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Doctor Who 2023

Wild Blue Yonder
Star Beast
Church on Ruby Road

I managed one season of the 13th before boycotting Chibnall and deciding that nothing he has had any hand in is canon.
Of course it's canon, lol.

I'd give anything to see the Chibnal era. First Who have missed since 1979.
Lucky for them!!
No, I’m not having that. It is an era that’s rightly criticised, but Jodie was a great Doctor and there are some good episodes. There are some that I watch repeatedly - Eve of the Doctor, the Woman Who Fell to Earth, for example. There are Moffat era overblown nonsense-fests that I never rewatch. Moffat couldn’t write character, and especially appears never to have met a real woman in his life.

Jodie was not the only Doctor poorly served by stories. Peter C had some awful ones in his run - Robin Hood springs to mind. He could have shone much more brightly but for that. Although I love the Bill Potts season.

My brother made a good point recently. Being a Doctor Who is like being a Fall fan. It’s always different but always the same, the potential is dazzling but the delivery can be frustratingly patchy, and the turnover in the band doesn’t seem to have any effect. But you have to love it and be there for every release.
I really liked the first few episodes of Chibnall's era, mainly for the complete change of tone. It felt more grounded, less cartoony - a slightly more serious approach and I think with better writing it could have really worked. I think that first series really needed an ongoing story arc, something to tie it all together. Unfortunately rather than build on that and learn lessons it went all over the place tonally for the rest of 13's run. And the end result of that failure I suspect will be to ensure we only get RTD's Who template for many years to come. And I think that's a pity because I think there are other ways of doing entertaining sci-fi.
I really liked the first few episodes of Chibnall's era, mainly for the complete change of tone. It felt more grounded, less cartoony - a slightly more serious approach and I think with better writing it could have really worked. I think that first series really needed an ongoing story arc, something to tie it all together. Unfortunately rather than build on that and learn lessons it went all over the place tonally for the rest of 13's run. And the end result of that failure I suspect will be to ensure we only get RTD's Who template for many years to come. And I think that's a pity because I think there are other ways of doing entertaining sci-fi.
Like Danny I Iiked the Bill Potts season. I think it's arc worked well as it was more character than plot driven. Yeah, you had Missy in a cupboard being revealed but also a redemption arc. You see Bill's development and where she ends up (slightly weakened by her just going full circle really and the last thirteen episodes in a way not really mattering). A few things over lapping between episodes etc but not rammed down your throat. Season 3 (the Martha one) also did the arc well on the whole despite some weak episodes. Many episode seemed to have something important that came into play in the last few episodes as well as the obvious Mr Saxon stuff such as the power of words and stories in the Shakespeare code and the chameleon arch in the Human Nature adaptation.
I really liked the first few episodes of Chibnall's era, mainly for the complete change of tone. It felt more grounded, less cartoony - a slightly more serious approach and I think with better writing it could have really worked. I think that first series really needed an ongoing story arc, something to tie it all together. Unfortunately rather than build on that and learn lessons it went all over the place tonally for the rest of 13's run. And the end result of that failure I suspect will be to ensure we only get RTD's Who template for many years to come. And I think that's a pity because I think there are other ways of doing entertaining sci-fi.
Lost my way there somewhere. As I said yesterday when the story arc really kicked in with Timeless kid that is when it all fell apart for me. They spent so much time on exposition in the Matrix they didn't do the story they were telling at the time justice and from then on a lot of 13s run felt that way to me.
Lost my way there somewhere. As I said yesterday when the story arc really kicked in with Timeless kid that is when it all fell apart for me. They spent so much time on exposition in the Matrix they didn't do the story they were telling at the time justice and from then on a lot of 13s run felt that way to me.
No, I didn’t like the Timeless Child idea or the way the Flux was handled. But it’s all part of the rich tapestry. Bitter melon, as Thich Nhat Hahn says. Good without bad is just meh.
No, I didn’t like the Timeless Child idea or the way the Flux was handled. But it’s all part of the rich tapestry. Bitter melon, as Thich Nhat Hahn says. Good without bad is just meh.
See a lot of the ideas I don't mind. Timeless Child didn't appeal to me but if it was handled better it could have worked. Bigeneration was an interesting concept done imo poorly.

Oh also minor niggle 45,927 I know we as an audience know that the Doctor will always regenerate but I hate the way it is now a done dea within the show. I want the Doctor and everyone around them to think they can and will die.
Just got round to rewatching the Christmas Day special. Holds up a bit better the second time around, entirely sober. The saving of Ruby was done too quickly and I have a few other quibbles. But overall it was quite a treat, nice interplay between Doc & Rubes, the gloves were cool, the song just avoided outstaying its welcome. There better not be more songs tho, its an amusing gimmick only if used briefly and occasionally.

Anita Dobson can fuck off though.
finally caught up and watched the xmas episode. pretty good.

weird that Davina McColl's name was dropped multiple times. once is fair enough for the people who didn't instantly recognise her, but trust the audience to remember why not?
then again, several people upthread apparently slept through the entire conversation where Ruby & adopted family's life story was dropped so maybe the audience can't be overestimated. too much of the xmas cheer at lunch time muddled the brain?

the first baby rescue dragged a bit, and the second seemed very rushed.
I dare say the song routine should've been dropped to allow some more time for the later part of the episode.

has anyone checked if it really was a white xmas that year?

final thought - when the Goblin King was introduced by name, I couldn't help but think "David Bowie's let himself go". and now I've shared that terrible joke with you.
has anyone checked if it really was a white xmas that year?
the graphic in this article confirms snow on xmas day in 2004 for the northwest. ☃️

now whether there was snowfall late on xmas eve, and if there was anything like the amount shown in the episode is just a question of artistic licence. (meaning I can't figure out how you can get actual data off the met office website)
the graphic in this article confirms snow on xmas day in 2004 for the northwest. ☃️

now whether there was snowfall late on xmas eve, and if there was anything like the amount shown in the episode is just a question of artistic licence. (meaning I can't figure out how you can get actual data off the met office website)
It always snows at Christmas in TV land.
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