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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

The excel Nightingale facility, far as I can see it’s to be staffed by nurses and doctors from the existing nhs staff? Anybody read anything about how that works (I mean given that we had serious shortages of both before this virus was even born)?
Redeployment from other specialisms which aren't operating fully / at all due to covid 19 mostly I'd imagine.
There are a few new questions on the end of the latest flusurvey/PHE questionnaire which are interesting in the context of decisions re relaxing lockdown...

Since the beginning of COVID-19 lockdown measures, do you carry out a professional activity? (Select all the relevant answers)
  • Yes, I work from home
  • Yes, I work outside from home
  • No, I have a leave of absence to take care of my kid(s)
  • No, I have a sick leave (because of Covid-19)
  • No, I have another situation (retired, job-seeker, student, house-wife/husband, other sick-leave, partial unemployment, forced leave…)

How many days a week do you work outside from home?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

Over recent days, at which frequency did you go out of home to buy products, on average?
  • I do not go out of home anymore
  • Less than once a week
  • Once a week
  • 2 to 6 times a week
  • Once a day
  • Several times per day

Over recent days, at which frequency did you go out of home to get fresh air or exercise (outside your home, balcony, garden, private courtyard), on average?
  • I do not go out of home anymore
  • Less than once a week
  • Once a week
  • 2 to 6 times a week
  • Once a day
  • Several times per day

Over the course of yesterday, how many people (outside your household) did you approach at a distance lower than 1 meter?
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2 to 5
  • 6 to 10
  • More than 10

If lockdown measures were lifted up, but collective childcare/schools/university were closed, what would be your situation? (Select all the relevant answers)
  • I would work from home
  • I would work outside from home
  • I would have a leave of absence to take care of my kid(s)
  • I would have a sick leave (because of Covid-19)
  • I would be in another situation (retired, job-seeker, student, house-wife/husband, other sick-leave, partial unemployment, forced leave…)
  • I don’t know

How many days a week would you work outside from home?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

If lockdown measures were extended (that is to say, continued beyond the date announced by the government), do you think you would follow the recommendations with as much rigour as you do now?
  • Yes, absolutely
  • Yes, moderately
  • No, not really
  • No, not at all
  • I don't know
Redeployment from other specialisms which aren't operating fully / at all due to covid 19 mostly I'd imagine.

Our Trust has been asked to supply a variety of staff to the Nightingale near us, we've been asked for a small number of doctors, nurses, HCAs, etc. Small numbers from each Trust in the area that the hospital is based to spread the load of staffing, and then some extra from the military or voluntary organisations like St. John's Ambulance I think.

There have been 'issues' around command of these new hospitals, and differences of opinion about what type of patient they take. I think they've generally settled on being places for non-ICU Covid patients, rather than those that are critically ill.
its a shocking comment, many people with M.E, etc, are terrified of hospitals, superbugs, etc, that they won't come out, Belboid has form unfortunately, blinker on in some cases.

ME is not on the list of conditions that make you more vulnerable to Covid. You might feel more scared but you're not actually at a higher risk.
There have been 'issues' around command of these new hospitals, and differences of opinion about what type of patient they take. I think they've generally settled on being places for non-ICU Covid patients, rather than those that are critically ill.
I was listening to an interview with a dr last night who said the patients will mostly be those who're out of serious danger but still on ventilators, transferred from nearby hospitals.
I was listening to an interview with a dr last night who said the patients will mostly be those who're out of serious danger but still on ventilators, transferred from nearby hospitals.

Yeah, totally, my understanding is the same, that they didn't want critically ill patients there as it would be bad PR and bad for morale for the places just to be full of the dead and dying.
I don't know how true it is, but I heard the excel facility is almost exclusively for palliative care.
I also heard that it is pretty empty at the moment.
I enquired above, but is there any way of finding out about the numbers and percentages of those having to go to hospital because of the virus, then get better/well, and then get discharged?
Missed this, too!

* In your opinion, how this coronavirus is transmitted? (select all the relevant answers)
  • Breathing the same air as someone sick (for example being in a room or a public transport where someone sick was before)
  • Eating in a restaurant run by people who could have links with a country affected by the coronavirus epidemic
  • Contact with stools coming from someone sick
  • Contact with the saliva of someone sick
  • Receiving a package sent from a country affected by the coronavirus epidemic
  • Contact with the blood of someone sick
  • Contact with surfaces on which sick individuals just coughed or sneezed
  • Ingestion of contaminated food
  • Contact with an infected pet
  • Sitting next to a person who could have links with a country affected by the coronavirus epidemic
  • Inhalation of infected droplets expelled during sneezing or coughing by someone sick
  • Sexual transmission
  • By an infected insect bite
  • Mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy
  • Contact with the skin of someone sick
  • I don’t know


* In your opinion, what is the contagiousness* of this coronavirus ?
-0 - Not contagious at all12345678910 - Very contagious


* In your opinion, what is the gravity of this coronavirus?
-0 - Not grave at all12345678910 - Very grave


* In your opinion, what is the mortality rate of this coronavirus?
-0%Between 0 (excluded) and 1% (included)Between 1 (excluded) and 3% (included)Between 3 (excluded) and 5% (included)Between 5 (excluded) and 10% (included)Between 10 (excluded) and 20% (included)Between 20 (excluded) and 50% (included)More than 50%


* Are you worried about this coronavirus epidemic?
-0 - Not worried at all12345678910 - Very worried


* In your opinion, out of 100 people in the UK, how many of them will have caught this coronavirus by the end of this epidemic?
-Between 0 (excluded) and 1% (included)Between 1 (excluded) and 3% (included)Between 3 (excluded) and 5% (included)Between 5 (excluded) and 10% (included)Between 10 (excluded) and 20% (included)Between 20 (excluded) and 30% (included)Between 30 (excluded) and 40% (included)Between 40 (excluded) and 50% (included)Between 50 (excluded) and 60% (included)Between 60 (excluded) and 70% (included)Between 70 (excluded) and 80% (included)Between 80 (excluded) and 90% (included)Between 90 (excluded) and 100% (included)


* What is the risk for yourself of catching this coronavirus in the coming weeks?
-0%Between 0 (excluded) and 1% (included)Between 1 (excluded) and 3% (included)Between 3 (excluded) and 5% (included)Between 5 (excluded) and 10% (included)Between 10 (excluded) and 20% (included)Between 20 (excluded) and 30% (included)Between 30 (excluded) and 40% (included)Between 40 (excluded) and 50% (included)Between 50 (excluded) and 60% (included)Between 60 (excluded) and 70% (included)Between 70 (excluded) and 80% (included)Between 80 (excluded) and 90% (included)Between 90 (excluded) and 100% (included)I think that I already had this disease

* Because of this coronavirus, since the beginning of lock down measures, did you change some of your habits?
  • Yes, absolutely
  • Yes, moderately
  • No, not really
  • No, not at all
  • I don't know

Because of this coronavirus, since the beginning of lock down measures, did you:
Reduce the time spent at work-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Reduce or change the way you use public transportation-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Wash your hands more frequently-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Clean or disinfect things you might touch more often than usual-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Carry sanitising hand gel when going out more often than usual-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Use sanitising hand gel to disinfect your hands more often than usual-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Reduce the amount you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Follow a healthy diet or took vitamin supplements more often than usual-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Try to avoid people who looked sick-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Carry disposable tissues with you when out more often than usual-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Use disposable tissues when sneezing or coughing more often than usual-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Buy protection masks (surgeon mask sold at pharmacist, mask FFP1, FFP2, FFP3)-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Wear a protection mask (surgeon mask sold at pharmacist, mask FFP1, FFP2, FFP3)-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Avoid shaking hands, hugging and/or kissing on both cheeks-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Avoid approaching people you meet closer than 1 meter-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Lower the frequency you buy food-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Stock food-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Increase the number of days in which you work at home-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Delay or cancel a travel to a foreign country-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
* If you thought you were sick from this coronavirus, which of these actions would you take first? (single choice)(if you think you already had this disease, please answer with the first action you took)
  • I would consult my general practitioner
  • I would ask to my general practitioner to come and visit me
  • I would call my general practitioner or contact him for a teleconsultation
  • I would call NHS 111
  • I would call the toll-free number implemented by the government, if it is available
  • I would go to emergency room
  • I would go to a pharmacy
  • I would contact another health professional (please specify)
  • None of these answers

* Do you think you have received clear enough information from the health authorities regarding the coronavirus epidemic?
  • Yes, absolutely
  • Yes, moderately
  • No, not really
  • No, not at all
  • I don't know

* Do you think that the place taken by the coronavirus in the media is excessive in relation to the risk it represents?
  • Yes, absolutely
  • Yes, moderately
  • No, not really
  • No, not at all
  • I don't know

* Do you think you should be able to follow the recommendations and instructions issued by the health authorities during the next week?
  • Yes, absolutely
  • Yes, moderately
  • No, not really
  • No, not at all
  • I don't know

* Do the following prevention measures appear to you restrictive or hard to implement for you?
Regular use of hydro-alcoholic solution, or regular hand washing with soap-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Use of disposable mask in case of respiratory symptoms-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Have to cancel daily commutes-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Have to stay at home and/or work from home-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Have to keep your children at home because of school closing-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Have to cancel outings because of recommendations (concerts cancelled, avoid trips to certain places…)-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned
Limit sport activities-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't knowNot concerned

* Do the following prevention measures appear to you useful or necessary to implement?
Regular use of hydro-alcoholic solution, or regular hand washing with soap-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't know
Use of disposable mask in case of influenza-like-illness symptoms-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't know
Have to cancel daily commutes-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't know
Have to stay at home and/or work from home-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't know
Have to keep your children at home because of school closing-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't know
Have to cancel outings because of recommendations (concerts cancelled, avoid trips to certain places…)-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't know
Limit sport activities-Yes, absolutelyYes, moderatelyNo, not reallyNo, not at allI don't know

* In your opinion, about the lock down of population, currently implemented by public authorities: (select all answers with which you agree)
  • It is a necessary and useful measure
  • It should be strengthened
  • It should be softened
  • It should concern only infected people and their close circle
  • It should be accompanied by more severe sanctions against people who do not respect it
  • It should be accompanied by less severe sanctions against people who do not respect it
  • It will allow to reduce significantly the number of deaths due to COVID-19
  • It will prevent an immunity from developing into the population
  • It will allow to reduce the total number of COVID-19 cases over the entire epidemic
  • It should have been implemented earlier
  • You don’t understand the benefit of this generalized lock down
  • None of these answers

* Which total duration of lock down would be bearable for you?
  • One week
  • Two weeks
  • Three weeks
  • Four weeks
  • Five weeks
  • Six weeks
  • More than six weeks
  • I don’t know
  • None of these answers
I don't know how true it is, but I heard the excel facility is almost exclusively for palliative care.

From what I've heard and read and backed up by the comments immediatly above yours its actually quite the opposite. Its for those on the mend.

I also heard that it is pretty empty at the moment.

That's what I understand, lets hope it stays that way.

I enquired above, but is there any way of finding out about the numbers and percentages of those having to go to hospital because of the virus, then get better/well, and then get discharged?

I think you are going to need to be more specific in what you are asking here. Do you want the stats on people who go to hospital with suspected / confirmed covid-19 but recover and go home? Presumably broken down into sex and age groups?
The care & nursing homes situation is going to get so much worst, I read an article this morning that says deaths in homes account for around half the totals in France, Italy & Spain. :(

I was speaking to a care home owner this morning, her small home is fine ATM, but she's is very worried, as she's aware of breakouts in at least half dozen homes in Worthing. Bearing in mind we are currently still a very low risk area, our local trust, a group of 3 hospitals, has 'only' had 42 deaths so far, I can understand why she is worried.

Also the first case found, up the road, at Ford open prison, apparently around 60 prisons have cases, not sure if that's just England or UK wide, but that's likely going to be a major problem too.
Is it because of the intractability of the Irish border?
I heard that a possible solution to the Irish border was admitted to hospital at the same time as Johnson, though with far less publicity.

Unfortunately Brexiteers weren't able to come up with a strong enough argument to convince a certain poster it was really viable, and so it sadly passed away about the same time Johnson was well enough to leave the ICU.
Oh no, people are being mean about professional bullshit-peddlers, we can't have that!

No, think people were responding to:

Fully staffed with acupuncture specialists...

in response to this post about the staffing of Nightingale hospitals:

Redeployment from other specialisms which aren't operating fully / at all due to covid 19 mostly I'd imagine.

As killer b's says, medical staff will be redeployed to these hospitals, nothing to do with acupuncture. For example, if you're a surgeon specialising in hip replacements, it's likely you won't be doing many of these at the moment -- perhaps only those stemming from accidents rather than those that are generally done on an elective basis. So makes sense that your skills as a doctor are utilised, if outside your specialism.
From what I've heard and read and backed up by the comments immediatly above yours its actually quite the opposite. Its for those on the mend.

That's what I understand, lets hope it stays that way.

I think you are going to need to be more specific in what you are asking here. Do you want the stats on people who go to hospital with suspected / confirmed covid-19 but recover and go home? Presumably broken down into sex and age groups?

I suppose I mean all people who are suffering enough with the virus, get put in the hospital, then get out well again.
The totally unscientific gossip I have heard is once you go in your chances overall are 50/50. Sounds wrong, but there is no way as far as I can see to find out what's right.
Purely personally if going to hospital with a 50/50 chance of getting out I would rather live or die at home.
The front line are suffering and are burdened terribly (so I understand) so I don't want to enter that environment.
If there was a bit of good news coming out of the NHS work it would be encouraging, but hearing that young staff have a template to decide who gets treated and how, and virtually deciding who lives or dies, makes me personally want to steer clear and not be an extra burden.
No, think people were responding to:

in response to this post about the staffing of Nightingale hospitals:

As killer b's says, medical staff will be redeployed to these hospitals, nothing to do with acupuncture. For example, if you're a surgeon specialising in hip replacements, it's likely you won't be doing many of these at the moment -- perhaps only those stemming from accidents rather than those that are generally done on an elective basis. So makes sense that your skills as a doctor are utilised, if outside your specialism.
I took it as a misunderstanding that the joke about acupuncturists was in reference to the Chinese emergency hospitals rather than the UK ones.
see kabbes post,, also PWME have to have the flu jab, so what is that all about?
All neurological conditions qualify for free flu jab. ME patients aren't particularly vulnerable to it but they try to offer it to large groups so some level of herd immunity occurs.
50/50 if you are put on ventilation in ICU.
I've not seen the UK's rates but they're likely to be similar to the rates in other countries such as Switzerland and Austria, which I have seen, where a pretty steady 20-25% of hospital cases across districts are in ICU, and the vast majority of these end up on a ventilator (Johnson was an exception to this :hmm:).

Swiss stats found here.

So probably something like a 10-15% chance of dying if you end up in hospital. However, it could be a bit lower than that because those in ICU are likely to stay much longer.
Lots of people who qualify for free flu jab, e.g. people with diabetes, are still expected to work.
To be fair, early on government themselves were responsible for using 'has a flu jab on medical advice' as a marker of vulnerability (and thus the 12 week self isolation). I know that has changed with letters and lists of conditions, but you can see how it sticks in people's minds.
To be fair, early on government themselves were responsible for using 'has a flu jab on medical advice' as a marker of vulnerability (and thus the 12 week self isolation). I know that has changed with letters and lists of conditions, but you can see how it sticks in people's minds.
Yeah, a couple of people I work with were sent home for that reason, then told they had to return to work a couple of weeks later when the advice changed.

They're regarded as more vulnerable than those without eg diabetes, but not extremely vulnerable.
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