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Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen? The Poll!

Did Rumsfield and Chums want and allow 9/11 to happen?

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Common bloody sense innit L&L.

If we can get past the idiots then we can talk about the implication, but the loonspuds keep derailing debate, waving their arms screaming "you've all been fooled - it was the lizards!".

Meanwhile... in Community/Feedback forum...

Dr Jazzz said:
Is it acceptable to call another poster a 'C*nt'
This poll will close on 07-09-2004 at 04:56 PM

Yes 32 - 86.49%

No 5 - 13.51%

bigfish said:
So, over to you PK, all we want is for you to produce just one single concrete example of anyone else making such a mobile call on any day other than 9-11. That a pretty simple and straight forward request that should be a piece of cake for someone with your googling skills.
Here you go. Enjoy! (Oh and don't forget the compelling evidence of the 9/11 phone calls, which come with lots of first hand testimonies.)
Till 2000 some of the countries didn't joint to the ban against cell phones but an air crash of the flight number LX 498 Crossair (Saab 340) considerably changed the situation.
It was not far from Zurich on the 10. of January 2000. Ten passengers and a whole crew perished in that air crash.

For a long time the results of flight recorders decoding were not announced but at last it was a sensation. One of the reasons of the crash was an SMS message, which was received by one of the passengers, and a next cell phone conversation.
Severe laws don't mean that they are carefully observed. It is the opinion of many people not only in Russia but in other countries too. In spite of warnings and earnest requests many passengers continue to use cell phones during the flights.
Give it up bigfish. You're turning into a joke.
pk said:

Ooh, look, a picture of Atta the playboy "suicider" with one of his chums taken at Portland airport. So, no proof yet then of any of the hijackers at any of the 3 targeted airports - Boston, Newark and Dulles.

By the way, the link you've provided references the crash of a Saab 340 twin prop small passenger plane on a landing approach to Zurich. The Saab 340 has a maximum cruising speed of only 280 knts, much slower than a 757 and would have been traveling even slower as it descended to land at Zurich.
"turning into a joke" ??

He was a fucking joke before he even registered here... a pretty sick one at that.

And you don't think the footage of Atta is enough proof for you Bigfish?

How do YOU see what REALLY happened then?

Go on. I know you're dying to tell us.
bigfish said:
Ooh, look, a picture of Atta the playboy "suicider" with one of his chums taken at Portland airport. So, no proof yet then of any of the hijackers at any of the 3 targeted airports - Boston, Newark and Dulles.

By the way, the link you've provided references the crash of a Saab 340 twin prop small passenger plane on a landing approach to Zurich. The Saab 340 has a maximum cruising speed of only 280 knts, much slower than a 757 and would have been traveling even slower as it descended to land at Zurich.
bigfish? Hellooooooooooo?

Have you read my proof of in-flight calls being possible?
bigfish said:
he Saab 340 has a maximum cruising speed of only 280 knts.
That's 320 m.p.h - and DrJ has been asserting that "calls are impossible in craft moving in excess of 230mph"
Surely the onus is now on the conspiranoids to provide PROOF that such calls are IMPOSSIBLE?

Jo/Joe said:
pk's link screws your cell phone theory bigfish.

i agree and until pk's contributions on this thread, i too had doubts about those 9/11 calls being possible to make. not now though.
Jo/Joe said:
pk's link screws your cell phone theory bigfish.

PK's a clown currently being royally reamed by babylon for being a wieseguy. They've tricked him you see into swallowing the old yarn about passenger phonecalls.

The big big problem he and his fellow "it was Al-Qaeda wot done it, honest guv" conspiracy theorists are having is they don't seem to be able to anti up the prove that any of the 19 "hijackers" were ever at any of the airports to be able to board the flights.

If the hijackers never were on any of the flights, then even a blind man speeding by on a galloping horse would see that the phone call depicting hijacks in progress by them were obviously faked.

By the way, any advance on the Mr Blobby Goes to Dulles video and the picture of the "suicidal" playboy Mohamed Atta NOT at one of the targeted airports?
Another late night rambling post from bigfish. What a surprise. I'm clueless as to what the first sentence is supposed to mean.
bigfish said:
PK's a clown currently being royally reamed by babylon for being a wieseguy. They've tricked him you see into swallowing the old yarn about passenger phonecalls.

The big big problem he and his fellow "it was Al-Qaeda wot done it, honest guv" conspiracy theorists are having is they don't seem to be able to anti up the prove that any of the 19 "hijackers" were ever at any of the airports to be able to board the flights.

If the hijackers never were on any of the flights, then even a blind man speeding by on a galloping horse would see that the phone call depicting hijacks in progress by them were obviously faked.

By the way, any advance on the Mr Blobby Goes to Dulles video and the picture of the "suicidal" playboy Mohamed Atta NOT at one of the targeted airports?

Face it Bigfish.

You are a prize cunt, unable to take the fact that you can't support your lunatic fantasies.

I've made a prick out of you long enough, even Dr Jazzz knows when to call it a day, bless him.

Seldom have I met anyone in more need of a blowjob than you.

Seriously. Pay for it if you have to.

But you really need your dick serviced, before you go permanently insane.

Of course it may be against your religion. Are you David Icke?

pk said:
Face it Bigfish.

You are a prize cunt, unable to take the fact that you can't support your lunatic fantasies.

I've made a prick out of you long enough, even Dr Jazzz knows when to call it a day, bless him.

Seldom have I met anyone in more need of a blowjob than you.

Seriously. Pay for it if you have to.

But you really need your dick serviced, before you go permanently insane.

Of course it may be against your religion. Are you David Icke?


Hmmm, so no advance on the pic of Atta NOT at any of the airports and Mr Blobby goes to Dulles video then.

No "hijackers" at the airports must mean they never were on any of the flights. That can only mean one thing: the phone calls must have been faked. Thank's for confirming that for me.

By the way, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Oh and thanks to Zit, if there's one person that can see through this conspiracy shite that was perhaps undecided before about it, it makes this tedious (but funny!) exercise all worth it.

I've had my doubts about all kinds of wild claims, and gone for one or two, and I'm undecided about a few (WTC7 troubles me, not because I think lizards did it, but because the way it collapsed was indicative of bad architecture).

There are ample sites with rational reasons and explanations for everything out there.

If you are open-minded enough to believe them.

bigfish said:
PK's a clown currently being royally reamed by babylon for being a wieseguy. They've tricked him you see into swallowing the old yarn about passenger phonecalls.
You still haven't offered a remotely credible explanation about how those phone calls could have been faked.

The callers were quite emphatic that they'd been hijacked, so where is your solid proof that they were lying?

Have you got any? Could you list it here please?
bigfish said:
That can only mean one thing: the phone calls must have been faked.
Really? And where's your proof of that, then? Where is it? Show us what you've got.

Tell me how such a remarkable feat of total deception could possibly have been accomplished when passengers like Jeremy Glick weren't even supposed to be on the flight that day!

He spoke to his wife for over 25 minutes. She's subsequently spoken of how she thinks about those last desperate, intimate, poignant words all the time. Strangely enough, she's never, ever doubted the authenticity of the call or her husband's circumstances that day.

So how could that be, bigfish? Do you believe that it's possible to instantly replicate the personality, accent, character, timbre, intimate knowledge and tone of a complete stranger in seconds and do it so incredibly convincingly that a married couple who have known each since school would be totally fooled?

I'd wager any sum of money you like that I'd almost immediately spot anyone pretending to be my girlfriend on the phone in similar circumstances over such a lenghty call.

Wanna put your money where your mouth is?
Originally Posted by bigfish
That can only mean one thing: the phone calls must have been faked.

"DAN - DAN - DAAAAA!!!!"

The Jazzz Wonder - "Batfish, it's OK right? We can beat the lizards, can't we?! Can't we Batfish?!!"

Batfish - "No, I'm sorry Robin The Jazzz Wonder... this time we've been truly flummoxed... I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this... somehow... but Commissioner Gordon "pk" Bennet says we're just a pair of paranoid cunts... have you any more bullshit-grenades in your utility belt?"

The Jazzz Wonder - "No Batfish, darn it to hell, I used them up trying to convince Stobart Spotter that she needn't take a tetanus jab!"


The Jazzz Wonder - "Oh gosh, Batfish, say it ain't so!"

Batfish - "I'm afraid it is so, Robin The Jazzz Wonder - we've been fried up like a kipper and no mistake. I used my last bullshit grenade trying to convince people that Israeli passports are no impedance to free unrestricted global travel, and that there would be no need for a Mossad agent to have a fresh supply of fake ID"

The Jazzz Wonder - "Then unless I am much mistaken, we have one more Batfish dish to serve, in our kitchen of culinary shite delights..."

Batfish - "What's that Robin?"

The Jazzz Wonder - "Well, we sneak up upon our prey, like a cunning snake..."

Batfish - "Or like a lizard... I like it... yes.... yes, go on!"

The Jazzz Wonder - "...then we hit that "report post" button up there to the right of this box, as fast as we can and as many times as we can!!!"

Batfish - "It's a crazy plan, Robin... but yet... it might just work...if only I could remove my utility belt from your sweet ass..."

hmmm... 'the jazzz wonder'.... I quite like that.

Must have taken you some time, that post! ;)
You can indeed be quite amusing and creative, pk. And sometimes make valuable contributions to debates.

It's a shame you mix that up with being such an objectionable twat :p
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