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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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Citizen66 said:
I didn't say they were intentional. I said you obviously assumed they weren't.
It's really a bit sad and rather pathetic that you are still unable to admit to your typos, or to have the courtesy to thank me for taking the time out to point them out to you.
Citizen66 said:
Were they all asleep that day?
From P29 of the 911 report (P46 of the PDF):
Command Center: Uh, do we want to think, uh, about scrambling aircraft?
FAA Headquarters: Oh, God, I don't know.
Command Center: Uh, that's a decision somebody's gonna have to make probably in the next ten minutes.
FAA Headquarters: Uh, ya know everybody just left the room.

Jo/Joe said:
You think it implausible for this US administration to find a way of invading a country, in this case Afghanistan, without murdering over 3000 of their own (american) citizens?
From P137 of the 911 report (P154 of the PDF):
Every official we questioned about the possibility of an invasion of Afghanistan said that it was almost unthinkable, absent a provocation such as 9/11,
Feel free to let them know how bonkers they are. :D

goldenecitrone said:
People keep posting here that at least half the hijackers are still alive and well. Has anyone ever shown a list of the names claim by US government and then given any proof that these people are still alive? Thought not.
At least some of them were stolen identities (BBC, Telegraph):

THEIR names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden's teams to cover their tracks.
THEIR names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden's teams to cover their tracks.

Reading the the opening paragraph of the Spookegraph piece one could be forgiven for thinking further in we would soon discover precisely how the mens identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden's teams.

Instead, what we learn is:

Mr Al-Omari said his passport was stolen when his apartment in Denver, Colorado, was burgled in 1995.

And that:

Mr Al-Nami, 33, from Riyadh ... had never lost his passport and found it "very worrying" that his identity appeared to have been "stolen"...

So there you have it, categorical 'proof' in a Big Media stylie that these guys identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden's teams to cover their tracks.

It a shame the spo.. I mean the journalist who concocted this Islamophobic propaganda meme didn't make a better job of covering his own tracks. Hey, PK, you don't work for the Spookiegraph do you? This looks like it could have been written by you.
bigfish said:
I mean the journalist who concocted this Islamophobic propaganda meme didn't make a better job of covering his own tracks. .
Will you address my points in post #85 raised in response to your clueless lies about urban75, please?

I've asked twice now and really think you should suport you claims.
I voted for the last option on the poll, especially considering the kind of tosser these 9/11 threads have been attracting lately.
Citizen66 said:
Loki, mate, do you know anybody personally who works for the mainstream media? I do. The organisations aren't complete independant bodies, there are strict guidlines and also an editorial that both the journalists and investigators work to so as to get paid for their work. An independant investigator may wish to do a special report on 9/11 but may end up out of pocket (or in prison?) as to the sensitivity of the subject. I know of some very interesting stories that have been blacked out and some very interesting questions that are KNOWN in the media world that aren't asked because it may reflect badly on the newspaper or the broadcaster. Ask anyone about some aspects of the James Bulger case if you disbelieve me or read about the Hutton report and the effect it then had on the BBC for a brief insight into that kind of thing.

So please, please, stop bleating on about the mainstream cunting media like it's the bible of all truth regarding covering stories of a sensitive nature.

Who do you think is pulling the strings of these organisations? Fucking Santa Clause?
just to be clear here - are you saying that the meejah are ALSO involved in a conspiracy to suppress the truth of 9/11?
if not - what?
Red Jezza said:
just to be clear here - are you saying that the meejah are ALSO involved in a conspiracy to suppress the truth of 9/11?
if not - what?
That certainly seems to be his suggestion.

You'd think that with all those media companies/journalists knowing the 'truth' they'd be tempted to write a few words about it - after all, you'd think that the author of a book revealing the truth about the greatest conspiracy the world has ever seen would make a fair few bob off the thing.

So who's invlved in this enormous, global media cover-up, citizen, and what proof do you have?
citizen, are you saying that the US couldn't have found a way of invading Afghanistan without being involved in 9/11?
Red Jezza said:
just to be clear here - are you saying that the meejah are ALSO involved in a conspiracy to suppress the truth of 9/11?
if not - what?

Um, sorry to butt in here but I think what C66 is trying to say is that rather than the meeja actively suppresing the truth about 9/11 they are merely being complicit and failing to raise these kinds of serious questions, its fallen off the radar as far as most people are concerned, even here at 'thinking-outside-the-box-U75'

I think what we should be discussing here is not whether the neo-con cabal planned, ordered or executed this atrocity, its more a question of whether they really gave a fuck.

It must be a weird bit of physcology involved in making a call like that.

Neo-con-cabal "what we need is some kind of gross atrocity that will get the public behind our foriegn, domestic and energy policies."

CIA/FBI "Terrorist are planning stuff with planes."

Neo-con-cabal "Pesky terrorists let's go get em.......no hang on wait a minute...what if....?"

This is a conspiracy of complicity and from the picture I'm developing it looks like everyone from airtraffic control, to the meeja, to Bush himself put their personal shite before the public interest.
Thumper Browne said:
Um, sorry to butt in here but I think what C66 is trying to say is that rather than the meeja actively suppresing the truth about 9/11 they are merely being complicit and failing to raise these kinds of serious questions, its fallen off the radar as far as most people are concerned, even here at 'thinking-outside-the-box-U75'.
Actually, the truth is that a handful of rather persistent individuals have done their utmost to ensure that their particular brand of 9/11 conspiracy never, ever 'falls off the radar' by endlessly regurgitating the same 'arguments' ad infinitum.

Despite having ample opportunity over the years to relentlessly put forward all manner of wild and wonderful theories as to 'what really happened', very, very few people seem remotely impressed with the standard of argument offered.

Why do you think that might be?
That's fair enough Ed but I think to some, these threads are like couselling sessions, opportunities for people to rant out all their paranoid fantasies, it helps focus the mind and see the wood through the trees.

Okay, so U75 is not a psychiatrists couch and as you have suggested maybe C66's forum should fulfil that role. But personally I want to see continued debate on here about this issue, despite there being no new evidence as I don't think we will see any new evidence.

Like I say, I don't think anyone is asking questions anymore, let alone the right ones, too many people swallowed the 9/11 report, regardless of the questions it left open, the question it answered was "are people fallible?" "Yes", then there's the ones that weren't, I think those are questions people don't want answered cos we already know the answer, yes, to governments people are expendable for the percieved greater good.

Get used to it or get rid of government.
Thumper Browne said:
That's fair enough Ed but I think to some, these threads are like couselling sessions, opportunities for people to rant out all their paranoid fantasies....
Tell me about it.....

But do they really have to do it quite so often?


Conspiracy fans with an unstoppable urge to repeat yourself!
This forum is your friend!
editor said:
It's really a bit sad and rather pathetic that you are still unable to admit to your typos, or to have the courtesy to thank me for taking the time out to point them out to you.

Being that you're clearly devoid of any argument, derelict of constructive opinion regarding this thread and the points I've raised, and you resort to claiming that I use Joe whats-'is-name as a source (which I never have) so as to discredit my opinions and then come running back with cheap pendantry when that didn't work... I hardly think you're worthy of any kind of thanks or a medal.. do you 'Editor'?

Pedantry instead of thought. How fucking lame can you get?
Citizen66 said:
you resort to claiming that I use Joe whats-'is-name as a source (which I never have) so as to discredit my opinions and then come running back with cheap pendantry when that didn't work...
Where have I claimed that you're using Joe Vialls as a source?

Oh and the 'points you've raised' have been raised a trillion times before and I've no interest in repeating myself all over again for your benefit.

I know it's en vogue for the conspiracy cognoscenti , but endless repetition of evidence-unsupported speculation really ain't my bag.

Perhaps you could entice the tiny handful of people still interested in seeing the same things endlessly repeated to your forum?
Citizen66 said:
My typo was genaral : Just spotted it!
Would this be some of the "cheap pendantry" you were whining about earlier?

Incidentally, it's spelt "pedantry".

editor said:
Would this be some of the "cheap pendantry" you were whining about earlier?

Incidentally, it's spelt "pedantry".


Give an over-confident man just enough rope and he'll always eventully hang himself.

Or is that eventually? :D

Natch ;) :p
editor said:
Oh and the 'points you've raised' have been raised a trillion times before and I've no interest in repeating myself all over again for your benefit.

When did I ask you to repeat yourself? I was debating with Jezza.
Citizen66 said:
When did I ask you to repeat yourself? I was debating with Jezza.

I've seen you and some others do this before.

Suddenly act like the thread isn't open to everyone and pretend that "you were only talking to X".

A bit very typical.
Citizen66 said:
When did I ask you to repeat yourself? I was debating with Jezza.
If you want private conversations in a public forum, I suggest you adjourn to your own intimate forums where I'm sure you won't be troubled by anyone else's opinion.
Rumsfeld, hmmmmmm....

I can believe that he thought something was coming along the lines of the East African Embassies- you must recall almost 90% of those killed were locals - it was excuse enough for Clinton to bomb places, they may have felt that was enough.
I think what it boils down to is the White House utterly underestimating the power of Al Q. They may be right with reference to the total complement of Al Q as such, but the ideas they espouse are extremely powerful, witness the rise of Al Sadr, and they still continue to underestimate - cant see why the went after Iraq so quickly after Afghanisatn unless they thought Al Q was a sideshow and Sadam the real biz.
How utterly wrong can you be.
Planning the shit?
Taking advantage of the result?
Of course
Loki said:
My feelings exactly.

I think it is that, the blatant misuse of the grief and suffering of their own people in order to pursue their own agenda, which should be the content for 9/11 threads.
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