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Cynthia McKinney, Monday 8th March


the truth don't care
Meeting organised by Reinvestigate 911

Behind the "War on Terror"

Cynthia McKinney

Member of the US House of Representatives for 12 years and now a global campaigner for many causes including Palestine. Cynthia was targeted for removal from the US Congress after asking what the White House knew about 9/11 and when they knew it. Last year she was snatched by Israel from a ship trying to lift the blockade of Gaza and held illegally for a week.

Dr Nafeez Ahmed

UK based terrorism expert. He has questioned some of the key tenets of Bush’s “War on Terror”, a posture which has continued in all but name under the new administration. He is the author on The London Bombings and The War on Truth.

Ian Henshall

Is author of 911 The New Evidence and a co-ordinator for Reinvestigate 911

Chair, Dr Jay Ginn

Lecture room V211 SOAS Vernon Square Campus
7.00 for 7.30 Monday March 8
Entrance free, donations welcome.

Directions: King's Cross Tube, East on Pentonville Road, right onto King's Cross Road

Large old building, corner of King's Cross Road, Penton Rise and Vernon Rise. WC1X 9EW

Reinvestigate 911.org
Supported by Coffee Plant 180 Portobello Road, organic and Fairtrade coffee www.coffee.uk.com
What an inspiring evening, Cynthia is a courageous lady. The large, diverse audience was further proof that more and more Leftists and Greens are waking up to the reality that the Official 911 Conspiracy Theory is a pack of lies and what happened on September 11th was a false-flag operation.
Dr Nafeez Ahmed

"Executive Director" of the "Institute for Policy Research and Development" which I note has a staff of 4 and operates out of a block of flats in Paddington.

It must have been quite something to have a representative of such an august institution present.

Inspiring indeed.

What is funny about these loons is that on the one hand they are all about rejecting the mainstream, and yet they make up these institutions and the like in order to make themselves look like they are part of some kind of establishment. They try to generate an impression of credibility by mimicking exactly what they are supposedly opposing.
What an inspiring evening, Cynthia is a courageous lady. The large, diverse audience was further proof that more and more Leftists and Greens are waking up to the reality that the Official 911 Conspiracy Theory is a pack of lies and what happened on September 11th was a false-flag operation.

You must be hard right winger who thinks it's ok to shoot people dead at the pentagon. Either that or you think alien bloodlines rule the world. It could be a pathological hatred of jooooz as well. Anyone who questions anything about the official story is a nutjob. I learned as much from these very boards.
You must be hard right winger who thinks it's ok to shoot people dead at the pentagon. Either that or you think alien bloodlines rule the world. It could be a pathological hatred of jooooz as well. Anyone who questions anything about the official story is a nutjob. I learned as much from these very boards.

Rather than resort to pathetic and way off the mark insults, why don`t you research the work and speeches of Cynthia McKinney, look up Cointelpro and the destruction of the black resistance movement. How the CIA were behind the influx of crack and cocaine into the ghettoes, for instance.
I wonder if you would have the guts to tell her to her face that she was a nutjob conspiraloon (i doubt it). You have to respect the opinions of people who have lived through oppression, and Cynthia along with many other black Americans have for their whole lives. They understand how the oligarchy operates - it`s not conspiracy theory, it`s reality.
You must be hard right winger who thinks it's ok to shoot people dead at the pentagon. Either that or you think alien bloodlines rule the world. It could be a pathological hatred of jooooz as well. Anyone who questions anything about the official story is a nutjob. I learned as much from these very boards.

Rather than resort to pathetic and way off the mark insults, why don`t you research the work and speeches of Cynthia McKinney, look up Cointelpro and the destruction of the black resistance movement. How the CIA were behind the influx of crack and cocaine into the ghettoes, for instance.
I wonder if you would have the guts to tell her to her face that she was a nutjob conspiraloon (i doubt it). You have to respect the opinions of people who have lived through oppression, and Cynthia along with many other black Americans have for their whole lives. They understand how the oligarchy operates - it`s not conspiracy theory, it`s reality.

Loon fail

@ mike

You need to work on your irony and sarcasm detector - taffy's with you lot in the 'It wuz an inside job' camp.
The large, diverse audience was further proof that more and more Leftists and Greens are waking up to the reality that the Official 911 Conspiracy Theory is a pack of lies and what happened on September 11th was a false-flag operation.

Which if true will guarantee the irrelevance of Greens and Leftists in our politics for a generation.
Rather than resort to pathetic and way off the mark insults, why don`t you research the work and speeches of Cynthia McKinney, look up Cointelpro and the destruction of the black resistance movement. How the CIA were behind the influx of crack and cocaine into the ghettoes, for instance.
I wonder if you would have the guts to tell her to her face that she was a nutjob conspiraloon (i doubt it). You have to respect the opinions of people who have lived through oppression, and Cynthia along with many other black Americans have for their whole lives. They understand how the oligarchy operates - it`s not conspiracy theory, it`s reality.

So she strayed off-topic quite a bit then?
The large, diverse audience was further proof that more and more Leftists and Greens are waking up to the reality that the Official 911 Conspiracy Theory is a pack of lies and what happened on September 11th was a false-flag operation

You see, this is typical of the false dichotomy people like you present in this argument - there's no room for grey area, only 'You either believe the 9/11 Commission and are therefore a sheeple, or you believe that the whole operation was orchestrated by the White House and *insert individual flavour of conspiracy here, be it holographic planes, CD or orbital-mass drivers/particle cannons* and therefore have a clear version of the truth.'

The truth, of course, will be far, far more complex than the simple 'It was a bunch of pissed off Arabs wot dun it' (which is in fact the proximate cause), and far more obscure on the 'What was known and when' question, leaving no clear path of blame to anywhere, because what actually happened was an institutional failure to act on intelligence, driven by infighting, worldview and personality (and ego) clashes between the key players in the room.

But hey, that kind of truth isn't satisfying, because it means that all the humans involved acted and behaved like human beings, not cyphers of perfection from a movie. I realise that this doesn't satisfy your need for a neatly tied off, here's a finger of blame ending, but hey, life's like that.
What an inspiring evening, Cynthia is a courageous lady. The large, diverse audience was further proof that more and more Leftists and Greens are waking up to the reality that the Official 911 Conspiracy Theory is a pack of lies and what happened on September 11th was a false-flag operation.

What is the political dynast CM's views on 911 then? Did/does she argue as you suggest above?
Hold tight mate, i think/hope Cynthia`s speech from Monday night will be on the internet soon, so you can learn for yourself what her views are.

One thing`s for sure, she doesn`t believe the Ofiicial Conspiracy theory.
Hold tight mate, i think/hope Cynthia`s speech from Monday night will be on the internet soon, so you can learn for yourself what her views are.

One thing`s for sure, she doesn`t believe the Ofiicial Conspiracy theory.

You were there though - can't you just say yes she believes it was a false flag operation, or no she doesn't?
McKinney gained national attention for remarks she made following the 2001 US attacks, charging that the United States had advance knowledge of the attacks and that US President George W. Bush may have been aware of the incipient attack and allowed them to happen,[18] allegedly due to his father's business interests: "It is known that President Bush's father, through the Carlyle Group, had–at the time of the attacks–joint business interests with the bin Laden construction company and many defense industry holdings, the stocks of which have soared since September 11."

From Wiki, seems to sum her position up.
Does she believe the destruction of the WTC was a controlled demolition, rather than purely the result of the aeroplane impacts?

I can't find a statement on her website.

Do you think she would be appearing as a lead speaker in an event organised by www.reinvestigate911.org if she was not questioning all aspects of the official account?
Can you answer my question above jazzz?
Of course she does, I can tell you that with certainty. However, as she is the political face of the truth movement she may have to limit her pronouncements to what is proved and questions.
Yet, she doesn't. Have you any supporting evidence for this definitive claim? Anything at all?

In what way is she the political face of the truth movement?
I was baffled by this thread till I realised it was nothing to do with the woman who kidnapped a Mormon and said she'd ski naked with a carnation up her nose for love for him
:oops: That was Joyce McKinney :oops:
Still, maybe they're related.
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