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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Interested to note all the insults and aggressive responses since I questioned the hive mind a mere 24 hours ago. Why is this? What are you all so scared of?

Most of the points made to you have been perfectly polite and reasonable, although I'll admit to having been a touch grumpy last night.

Let's go back to this assertion you were making about 'the economy,' though. You seemed to be arguing that lockdown has done huge damage which could have been avoided simply by letting the virus run its course. Is this actually what you believe? If so, what makes you think massive damage would not have occurred with or without a lockdown?
We've also now got no indoors household visiting across the country and discouraging car sharing, as well as pubs closing at 10. Everything else that Boris announced we were already doing here.

Limiting household visiting is probably the single most effective way of restricting the virus we have as thats where most infections occur.

Boris isn't going to go for it willingly because he wants to be loved to much and it'll piss people right off.
Limiting household visiting is probably the single most effective way of restricting the virus we have as thats where most infections occur.

Boris isn't going to go for it willingly because he wants to be loved to much and it'll piss people right off.

I thought restrictions on household visits would be on the list tbh, ridiculous it isn't I think.
Limiting household visiting is probably the single most effective way of restricting the virus we have as thats where most infections occur.

Boris isn't going to go for it willingly because he wants to be loved to much and it'll piss people right off.
Agree that is the reason. The rest of it you can explain with their desire to keep money moving around but reluctance to ban people having a cup of tea in each others kitchens can only be because he knows that he'd be hated for it.
As I continue my attempts, which have been a failure so far, to wind down my interaction with pandemic clowns, I feel the need to wonder why they find it so easy to ignore various lessons from the USA.

Florida is a good example that I dont have time to dig into properly, so these numbers which are from much earlier in September will have to do for now. Just say no to 'what about Sweden?' unless it is chaperoned by 'what about Florida?'.

If you’re still not convinced that DeSantis has done a lousy job handling the COVID-19 crisis, then please consider this: As of Friday, there were 640,211 cases reported in Florida, 11,903 deaths and 39,667 people hospitalized. When the governor greenlighted the reopening of the state on June 3, there were 58,764 cases, 2,566 deaths and 10,525 people hospitalized.

From Gov. DeSantis has proven to be inept at handling COVID-19 crisis - Villages-News.com
You really are proving yourself to be a right prick now. And a stupid one at that.
More insults.

I’ll see you all back here on the 13th of October and we’ll see if we are at 50,000 cases and on track for 200 deaths a day.

When it we’re not perhaps people will be thanking the government for the measures that were put in place today.

God help us to find a vaccine soon
More insults.

I’ll see you all back here on the 13th of October and we’ll see if we are at 50,000 cases and on track for 200 deaths a day.

When it we’re not perhaps people will be thanking the government for the measures that were put in place today.

God help us to find a vaccine soon

Do you really not understand why some people - me included - are getting rather irritated by your habit of ignoring points that are inconvenient for you?

It really doesn't give people any confidence that your argument is based on any more than cherrypicking a few titbits of information that appear to support your point of view, no matter how ill-sourced they might be.
More insults.

I’ll see you all back here on the 13th of October and we’ll see if we are at 50,000 cases and on track for 200 deaths a day.

When it we’re not perhaps people will be thanking the government for the measures that were put in place today.

God help us to find a vaccine soon

Like I said yesterday, your opinion of what will happen cannot actually be tested because even this government are not stupid enough to do nothing. I see you are trying to weave that into you 'when I come back in a months time' stuff but all you've done is make the sentiment even more absurd. A rigged game that you think you cannot lose, dick.

50,000 is an illustration of how small numbers can become very large numbers when R is well above 1. A lesson this country learnt the hard way the first time around.

Your decision to turn to bollocks instead is a sign of misdirected fear if ever there was one. And yet you have the nerve to accuse others of acting with unreasonable fears on their mind.

On behalf of the 65,000 excess deaths we already had, fuck you.
Lockdown 2
Won't happen.
Unsustainable and unworkable politically, economically , socially-pick your adverb, but even with the mentioned threat of using the army..no

hey they are still going ahead with Brexit and most of those conditions apply to that cluster fuck

Limiting household visiting is probably the single most effective way of restricting the virus we have as thats where most infections occur...
Have there actually been studies which conclusively demonstrate this, or is it still at the level of supposition? (not suggesting it isn't correct, just wasn't aware it had been proven).

And household visiting cover a wide range of actual behaviours, from popping round for a brief, distanced chat over a cup of tea, to holding all-night mass house parties, with correspondingly different levels of risk.
I wonder what trigger points they've set for a new version of shielding. They havent given much away so far, other than the fact they are clearly not going to do it at the very earliest opportunity.

I'm not happy about it, but I dont know enough about their future plans or picture of clinical risks to really get my teeth into the subject now.
I think the no household visits stuff is gonna be really tough for lots of people though.

Just read a status update from a mate whose mum spent the last few months of her life on her own even though the restrictions had been relaxed because she was too scared. :( although you're probably going to get even more of that with covid having free rein.:(
Have there actually been studies which conclusively demonstrate this, or is it still at the level of supposition? (not suggesting it isn't correct, just wasn't aware it had been proven).

And household visiting cover a wide range of actual behaviours, from popping round for a brief, distanced chat over a cup of tea, to holding all-night mass house parties, with correspondingly different levels of risk.

Its a sort of fudge based on two sorts of risks/mitigation principals:

Indoors increases transmission risk.

The foundation of epidemic wave control involves anything that breaks links between different households.

These things apply to most of the possible mitigation measures in this pandemic. The government have chosen their priorities and so focus only on some narrow range of scenarios and implications of this stuff, even though the same things apply to links between households via workplaces, schools, bars etc.
Have there actually been studies which conclusively demonstrate this, or is it still at the level of supposition? (not suggesting it isn't correct, just wasn't aware it had been proven).

And household visiting cover a wide range of actual behaviours, from popping round for a brief, distanced chat over a cup of tea, to holding all-night mass house parties, with correspondingly different levels of risk.

It's hard to control for but there have been studies.

The governor of the Bank of England has called for the government to "stop and rethink" the furlough scheme.

The Job Retention Scheme is due to finish at the end of next month.

But speaking on a webinar hosted by the British Chambers of Commerce, Andrew Bailey suggested some sectors may benefit from further targeted help.

Pardon my ignorance of parliamentary procedure, but is there ever a right of reply after such a (typical) non-response?

"I don't know what question the Right Honourable Arsehole thinks he's answered there, but it certainly wasn't the one which was asked. Now, <repeat original question>"
Not by the MP who asked it. Sometimes another MP might ask a follow up but Johnson only actually answers questions from his own side. The rest is just waffle. The Speaker should be able to make him answer the fucking question. :mad:
Have there actually been studies which conclusively demonstrate this, or is it still at the level of supposition? (not suggesting it isn't correct, just wasn't aware it had been proven).

And household visiting cover a wide range of actual behaviours, from popping round for a brief, distanced chat over a cup of tea, to holding all-night mass house parties, with correspondingly different levels of risk.

I think saying that most transmissions happen in the home is fairly uncontroversial but as you say there probably needs to be more questions asked. It seems fairly obvious to me that if one person gets it in your home it is likely that everyone living in the same house will become infected without some pretty extreme (and lucky) measures. This of course is different to someone popping round for half an hour for a cup of tea and a chat which is different again to a dinner party which is different again to etc etc

So yes, most transmissions happen in the home but that's not to say that visiting someone else's home is more risky than say going to Tesco or B&Q. By stopping households mixing you are making the rules very simplistic and reducing exposure with limited impact on the economy. It will be hard on people though.
I thought restrictions on household visits would be on the list tbh, ridiculous it isn't I think.

And actually the way Nicola Stirgin announced it was pretty good.

To paraphrase. We're doing this nationwide because we can see it's having a positive effect in the West of Scotland.

Therefore holding out the possibility that once the infection rate reduces again, these measures may be eased, giving people some hope.
You are the most scared I think, why are you? You’re going to be fine

Read and comment on the post above yours. You're not a brave truth seaking iconoclast you know. Just another one mugged off by YouTube lunes and mouth pieces for vested interests. Do you think the UK government wants to be doing any of this if there were a politically expedient and palatable way of just letting things run their course?

Still not answered why you think mask wearing in public in doors situations has been mandated. GO on, you can tell us.
What I don't understand with the brave free thinkers who know there is no need for any lockdown restrictions is why they think a Conservative government is implementing them. The party of capital. What possible benefit for the party and there funders is there to introducing restrictions on business? Even the most superficial reading of Johnson and the government would tell you they are utterly desperate to get back to normal as quick as possible.

At least the plandemic loons have an answer for this even if it is wacko.
And actually the way Nicola Stirgin announced it was pretty good.

To paraphrase. We're doing this nationwide because we can see it's having a positive effect in the West of Scotland.

Therefore holding out the possibility that once the infection rate reduces again, these measures may be eased, giving people some hope.
She is really good at communicating difficult things directly to people, not condescending not blustering. I wish she was pm of the whole island.
Masks work, they really do.

Its not going to be pleasant for the workers but when has anyone cared about them when bringing out policy?

Have they not enforced customers having to wear them in at the same time, though? Those who can, obvs.
She is really good at communicating difficult things directly to people, not condescending not blustering. I wish she was pm of the whole island.
We watched her statement to parliament live and I found the way she spoke directly to two specific groups of people (teenagers and those who were shielding, both of whom were in the room with me) quite touching.
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