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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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editor said:
You're entitled to your opinion, just as I'm entitled to say that I think you're talking total bollocks, with my opinion being based on running these boards for years.

Have you actually read all of citizen's posts here and elsewhere? Why do you think he was recently threatened with a ban?

Of course I haven't read all of citizen's posts. It does seem that based on this thread alone, though, Citizen hadn't pushed out the conspiracy boat to any extent at all before he was fallen upon.

You are right, I don't know his other transgressions but on the evidence of this alone I don't think he was particularly way out.

I don't think I'm talking total bollocks, BTW, but none is infallible
bendeus said:
I maintain that most of the provocation and aggression comes from the don't want to hear it camp.

LOL - I've been told to throw myself under a bus by bigfish and been told I'm a "parrot" by at least two conspiracy fans (one of them being DrJazzz). There have been other comments but I can't be bothered to dig them up.
bendeus said:
You are right, I don't know his other transgressions but on the evidence of this alone I don't think he was particularly way out.
Perhaps looking at how he's performed on related threads may give you an insight into how his insights are welcomed here.
Loki said:
LOL - I've been told to throw myself under a bus by bigfish and been told I'm a "parrot" by at least two conspiracy fans (one of them being DrJazzz). There have been other comments but I can't be bothered to dig them up.

No, but you've never ever missed the opportunity to remind the forum of those two aspects. I've lost count of the times you've informed us of these most terrible actions.

What nasty people this life throws up eh loki?
fela fan said:
No, but you've never ever missed the opportunity to remind the forum of those two aspects. I've lost count of the times you've informed us of these most terrible actions.

What nasty people this life throws up eh loki?

I post on many threads mate but this one happens to be one that bigfish has been posting on so I feel perfectly entitled to mention that this poster invited me to throw myself under a bus.
Barking_Mad said:

Loki said:
I post on many threads mate but this one happens to be one that bigfish has been posting on so I feel perfectly entitled to mention that this poster invited me to throw myself under a bus.

Yeah, but so what man. You don't know him, he's just a pseudonym, why get worked up about it eh? You never cease to miss the chance of telling us all that bigfish told you to get under a bus.

He didn't actually do that the way you're making out, but you've since made out he advocated you died. Not true. I remember the original post.

Just leave it eh? No one that comes here subsequently will know what the fuck you're on about anyway.
editor said:
Perhaps looking at how he's performed on related threads may give you an insight into how his insights are welcomed here.

He is most welcomed on these threads. It just depends who you are ;) .

He had no trangressions, unless debating the message is a transgression that is.
fela fan said:
He had no trangressions, unless debating the message is a transgression that is.
Bollocks as usual.

But here's a lady getting friendly with a tribble


Watch a tribble video here
Mount Molloy

Historic mining and timber town.
Mount Molloy is one of those towns where it is obvious that its moment of glory and importance has long gone.

A huge pub, a rusting steam engine and a few shops which have been closed for decades are all that really exists of this once important mining and timber town.

There's still a bakery, a general store and a petrol station but these do not hint at the thriving centre that sprang up here in the 1890s when the copper mine was at its height.

Compared to the lushness of Kuranda and the popular tourist haunts near the coast, Mount Molloy is a world away. 106 km from Cairns it is located in a dry area where cattle grazing is now the dominant industry.


Yeah - if I were a phone company - getting a signal here would be a high priority. :D :D


Before the plane crashed, The Associated Press reported, Mark Bingham used a cellular phone to call his mother, Alice Hoglan, back home in California, reporting: "We've been taken over. There are three men that say they have a bomb."

United spokesman Joseph Hopkins said yesterday he did not know how many passengers placed cellular phone calls from the Newark-to-San Francisco flight.

"I've heard that it was about 20," he said.


The only one of four hijacked planes that did not take a life on the ground, United Airlines Flight 93 was en route from Newark, N.J., to San Francisco when it made a sudden turn near Cleveland.
People on board made calls from cellular phones, telling loved ones and others they planned to attack their hijackers once they learned of the attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


Take a look at the Ohio cellphone reception forum here...


And then explain what your relevance is when talking about some dumb mountain in Australia compared to Ohio where the Flight 93 calls took place.
Originally Posted by Loki
LOL - I've been told to throw myself under a bus by bigfish and been told I'm a "parrot" by at least two conspiracy fans (one of them being DrJazzz).

If you had said that to Dr Jazzz he would have reported your post!!!

Anyway, all these semantics surrounding phone signals are irrelevant - Dr Jazzz has expertly proven that the calls were faked anyway.

Dr Jazzz said:
I note that you didn't comment on the fact that I recently fooled my flatmate's mum into thinking I was her son

:D :D :D
pk said:
Anyway, all these semantics surrounding phone signals are irrelevant - Dr Jazzz has expertly proven that the calls were faked anyway.
It was truly beyond belief that one, wasn't it?

DrJ has the audacity to compare a quick conversation he had with a confused flatmate's Mum to the deeply intimate last conversation between a couple who knew each other from their schooldays.

Did you touch on subjects like this when you were busy 'fooling' your flatmate's Mummy, DrJ:

Lyz Glick: “We said ‘I love you’ 1,000 times over and over again and it just brought so much peace to us. And he said, ‘I love Emmy,’ who is our daughter, and to take care of her. And then he said, ‘Whatever decisions you make in your life, I need you to be happy and I will respect any decisions that you make.’”
And does she think about the conversation every day lile Lyz does?

It’s been a year since she heard Jeremy’s voice. Their last 26 minutes together are replayed in her mind over and over every day.

Lyz Glick: “When I’m driving in the car, I’m having that conversation in my head. Before I go to sleep, I’m thinking about it. I do think about it a lot. And do think about what his final moments must have been like. You know, and I pray that it was OK.”

The last words Jeremy spoke to her were: “Stay on the line, I’ll be back.” But Lyz couldn’t listen and handed the phone to her father.

When the FBI offered to play cockpit tapes for the families of Flight 93 last spring, she had a second chance.

Jane Pauley: “Why did you want to hear that cockpit voice recorder?”

Lyz Glick: “Because I know everything that happened and it was this last missing piece that I needed to hear. You know, I experienced everything with Jeremy in life. You know, up to those two minutes before his death.”

I want you to refute your stupid claim that calls from Flight 93 were impossible.

That's all.

For starters, anyway.
pk said:
I want you to refute your stupid claim that calls from Flight 93 were impossible.

That's all.

For starters, anyway.
Why should I, when various links that I have provided, and indeed editor has to, maintains that such calls are impossible in craft moving in excess of 230mph?

But perhaps you would like to find a single example of anyone else making such a mobile call on any day other than 9-11 without the new pico cell technology, brought in to make mobile calls possible from aircraft!

After all, if anyone had, you would have thought they would come forward, given the remarkable claims that the official story of 9-11 is completely false.
The calls were made from the in-flight phone then, as my links have demonstrated.

But if they were made from mobiles - it wouldn't have been the first time...

Till 2000 some of the countries didn't joint to the ban against cell phones but an air crash of the flight number LX 498 Crossair (Saab 340) considerably changed the situation. It was not far from Zurich on the 10. of January 2000. Ten passengers and a whole crew perished in that air crash. For a long time the results of flight recorders decoding were not announced but at last it was a sensation. One of the reasons of the crash was an SMS message, which was received by one of the passengers, and a next cell phone conversation. Navigation monitoring devices showed wrong data at that moment, what led to a crash.


DrJazzz said:
But perhaps you would like to find a single example of anyone else making such a mobile call on any day other than 9-11 without the new pico cell technology, brought in to make mobile calls possible from aircraft!.
Here's several: the people who rang their husband and wives from the planes on 9/11. Their testimony seems emphatic to me. Are you saying that they're lying?

And it's hardly a surprise that there aren't many people stepping forward to say that they've used mobiles at high altitude BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL and, so we are told, highly dangerous. Using a mobile in flight can incur a massive fine.

But seeing as you asked,
these boards seem to have a few people saying that they've connected from airplanes, although they're not going to put their name to their illegal activities.
pk said:
I want you to refute your stupid claim that calls from Flight 93 were impossible.

DrJazzz said:
[P]erhaps you would like to find a single example of anyone else making such a mobile call on any day other than 9-11 without the new pico cell technology, brought in to make mobile calls possible from aircraft!

So, over to you PK, all we want is for you to produce just one single concrete example of anyone else making such a mobile call on any day other than 9-11. That a pretty simple and straight forward request that should be a piece of cake for someone with your googling skills.

Oh, and by the way PK, have you managed to turn up any material evidence, other than the Mr Blobby Goes to Dulles video, able to establish the presence of any of the alleged hijackers at any of the 3 airports yet?
The network was designed as terrestrial, with 2-D cells laid across the surface of the earth.
As the network is laid out on the ground in cells, the frequencies are re-used by towers and customers in non-adjacent cells.

That means that you can be in Hoboken using your cellphone on channel x, while another cellular user is in Harlem also talking on channel x.

Even on the same frequency, because of the distance, your phone on the ground in Hoboken does not interfere with the phone in Harlem.

Now imagine you are in a plane 15,000 ft over Manhattan.
Your signal is equally strong in Harlem and Hoboken.
This destroys the geographic frequency re-use of the cellular network, and as you know, frequency spectrum is a rare resource in this industry.

Simply put, airplane-based cellular use does not fit the design of our current cellular networks.

The 9/11 calls are perfect examples.

Yes, some calls worked some of the time, but in an unreliable, low quality way.

We've all heard the 911 tapes: failed handoffs and dropped calls were the order of the day.


Happy yet Dr Jazzz???
So, over to you PK, all we want is for you to produce just one single concrete example of anyone else making such a mobile call on any day other than 9-11.

Have you been reading this thread at all Bigfish?


I have proved this quite a few times now.
pk said:
For the record - I agree with Bendeus, to a degree... I do believe there was a PNAC/neocon objective to allow this to happen in order for Bush to implement a war strategy and secure his oil pipelines.
Though I doubt even PNAC and the Neocons could have predicted the towers collapsing, or just how many planes/people would be involved.

I do NOT believe that passenger calls were faked, that missiles were used, or holograms, or bombs planted under the WTC towers to assist their collapse, or any of the other David Icke lizard bullshit that seems to be touted here by deluded fuckwits like CaroleK, Dr Jazzz, or Bigfish.

Questioning the official line is a little bit different to accepting the offensive bollocks we are fed as "fact!" here by the muppet squad as listed above.

It has surprised me, pk, and I've no doubt it will astound you, but I actually agree, without reserve, with the sentiments quoted above.
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