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Doctor Who Series 10

Yeah, it was post Rose. She was at the wheel, giving the Doctor some classic River snark because she was driving it flawlessly and talked about how the Doctor was shit. There was something about how River knew how to drive it properly because she had the skill and had learned to or something, and that the Doctor had never learned like she had. I can't remember the specifics but that was the gist.
Yeah, it was post Rose. She was at the wheel, giving the Doctor some classic River snark because she was driving it flawlessly and talked about how the Doctor was shit. There was something about how River knew how to drive it properly because she had the skill and had learned to or something, and that the Doctor had never learned like she had. I can't remember the specifics but that was the gist.
I thought he always left the hand break on.
Guardian has just posted a comment article stating that Dr Who was always inherently sexist cos he's a male hero thus automatically alienates females.

On the fb page people are pissed off with this, including some women, who are annoyed their feminist credentials are being called into question cos they like Dr Who
River is married to the Doctor, and is the daughter of his companions Amy and Rory.
Jenny is his daughter, who Tennant married, who is the daughter of Peter Davison.

That just sent me wiki-wards - Davison was born Peter Moffat, he changed his name because there was an existing actor of that name... who later went on to produce several episodes of Who when Davison was in it. :hmm:

Looks like Dr Jazzz was right, about ... everything.
you might be right Gromit - i missed this. Apparently Missy said, "I've known him since he was a little girl". But that's full of possible interpretations.
They have also stated that Hartnell was his first body, but then again they have also said there were many before that, but that was again contradicted by the regeneration limit. They have always done whatever they liked in Dr who. What about romanas regeneration? She could try on various regenerations like clothes in the space of minutes, then settled on someone she had seen before. No "I don't want to go" shit, and fireworks.
River is married to the Doctor, and is the daughter of his companions Amy and Rory.
Jenny is his daughter, who Tennant married, who is the daughter of Peter Davison.

And Susan Foreman is his granddaughter, though it's not clear if her mother was Jenny, or if Susan was the child of a previous child. David Tennant implied she was the daughter of a previous child, though he was never very biguous. Ecclescake implied Susan was dead, presumably in the time war, (when he spoke to Giaus from Merlin in the Empty Child). Although we later discover the Time Lords were not all killed no reunion with Susan or her parents has featured in an episode after that discovery, though it may have happened off screen.
River is married to the Doctor, and is the daughter of his companions Amy and Rory.
Jenny is his daughter, who Tennant married, who is the daughter of Peter Davison.

Aye but the fucking happened in the TARDIS/time vortex this affected River and was enough of a change that it gave the Silence the opportunity to do their thing and make her all Time Lordish and into an assassin.

It has just been announced that Jenny is getting her own Big Finish audio range.
So, where are we up to?

Scenario 1: thousand year old multi-regenerating alien with 2 hearts whose young companions turn out to be the parents of his wife, who was once played by someone who turns out to be the father of someone who marries somebody else who played him.
- Bungle: fine!

Scenario 2: latest regeneration acquires tits
- Bungle: No, no NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Wail, wail, wail, menz...
i read somewhere else that it's been established that Timelords reproduce asexually - is this right? #confused
I could answer this but you'd still be confused. Lets say yes but there are exceptions.
eep! It's a minefield. Should have been paying attention I guess. My mate was massively into it when i was at school and so i picked up a fair amount but little of it made sense. Went to a few conventions but then my interest waned. Only picked up again a few years ago when my lodger moved in - who is also a massive Who fan.
Looms were devices used by Time Lords to perpetuate their race in the wake of the Pythia's Curse. Unable to procreate sexually, the Time Lords had to rely on the Rassilon-invented devices to "weave" new life from genetic material. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible, Lungbarrow)

However, there were instances of womb-born children during the period where Looms were in use. Rassilon passed a decree that "only the Loom-born shall inherit the Legacy of Rassilon", and enforced this decree by wiping out the womb-born. (PROSE: Cold Fusion) There were later instances of womb-born Gallifreyans living amongst the Loom-born. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors)
They have also stated that Hartnell was his first body, but then again they have also said there were many before that, but that was again contradicted by the regeneration limit. They have always done whatever they liked in Dr who. What about romanas regeneration? She could try on various regenerations like clothes in the space of minutes, then settled on someone she had seen before. No "I don't want to go" shit, and fireworks.

It's almost like they didn't sit down in 1963 and plan for every possible character and plot development that might prove desirable over a 55-year period.
No. Not permitted here. Stop.
Corax stated that she annoys the hell out of him.
I called bullshit on him judging the value of an actress simply because she doesn't fit the usual mold of having to be super attractive to work as an actress.
He refuted my assertion and so i dropped it as without his agreement i had no proof of his looks driven prejudice.

Why are you bringing it up 2 days later when it was dropped?
I would have been a hero had he confessed to my assertion and outed himself but instead you are casting me as a villain because i challenged him?
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