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Doctor Who Series 10

But in the comment I quoted Bungle seems to link this fundamental character with the Doctor's biological maleness - or even (given that he's fine with all the other biological varieties the Doctor has exhibited over the years) to say that it depends exclusively on his being a man. So you can change anything else about the character's physical and personal manifestation (although I don't think Bungle ever answered the question about whether a black man would've been OK...) but if you mess with his dangly bits you've unacceptably altered who he is.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, AuntiStella, but I'm imagining you wouldn't go along with that?

No I wouldn't. clearly I'm the same person I used to be and my personality has changed too, and yet, I remain consistently me.

It's an odd position that Bungle is trying to defend. It seems to be based on one that insists that women and men are fundamentally more different than timelords and humans or old people and young people, etc.
Where has it been established that they can change sex? The Master doesn't count as that character has been jumping in and out of bodies that didn't belong to them for decades.

Where is the "debate" here? I've given my opinion, and the hoards he decided to shoot it down because they can't cope with it.

If people want high profile roles for woman they should go and create some, instead of insisting on a great male hero having a sex change.
It isn't a sex change :facepalm: Dr Who is an alien, not a man or ladyperson.
Bungle73 in fighting mood...

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It isn't a sex change :facepalm: Dr Who is an alien, not a man or ladyperson.
i predict at no point will they ever discuss the sex of DrWho. It's appearance and gender identity that's changed. Do we even know if Time Lords have sex? Might they not have out evolved it a long time ago? (not a big Dr Who fan, sorry)
i predict at no point will they ever discuss the sex of DrWho. It's appearance and gender identity that's changed. Do we even know if Time Lords have sex? Might they not have out evolved it a long time ago? (not a big Dr Who fan, sorry)
1. Hope you are right. Doubt you are.
2. Appearance has changed (Earth is used to this by now). Funny how you are assuming gender id has changed. You discounting the possibility of this Doctor being a trans man in a female body. If all things are possible so is that.
3. Yes the Time Lords have sex.
The Doctor has had sex with men and women. The Doctor has even had children.
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1. Hope you are right. Doubt you are.
2. Appearance has changed (Earth is used to this by now). Funny how you are assuming gender id has changed. You discounting the possibility of this Doctor being a trans man in a female body. If all things are possible so is that.
it is possible - i just can't see the BBC ever going there. They struggle just doing a basic, human, every day trans character, so good luck to them if that's how they decide to go.

“The first thing he said to me, putting his arms up as if I was abut to strike him, [was], ‘Didn’t make any money from Night of the Living Dead,'” Matheson recalled. “‘Homage’ means I get to steal you work. He’s a nice guy, though. I don’t harbor any animosity toward him.” (Romero later confirmed this story: “I confessed to him that I basically ripped the idea off from I Am Legend. He forgave me because we didn’t make any money. He said, ‘Well, as long as you didn’t get rich, it’s okay.'”
children does not necessarily equal sex in science fiction (or fantasy).

I still can't see Dr Who's genitals and reproductive organs ever being discussed on what is a kids show.
if Dr Who was realistic the British government would refuse to recognise her new gender until she divorced River Song and submitted herself to a panel of faceless bureaucrats with a foot deep pile of documentation to prove she was who she clearly was.
She isn't married to River Song as marriage is only valid till death parts em.
you might be right Gromit - i missed this. Apparently Missy said, "I've known him since he was a little girl". But that's full of possible interpretations.
It had better be different. Otherwise it's a woman being a man. Might as well just keep it as a man if that is the case.

This is silly. It would be a woman playing a character formerly played by a man. Of course it had better be different, and I don't see any reason to doubt that it would be: each Bond has been, to some extent. But it would still be a variation on a character that already exists. Otherwise it wouldn't be Bond, it would be a new character.

All this applies to female Doctor too.
i predict at no point will they ever discuss the sex of DrWho. It's appearance and gender identity that's changed. Do we even know if Time Lords have sex? Might they not have out evolved it a long time ago? (not a big Dr Who fan, sorry)

I predict what they'll do is script a bunch of smirky but slightly oblique references to it, none of which are nearly as clever as the writers think they are and which will be grating on all of us by about 3m into the second episode of the next series.
I predict what they'll do is script a bunch of smirky but slightly oblique references to it, none of which are nearly as clever as the writers think they are and which will be grating on all of us by about 3m into the second episode of the next series.
I think that's what we would have got with Moffat in charge, I'm hopeful that the new guy will be a bit more subtle. I think it would be probably sensible if there's a bit of a time jump after the Christmas episode so we don't have all the post-regeneration stuff. Introduce the new characters who then happen to meet the new Doctor, who doesn't ever really remark upon the change, unless she runs into past characters at some point.
Not having any reaction post regeneration would be weird, they always make some comment (at least in New Who)
I wonder if this will effect the decision on the new bond?
The Brocollis may see this as the sacrificial lamb so they can carry on with a white posh man as usual.
Also the BBC is at the forefront of political correctness and are not in it for the money, a private company may be more risk averse if it may mean less profits.
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