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Demand a seven day parliament

I get the sentiment but... under Blair's govt Parliament passed a new law, on average, every three hours- and close to 30,000 by the end. Imagine if they had worked a 7 day week.

Most of those laws though, weren't actually passed by parliament, but introduced using non-parliamentary channels such as statuatory instruments and Orders in Council. So maybe a bit more time spent on the green benches would have enabled more thorough oversight.

In total, the Government has brought in 3,023 offences since May 1997. They comprise 1,169 introduced by primary legislation - debated in Parliament - and 1,854 by secondary legislation such as statutory instruments and orders in council.

Blair's 'frenzied law making' : a new offence for every day spent in
I'd prefer they all had trials. Some will be found very wanting against the peoples law (lovlier than lovely).

Talking legislation out for instance, well. Dear oh dear. Salt mines for you my pedigree chum
in more drastic cases of wrongdoing, well the guullotine was used last in 1970s so every chance an expert in its construction still lives
no more salt mines, it's all canals these days.
once the verdict is delivered we put it forth to a show of hands vote- my mines or your canals. It would be nice to see britains old forgotten canal networks opened up again.
in more drastic cases of wrongdoing, well the guullotine was used last in 1970s so every chance an expert in its construction still lives

once the verdict is delivered we put it forth to a show of hands vote- my mines or your canals. It would be nice to see britains old forgotten canal networks opened up again.
south georgia's large enough for canals AND mines.
in more drastic cases of wrongdoing, well the guullotine was used last in 1970s so every chance an expert in its construction still lives

once the verdict is delivered we put it forth to a show of hands vote- my mines or your canals. It would be nice to see britains old forgotten canal networks opened up again.
whose hands? the inmates royal family's and politicians or someone else's?
do mps get paid while they're not actually mps, that is while they are prospective parliamentary candidates during an election campaign?
As I understand it, they are still paid as MPs until they are voted out, at which point they get a big (£20k or so) pay off.
As I understand it, they are still paid as MPs until they are voted out, at which point they get a big (£20k or so) pay off.
things will be different when instead of seeking the stewardship of the chiltern hundreds mps seeking to leave the commons have to apply to be trustees of marie lloyd land.
I think that a location in East Antarctica would be more suitable. The higher altitudes and constant adiabatic winds create a more bracing atmosphere which is sure to do wonders for the health of the former people.
As I understand it, they are still paid as MPs until they are voted out, at which point they get a big (£20k or so) pay off.
they still get there 'basic' pay, and extras for government office, but not for any purely 'parliamentary' roles (eg select committees). Their pay off depends upon how long they've been MP.
I think that a location in East Antarctica would be more suitable. The higher altitudes and constant adiabatic winds create a more bracing atmosphere which is sure to do wonders for the health of the former people.
no country has yet claimed marie lloyd land so it really is the last frontier on earth

the heights of the executive committee range will appeal to the like of the former people
they still get there 'basic' pay, and extras for government office, but not for any purely 'parliamentary' roles (eg select committees). Their pay off depends upon how long they've been MP.

By extra's you include staff costs, mail shots, publishing leaflets Etc?
Given liz truss's froth about lazy workers we should be demanding a seven day parliament. Leadership must come from the government and truss must step up the the dispatch box and declare parliament will set an example. If you look at parliaments across the eu and other comparable nations, none of them have the er Spanish practices that have gone on too long as our lazy parliamentarians spend months lolling on beaches when they're not lolling on benches
Given liz truss's froth about lazy workers we should be demanding a seven day parliament. Leadership must come from the government and truss must step up the the dispatch box and declare parliament will set an example. If you look at parliaments across the eu and other comparable nations, none of them have the er Spanish practices that have gone on too long as our lazy parliamentarians spend months lolling on beaches when they're not lolling on benches

Surprised you're in favour of more Tory government. What would you have them do during the extra working days?
If in the future you don't want to make yourself look like a feckless wanker as you do here you'd be well advised to read the thread

Well I have read it now. Surprised you felt minded to bump it tbh. I also think your previous rebuttals to others who made the same point as me were pretty weak, so I’m not surprised you avoided addressing my question directly.
The more time they spend in parliament the more laws they might pass. Minimise the time they spend in parliament, we can do without all the pointless laws, we already have enough.
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