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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

All the stats have become a fog to me.
However I am curious about the stats regarding those hospitalised with the virus, get treated and then get through it and are discharged.
Also any stats for those at home identified with the virus who recover, verses those identified who die in situ (like in care homes).
On a personal level it would influence any future decision as to whether to go to hospital.
The Excel facility frankly makes me shudder.

Could you clarify your concern?
I’m not sure what your question is.

What specifically worries you about the Excell Nightingale facility?
Even I know the figure was way above 19 by this morning. I think it was in the 30s a couple of days ago.

And she's the Care Minister. Where do the tories find these people.

Even I know the figure was way above 19 by this morning. I think it was in the 30s a couple of days ago.

And she's the Care Minister. Where do the tories find these people.

Well, you know. She may just be fibbing a bit. Had she given a number the obvious follow up question would have been '...and how may could have been saved by proper PPE?'.

Also if the number is high, really high than that's going to be toxic for morale. Got to keep the spirits up etc. War footing stuff isn't it? Easier all round to just dodge the question, she is a politician after all.
I know the fact the Skype feed was freezing did her no favours. But still. You'd think before going up against one of the toughest interviewers going around (and he went quite easy on her really) you might have some basic facts to hand.
Probably stress on my part (I am old) but the excel thing comes across as a processing facility, a death warehouse.
its a hospital. If you get proper ill, go to hospital, simple as that. People have died because they're avoiding hospitals, the daft cunts.
I know the fact the Skype feed was freezing did her no favours.
I don't understand why the national news is still constantly struggling with video chat. Why don't they just put up a static photo and just use the audio feed, like they do in plenty of other situations? For some reason they seem to think if we can't see the spare room bookshelves in a choppy video it's not a real "pandemic interview".
I don't understand why the national news is still constantly struggling with video chat. Why don't they just put up a static photo and just use the audio feed, like they do in plenty of other situations? For some reason they seem to think if we can't see the spare room bookshelves in a choppy video it's not a real "pandemic interview".

I'm quite enjoying the 'Battle of the Bookshelves'. Who can look the most well read/pretentious/intellectual/full of shit.

I'm pretty sure some of them are binge shopping on Amazon when they learn they've been booked for an interview.
its a hospital. If you get proper ill, go to hospital, simple as that. People have died because they're avoiding hospitals, the daft cunts.
Which is why I would be reassured by percentages of virus hospitalisations treated and recovered. I would personally rather die at home than in excel where the message I get is about frightened staff.
the coronavirus pandemic could be followed by a measles epidemic as loads of children haven't had their injections because of the current situation


Proper hero.

Retired British Army Captain Tom Moore, 99, walks to raise money for health workers, by attempting to walk the length of his garden one hundred times before his 100th birthday later this month, in Britain in this undated handout taken sometime April 2020. Maytrix Group/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. MANDATORY CREDIT

In my background is a life/nude painting of my wife from behind.

It would be amazing if one of them showed up with something totally inappropriate behind them... suggestions on a postcard...

I've not been asked to appear on the beeb yet but this would be mine. The Brazillian Institute for Oriental Studies. Lighten the mood a little.


any excuse to post that
Which is why I would be reassured by percentages of virus hospitalisations treated and recovered. I would personally rather die at home than in excel where the message I get is about frightened staff.

There was a some stats thrown around on the 'Johnson is ill thread' which suggested your chances are decent if you can stay out of ICU and and stay of a respirator. Your chances are not great (50/50 or worse) if both those things happen. Ending up in hospital doesn't mean ICU though.

But all this is pretty meaningless because there will be factors personal to you which cannot be reflected in raw data.

My mum is in a situation where she has decided that she will not be going to a hospital regardless of how ill she gets. Its an individual decision but either way you need to make sure someone can advocate for you and respect your decisions. Crappy times to say the least.
I'm quite enjoying the 'Battle of the Bookshelves'. Who can look the most well read/pretentious/intellectual/full of shit.

I'm pretty sure some of them are binge shopping on Amazon when they learn they've been booked for an interview.

american prof on sky news today, and behind him, was a small bust, of well a bust, with glowing breasts, it may have been some kind of art, not sure.
Not wanting have a go, but I can understand why at least some people might want to steer clear of hospitals ATM, and it isn't necessarily because they're daft cunts

its a shocking comment, many people with M.E, etc, are terrified of hospitals, superbugs, etc, that they won't come out, Belboid has form unfortunately, blinker on in some cases.
Scotlands equivalent of the ONS gives further hints about the true scale of deaths:

The majority of these deaths occurred in hospital, but 25% were in care homes and 13% in other settings.

In the week from 6 to 12 April, the virus was mentioned in 31% of all deaths registered in Scotland.
The excel Nightingale facility, far as I can see it’s to be staffed by nurses and doctors from the existing nhs staff? Anybody read anything about how that works (I mean given that we had serious shortages of both before this virus was even born)?
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