exist anymore or I most likely would as it was usually good craic.
the point of course still stands that I don't have to justify myself to some civil servant on the internet, I have to do enough of that every two weeks for the princely sum of £55 quid a week.
Apparently such work would be shared out on rota basis. How revol would deal with the people who would tell him to fuck off when asked to do their duty isn't clear.
The values you take for granted are actually essentially contestable.
I'd shoot them but thankfully such matters don't rest on me as some sort of philosopher king but are problems for the future and those that will encounter them.
I guess we'll have to scrap the whole notion of communism because of the toliet cleaning problem, we'll just have to settle for capitalism and it's much easier to solve problems like ecological disaster.
At least under this system people choose to do a particular job, they aren't forced to (even if it's through lack of choice or alternatives, the point still stands as you yourself are a perfect example - they don't have to)I guess we'll have to scrap the whole notion of communism because of the toliet cleaning problem, we'll just have to settle for capitalism and it's much easier to solve problems like ecological disaster.
Of course I'll be paid for the medical trial, why woud avail of my body to a medical company for free?
You don't seem to have the grapsed the fact that if I took a job I'd also be fucking someone over that probably needs it more than me.
There is simply no way of living under capitalism whereby you aren't fucking someone over indirectly. I mean where does it end, do I refuse to buy cheap clothes because the workers who make them are paid shit wages? Should I feel guilty about living in a 1st world country because it was built on the enslavement and rape of colonies? If I took a job in the financial sector would I not be getting paid off the back of usury? if I went back to my old job for Allstate insurance would I not paid in someway out of the ripping off of thousands of homeowners in New Orleans who got shafted by Allstate when Katrina struck? Shoudl I not support the wage demands of council workers or tube saff because it will come out of the taxpayers pocket?
Is it because that would be bourgeois liberal do-gooding or something?
Well yes.
There is of course the fact I am happy enough doing what I'm doing at the moment. I mean I could just as equally start patronising you about wasting your life working for a state that is part of the problem, no? I could ask you why you spend 3 quid on a pint instead of donating it to starving children, I could ask why you buy your children toys whilst other kids have no running water?
Except I wouldn't because I'm not a pious arsehole who reduces politics to pathetic lifestylism.
Oh revol, you're drenched with sin. Seflishness is so wrong.Well there's the selfishness then
But the fact remains that regardless of which type of society you live in, there are tasks to be done which are menial, dirty and unpleasant.
He uses the special communist version of my flashcards.Are you actually a real person or a bot that is programmed to post this stuff?
Priceless. Pure magic. It's the Bishop of Bath and Wells.Kids from poor families who could with some focus in their lives?
really, no shit?
eh what is your point beyond the obvious?
does the fact that there will still be dull shit to do mean that the complete domination of menial shit forced upon us by capitalism with no other end than the pursuit of profit is fine?
the fact that some people will die of cancer naturally make it fine to create a cancerous environment?
Put 'em in the Boy Scouts. That'll learn 'em.Kids from poor families who could with some focus in their lives?
Oh I dunno. Robots for that kind of thing are feasible. Looking to stop idle hands from doing the Devil's work? I think so. Shirkng their obligations. Irresponsibly spilling their seed on barren ground.there will always be menial and dirty work - someone will have to do it
He uses the special communist version of my flashcards.
Priceless. Pure magic. It's the Bishop of Bath and Wells.
Put 'em in the Boy Scouts. That'll learn 'em.
Well there's the selfishness then: you're quite happy with what you're doing, so everyone else? Fuck em. Kids from poor families who could with some focus in their lives? Fuck em.
I agree, to a certain extent I am wasting my life working for a state that is part of the problem. But then I live in the real world. So why do you spend £3 on a pint rather than donating it to starving children? After all, that's what you said your summer is likely to consist of at least in part.
And another -ism and more insults. Are you actually a real person or a bot that is programmed to post this stuff?
The point is, how on Earth do you deal with people like yourself who refuse to do work? What makes you think that lazy people like yourself won't continue being lazy in your ideal society?really, no shit?
eh what is your point beyond the obvious?
He looks awesome in anything.I'm sure he'd look awesome in a mitre
The point is, how on Earth do you deal with people like yourself who refuse to do work? What makes you think that lazy people like yourself won't continue being lazy in your ideal society?
I think the most selfish thing about him is that he can't even say thank you to me or you cos we're the idiots paying his dole money to him so he can sit about lazing his days away while we're out there working! There'll be countless threads, no doubt participated in by revol68, when the government wants to cut jobseekers' allowance or put tougher conditions on them, but why the hell should we be paying for revol's lifestyle? I feel sorry for people who are looking for work but can't find any, or people physically unable to work, but if someone chooses not to work then they should not receive a penny...then we'll see how quickly they get off their arse and do something
Revol, you can't hide your laziness behind an ideology all your life...
Sooner of later we all need money, whether it's to start a family or take a girl out (unless of course you're Shannon Matthew's mum, but she's another one who should be cut off)
The whole politics of guilt is one of capitalism finest ideological tools, look as it makes us ashamed to see workers in appalling conditions catch our tuna and make our clothes, or tells us how lucky we are to have a mobile phone cos some kids in Africa only get an AK47 to play with on their 9th birthday. Oh how spoilt we are, how grateful we should be to have an office job and a mortgage, look at those greedy tube workers they are disgusting selfish bastards.
Of course the reason why we have to do shit jobs we hate for £7 an hour in order to keep a roof over our heads is the same reason why some poor fuck is getting $2 a day to skin our tuna, it's all part of global capitalism.
Seriously is it the victorian times? Shall I be forced into a workhouse if caught being a vagrant in the public parks?