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Demand a seven day parliament

Why can't we have the same number of MP's or fewer even and they simply work longer hours. It is not too much to ask. Is it?
I get the sentiment but... under Blair's govt Parliament passed a new law, on average, every three hours- and close to 30,000 by the end. Imagine if they had worked a 7 day week.
MPs would argue if 7 day a week service was provided there would need to be more MPs so that shift patterns could be established with sustainable time off for all.
There are 26 bishops in the hise of lords apparently. As far as I understand it their priorities relate not to doing the peoples will but to doing gods work. i'm a bit uncomfortable about this waste of taxpayers money and wondered if their presence is entirely appropriate in a rational age. Its not clear to me how the Pickman 7 day reform bill will improve this matter.. Saying prayers at the start of each day is bad enough but letting them loose to be doing the deity's work for a full 7 days would be extraordinary. How about excluding them entirely, as we did during the civil war?
There are 26 bishops in the hise of lords apparently. As far as I understand it their priorities relate not to doing the peoples will but to doing gods work. i'm a bit uncomfortable about this waste of taxpayers money and wondered if their presence is entirely appropriate in a rational age. Its not clear to me how the Pickman 7 day reform bill will improve this matter.. Saying prayers at the start of each day is bad enough but letting them loose to be doing the deity's work for a full 7 days would be extraordinary. How about excluding them entirely, as we did during the civil war?
They shall wander the palace of westminster speaking platitudes to power
The Chartists had the right idea; point six of "The People's Charter" was Annual Parliaments, aimed at keeping MP's on their toes. It would still have the same effect today, particularly if coupled with a move towards becoming a more direct democracy with, as in Switzerland, referendums on contentious legislation, or proposed legislation that has significant popular support in petitions.

MP's, regardless of their ministerial position, should all be paid the same salary which should be linked to the average national salary. And abolish theHouse of Lords.

As for seven days a week they should beobliged to spend more time in their constituencies. Compulsory surgeries, and six weeks a year doing community service with uniforms to distinguish them from the relatively innocent petty criminals who will be obliged to work alongside them.
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I work for a local authority, I am a public servant, as is an MP. Some years ago I had my pay frozen, I had my expenses cut, never to be increased, I had my sometimes necessary and sometimes essential overtime cut, never to be increased. I have to be cleaner than clean for my job and one foot wrong and I am out. Also, my duties have been increased. What do I see MP's/public servants, why wouldn't I want them to experience what I have?
No mention of Royals yet. Shouldn't they at least be required to attend the Lords if nothing else?
I work in an industry that relies on a workforce to be fluid 24/7 365 days per year.
To make up the shortfall in labour we hired over 60% of our workforce from Eastern Europe, I propose we do the same for parliament.
I work for a local authority, I am a public servant, as is an MP. Some years ago I had my pay frozen, I had my expenses cut, never to be increased, I had my sometimes necessary and sometimes essential overtime cut, never to be increased. I have to be cleaner than clean for my job and one foot wrong and I am out. Also, my duties have been increased. What do I see MP's/public servants, why wouldn't I want them to experience what I have?
No mention of Royals yet. Shouldn't they at least be required to attend the Lords if nothing else?
The monarch should share the hours of other parliamentarians pending the resolution of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha question.
The monarch should share the hours of other parliamentarians pending the resolution of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha question.

Despite my fondness of the English revolutionary period's solution to the issue of dealing with uppity monarchs, i can't help feeling that there is currently no appetite for heads to roll across forecourts once they have been removed from shoulders. Is there room in the 'Pickman 7 day bill' for a less draconian approach?
Despite my fondness of the English revolutionary period's solution to the issue of dealing with uppity monarchs, i can't help feeling that there is currently no appetite for heads to roll across forecourts once they have been removed from shoulders. Is there room in the'Pickman 7 day bill' for a less draconian approach?
Yes. The position of the Falklands will be bolstered by the removal of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha clan to South Georgia while infrastructure companies will watch with interest the progress of the canal projects on that island.
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Despite my fondness of the English revolutionary period's solution to the issue of dealing with uppity monarchs, i can't help feeling that there is currently no appetite for heads to roll across forecourts once they have been removed from shoulders. Is there room in the 'Pickman 7 day bill' for a less draconian approach?

Whilst heads rolling on forecourts does have a certain charm perhaps a monarch repurposed to school dinner lady or crossing patrol would be more humane.
Yes. The position of the Falklands will be bolstered by the removal of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha clan to South Georgia while infrastructure companies will watch with interest the progress of the canal projects on that island.

It's an ingenious solution with considerable appeal. It also has the merit of displaying a certain Thatcherite pennypinching consistency with your recent kind offer to dispatch me to the Algarve to sleep on the beach with a blanket. ;)
It's an ingenious solution with considerable appeal. It also has the merit of displaying a certain Thatcherite pennypinching consistency with your recent kind offer to dispatch me to the Algarve to sleep on the beach with a blanket. ;)
We might have stretched to a sleeping bag
But if the Royals were exiled to the Falklands, would they not be in grave danger from others that claim the Falklands as theirs! :confused:
Zero hours contracts for MPs - they should only get paid for time actually spent in the House.

No pay for travel time to and from constituency.
Daily subsistence allowance set at same rate as the lowliest civil servant.
Absolute ban from requesting upgrades of travel arrangements - must travel with the hoi polloi.
Black Rod to compel every MP entering the Chamber to use a breathalyser. If drunk, fine a day's pay.
Legal compulsion to sell off rentier holdings on election as MP.
The bastinado for any MP engaging in racism, sexism or classism.
Extra bastinadors to be hired.
No pay for travel time to and from constituency.
Daily subsistence allowance set at same rate as the lowliest civil servant.
Absolute ban from requesting upgrades of travel arrangements - must travel with the hoi polloi.
Black Rod to compel every MP entering the Chamber to use a breathalyser. If drunk, fine a day's pay.
Legal compulsion to sell off rentier holdings on election as MP.
The bastinado for any MP engaging in racism, sexism or classism.
Extra bastinadors to be hired.
What's wrong with the auld strappado?
Zero hours contracts for MPs - they should only get paid for time actually spent in the House.

That is a bloody good idea.

It is unreasonable that that any entity marks its own homework, so a citizens committee should be st up to decide terms and conditions for MPs.
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