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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

It's a bit annoying when there's a whole thread of info on Sweden including the current restrictions and they carry on with the same talking points :facepalm:
Watched Boris's speech, still not clear on the new rules.

Still the rule of 6?
If you can WFH then do.
Pubs to shut at 10pm
Still ok to go to other people's houses even if you are not in a bubble?

Doesn't seem like much of a tightening.
I think I saw a Triggle article where he used a graph to suggest that if our trajectory was like France and Spains, we would be more likely to end up with 10,000 cases by the date in mid October that was used in the Whitty/Vallance slides the other day, rather than their 50,000 example.

But I am trying to wean myself off doing lengthy quotations and commentary on his analysis. I suppose I will still link to the article though, this time, maybe the last. Last throw of dice before the really tough call

I will say that its been weeks already since I questioned how well our testing system will actually be able to keep up with increase in cases, given its been creaking since some time in August, or maybe it was the start of September, I forget. I do expect to have to rely on various estimates more than actual test data again at some point, and to factor in heavily who is actually managing to get a test. eg under the very highest demand-supply test imbalances, it will end up being little more than an indicator of who is testing positive in hospitals etc again. But unless we reach that point, it will be hard to know what proportion of community cases it is still able to handle. So maybe I should just go straight to the regular estimates from now on instead, I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, the point I am leading to is that if I go and look at zoe covid estimates, their latest estimate was 12,698 new daily cases across the UK, and that estimate is getting a bit old now. So I dont think much of Triggles 10,000 by October 13th thing or whatever it was. But then if I were forced to stick to actual number of detected cases then all bets are off, I dont know how long it will take them to manage to detect 10,000 positives in a day, if they even can, regardless of actual levels of infection over that period.

Panic buying is back. Not on anything like the scale it was in the spring, but nevertheless, lots of pics on twitter last night of idiots with trolleys loaded with bog roll...
Tbh, nothing the government has done over the last six months will have given anyone any confidence that they know what they're doing

Rushing to the supermarket and filling a trolley with whatever you could get your hands on seems a perfectly understandable response to Johnson's performance yesterday.
Tbh, nothing the government has done over the last six months will have given anyone any confidence that they know what they're doing

Rushing to the supermarket and filling a trolley with whatever you could get your hands on seems a perfectly understandable response to Johnson's performance yesterday.

True up to a point, but buying hundreds of bog rolls isn't. It's not as if diarrhoea is a typical covid symptom, is it! That's people either being daft or spotting an opportunity to make a profit when the shelves get stripped bare.
True up to a point, but buying hundreds of bog rolls isn't. It's not as if diarrhoea is a typical covid symptom, is it! That's people either being daft or spotting an opportunity to make a profit when the shelves get stripped bare.
I think it's pretty isolated this time. There's pictures of a few silly people in the papers but I haven't heard widespread reports of shelves stripped bare. And given the standards of parts of the British press there's every chance some of the photos are six months old. The supermarkets where I live were stripped bare in March but are fine this week.
I think it's pretty isolated this time. There's pictures of a few silly people in the papers but I haven't heard widespread reports of shelves stripped bare. And given the standards of parts of the British press there's every chance some of the photos are six months old. The supermarkets where I live were stripped bare in March but are fine this week.

Oh aye it's localised, but it is happening. My local paper is reporting some supermarket shelves in the city have been stripped of - predictably - bog roll this morning.
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