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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

So erm -

Oliver Dowden, the culture secretary, said that 177,216 coronavirus tests were carried out in the 24 hours to 9am this morning. That is the biggest daily headline tally so far, and was announced after Boris Johnson at PMQs restated his ambition to get the daily total up to 200,000 by the end of this month. But these figures have often been criticised as misleading. As the detailed statistics on the Department of Health and Social Care’s website show, although there were 177,216 tests, only 60,744 individuals actually got tested during this 24-hour period. The figures now also include tests carried out for survey purposes, including antibody tests (which show if you have had the virus, not if you have it now). These survey tests account for 23,601 of the daily total.

Also includes 80,000 Pillar 2 tests sent out.
And 60,744 individuals tested is about the lowest I've seen for a bit now, too. :rolleyes:
Apparently the beaches here are really really busy and will only get worse. Friends in Devon are saying the same with lots of people travelling down. Loads of second homers I expect too. I’m fucked off. I’ve been pretty much stuck in this house since mid March, trying to be safe. I’m expected to return to work in some capacity but I’m scared because it feels like everyone around me is just doing whatever they fucking want.
I know it isn’t everyone but I’m starting to feel like the paranoid minority now.
My workplace will be running antibody tests on an as yet not fully approved assay.
The kits haven't been released by the company yet.
We havent had enough information to set up the IT yet.
We only received info from PHE on what information they wanted on their mandatory reporting platform today.
We haven't had a chance to fully workout how it will work interns of workflow (technically a microbiology test but run by blood sciences on a biochemistry analyser)
And they (various trust bigwigs, the gov, NHS England) want us up and running and processing samples across a large portion of London.
Everyone seems to want an antibody test.
The gov said it will happen June 1st (?without consulting those who will be doing the work) and now that's what's going to happen.
I think people have also been told things like the test only takes 40 minutes so no doubt all our users will be constantly calling asking for results when that's just the time once the sample is on the analyser, assuming no technical hiccups without anything else taken into consideration.
They’re claiming 100% specificity - I didn’t think any tests had that (though some have 100% sensitivity)

“The results of our antibody test kit are 97.5% sensitive. This means that for nearly everyone who takes the test, the results will be correct. It is possible for you to have a coronavirus infection and recover without your body making antibodies, or by making a type of antibody not included in this test.

The test will never give a ‘false positive’ result – there’s no way it will say that you have COVID-19 antibodies if you do not have them”

I think it's one of the 2 anti-body IgG tests that have been approved by PHE.
I wonder if the companies like superdrug have a stated turnaround time for getting results and i wonder who is running the tests for them?
Parks around me have pretty much gone back to normal too. Ice cream and coffee kiosks opened and not much, if any, social distancing going on.
Apparently the beaches here are really really busy and will only get worse. Friends in Devon are saying the same with lots of people travelling down. Loads of second homers I expect too. I’m fucked off. I’ve been pretty much stuck in this house since mid March, trying to be safe. I’m expected to return to work in some capacity but I’m scared because it feels like everyone around me is just doing whatever they fucking want.
I know it isn’t everyone but I’m starting to feel like the paranoid minority now.

Same in Norfolk, visitors from Midlands/London descending on tiny seaside spots like Waxham, Wells, Overstrand. Ignoring car park closed signs, parking on double yellows. It's weird, it's like it's over for many. Maybe it is :confused: No idea what to think anymore.
This is the shop in Brixton. There's at least nine customers inside! One cough and that's the whole place infected!

View attachment 213724
I wouldn't - the police are probably a bigger danger to the health of young black men than the coronavirus.

surely it’s the shop that would be reported for not ensuring social distancing - although I can’t see how they would be able to enforce. I feel sorry for the staff.
I went around four parks today and they were all rammed, with loads of people gathering in big groups. One bloke even thought to start up a big, extra-smokey barbecue in Ruskin Park!

Elsewhere, a Brixton fast food vendor was absolutely jammed full of people inside, with no one making the slightest effort at social distancing. The risk to staff and other customers must have been unacceptably high. It's clearly not good to see this going on, but I'm curious what you lot would do. Would you report it?

(*also posted in the Brixton forum)

FFS, I can see another peak coming soon in London, because of the behaviour of these sort of idiots.

And, if it does, I think everything & everyone within the M25 should be lockdown, to stop the spread to the more civilised parts of the country.
surely it’s the shop that would be reported for not ensuring social distancing - although I can’t see how they would be able to enforce. I feel sorry for the staff.

It works fine around here, strict limits on numbers inside the takeaway, everyone else in a queue outside.

My local chip shop takes orders outside from people in the queue & only allows someone in when their order is ready.
FFS, I can see another peak coming soon in London, because of the behaviour of these sort of idiots.

And, if it does, I think everything & everyone within the M25 should be lockdown, to stop the spread to the more civilised parts of the country.
I agree, no sense in shutting down other parts of the country that are in a different phase of the outbreak.

I actually thought they should have had regional lockdowns in the beginning.
It works fine around here, strict limits on numbers inside the takeaway, everyone else in a queue outside.

My local chip shop takes orders outside from people in the queue & only allows someone in when their order is ready.

Happens in some places round here too but not all unfortunately
On the one hand I think there are a lot of 20 somethings in london who are furloughed or working from home and perhaps taking annual leave who are not going to see their parents or grandparents any time soon so good luck to them. Mingle with your other 20 something mates. Go for it. But on the other hand remember not everyone is a healthy 20 something or is already at quite enough contact risk through their work and respect that please. Keep up your social distancing from everyone else.
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