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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Dont need to be clever to spot your level of ignorance. Attempting to avoid the question of how long lockdowns lasted in various parts of Australia by moving the goalposts towards vague ideas about police violence wont do.

And just look at the results, I can only dream of this sort of chart for a UK city or region in this pandemic:

Screenshot 2021-06-30 at 00.25.54.png
Fuck Knows, I don't care, the fact is they went for a zero-covid strategy yet they still have resort to these restrictions.

Getting back to the fact we have to live with it and have a life or live with the zero-covid zealots who want masks/testing constantly.

Murderous! Fuck me, your pretentious posts were grating, but you've surpassed yourself.

God forbid I walk past you in the street maskless.
Conflating zero covid with the need for masks and tests is so fucking stupid, you know far less about the pandemic than I gave you credit for.

You arent the first person I've labelled a disgusting threat to public health in this pandemic and you wont be the last. And you arent the first person to point out how pretentious or pompous I can be, but no shits are given in these quarters about that, since that is not a matter of life and death.

You'll get no chance to walk past me in the street, proudly failing to wear a mask, spreading germs and ignorance in your wake. Because I take matters into my own hands by going out of my way to avoid shits like you and everyone else for that matter. Because we've been going through a bad pandemic where well over 150,000 people in the UK have died. That fact is not lost on me, and the fact it is apparently lost on people like you gives me every reason to double down on my stance and the practical steps I take to avoid virus-spreading shitheads.
Well more testing will show more cases, that doesn't equate to more hospitalisations or more deaths, moreso with the old and vulnetable vaccinated. What is batshit Trump crazy about that?
Well more testing will show more cases, that doesn't equate to more hospitalisations or more deaths, moreso with the old and vulnetable vaccinated. What is batshit Trump crazy about that?

A rise in cases leads to more hospitalisations and deaths. That link cannot be truly and completely broken, only diminished.

Hospitalisations already rose. Deaths have been creeping up.

On the 29th May there were 119 covid patients in mechanical ventilation beds in UK hospitals. As a result of the increase in cases, on the 28th June there were 297.
Conflating zero covid with the need for masks and tests is so fucking stupid, you know far less about the pandemic than I gave you credit for.

You arent the first person I've labelled a disgusting threat to public health in this pandemic and you wont be the last. And you arent the first person to point out how pretentious or pompous I can be, but no shits are given in these quarters about that, since that is not a matter of life and death.

You'll get no chance to walk past me in the street, proudly failing to wear a mask, spreading germs and ignorance in your wake. Because I take matters into my own hands by going out of my way to avoid shits like you and everyone else for that matter. Because we've been going through a bad pandemic where well over 150,000 people in the UK have died. That fact is not lost on me, and the fact it is apparently lost on people like you gives me every reason to double down on my stance and the practical steps I take to avoid virus-spreading shitheads.

By next Friday from yesterday I will have had 7 Covid tests for various reasons ( work/care home visits) I'm pretty damn sure all of them will be negative

Now if you're so paranoid about this as you seem, I think you need psychiatic help, as you seem paranoid of the outside world. Sorry.
Before this pandemic I could well understand why people might find my attitudes towards public health, risk, and what protection people deserve to be a little unusual or out on a limb. But then we had this pandemic wakeup call and a huge number of people demonstrated an ability to come to terms with an emerging reality and act accordingly.

Meanwhile I suspect the already overstretched mental health services would consider me a timewaster if I attempted to seek treatment on the basis that some pandemic know-nothing pissed up cunt who cant grasp the basics thinks I need professional help.
I also moon my arse, without a mask, at the sad little comic book imagined world of covid zealots you came up with. Zealots who apparently want to live in a lockdown masked up testing & restrictions fantasy world forever, a class of imagined foes and party-poopers who for the most part dont actually fucking exist except in the minds of the dull. Its just a shit mischaracterisation of people who give a different sort of shit about public health to you, or who see the details very differently.

I want normality too you know. That you can only frame the current, delicately balanced situation in such a pathetic way speaks volumes about your general pandemic ignorance. Your ignorance of the need to be careful during this exit phase, and not ask more of vaccines than they can reasonably offer, will not be masked by these tragic attempts to justify your stance on the basis that people who oppose it like me must be freaks with a lockdown fetish. I have no special interest in lockdowns at all, and the many nerdy hours I spent studying pandemics in general years before this one actually came, didnt really feature anything about lockdowns at all, they arent why I was interested in the subject. I only found myself having to go on about them so much because they became a temporary emergency tool in this pandemic, due to the level of hospitalisations this virus causes. They werent much a part of the governments original plan, and so I didnt originally expect to end up commentating on them. At least not until the level of hospitalisation became clearer via places like Italy a short while before our own wave exploded, and it became clear that the governments original plan was going to die on its arse and be replaced with something much stronger.

There is also an additional reason why I will be even more glad to see the back of lockdowns. Their exit from the scene will make it much less likely that I end up wasting my time communicating with people like you who havent managed to incorporate the need for lockdowns into your understanding of the world and its pandemics.

There are also plenty of times I have bored or infuriated myself during this pandemic, so Im sure there are plenty of people other people who are sick off my pandemic output here. And this is where something else to look forward to lay ahead for us at some unknown point in future - eventually the relationship between this virus and humanity will reach a stage where I can shut the fuck up about the pandemic and related matters for ages. I dont know who is looking forward to that day most, me or someone else here. Maybe we can have a competition to find out.
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Zero-covid is an insanity policy. Strangling life as we know it for a disease which has a mortality rate mostly for the 80÷. i.e. Life.

Maybe people here wish to live their lives in masks even though they've been jabbed, it seems that way.

Sorry, pissed after the England game, but some of the shit posted in here enfuriates me.

Seems like you don't want normality anymore, love lockdowns and love the theatre of masks. So depressing.

Wear a mask, you div
Well going by your post I quoted am I wrong? Sociapath going on about lockdowns?

Ah so now Team Virus invites us to believe that those who want to transition as safely as possible into the vaccine era of the pandemic, minimising death as much as possible during a delicate phase of coping with the Delta variant whilst levels of population immunity have not yet reached their maximum, are the sociopaths. Not those who invite more death than necessary of their fellow human beings via 'fed up now, restrictions bore me, let it rip!', no, they couldnt possibly be the ones who pose more theoretical risk of harm to their fellow beings, they couldnt be characterised as sociopaths at all. Fuck off you desperately dull projector, I'm done now.
Well apologies elbows, your last post sounded like you wanted to inflict your own social insecurities on all of society, so if thst's not the case, all is good. But it's something that I've noticed, that people are happy in their 'new normal' due to their insecurities. Not something we should all have to suffer.

Edited to add:

Just read your last post, gave you the benefit of the doubt, you sad, sad individual. ---> sad face :(
Well apologies elbows, your last post sounded like you wanted to inflict your own social insecurities on all of society, so if thst's not the case, all is good. But it's something that I've noticed, that people are happy in their 'new normal' due to their insecurities. Not something we should all have to suffer.

We shouldn't have to suffer from selfish anti-mask, covid deniers either.
Well apologies elbows, your last post sounded like you wanted to inflict your own social insecurities on all of society, so if thst's not the case, all is good. But it's something that I've noticed, that people are happy in their 'new normal' due to their insecurities. Not something we should all have to suffer.

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Just read your last post, gave you the benefit of the doubt, you sad, sad individual. ---> sad face :(

Dont bother giving me the benefit of your doubt, Im not giving you the benefit of mine.

What makes my life not sad, and its own reward in its own way, was enabled decades ago when I learnt to ignore other people views on what constitutes a sad life, or how they rate my life on the sadometer. I'm not asking anyone else to be like me, or even to like me, and I'm just living my life with the hand I've been dealt. It works for me, to an extent at least, I could always hope for more but that hope is usually misplaced.

Look, even if you won an argument against people like me, it wouldnt genuinely help your cause. Because its the virus, and the failure of feeble and inappropriate attempts to keep it below levels the system cant cope with, that forces us into highly restrictive measures over rather long periods of time. Most of what we've had to endure is not the result of people like me's stance at all, because the government instincts were more like yours than mine. And that shit repeatedly blew up in their face, forcing the crude handbrake to be applied. Leaving people understandably nervous about whether the same thing will happen again this time, a time when the government are loudly proclaiming that they are throwing away the handbrake forever.

If we get through the next period without doom, then there should end up being considerably less of a gap between my sort of stance by then and your position. In some basic ways at least, probably we will never have much in common in terms of the underlying pandemic detail by the sounds of it. Never mind, we dont need to get along. But be clear, my position does evolve as the rest of reality changes, just because its not happening at the same pace as yours doesnt mean we are actually on opposite sides of the universe.
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Dont bother giving me the benefit of your doubt, Im not giving you the benefit of mine.

What makes my life not sad, and its own reward in its own way, was enabled decades ago when I learnt to ignore other people views on what constitutes a sad life, or how they rate my life as on the sadometer. I'm not asking anyone else to be like me, or even to like me, and I'm just living my life with the hand I've been dealt. It works for me, to an extent at least, I could always hope for more but that hope is usually misplaced.

Look, even if you won an argument against people like me, it wouldnt genuinely help your cause. Because its the virus, and the failure of feeble and inappropriate attempts to keep it below levels the system cant cope with, that forces us into highly restrictive measures over rather long periods of time. Most of what we've had to endure is not the result of people like me's stance at all, because the government instincts were more like yours than mine. And that shit repeatedly blew up in their face, forcing the crude handbrake to be applied. Leaving people understandably nervous about whether the same thing will happen again this time, a time when the government are loudly proclaiming that they are throwing away the handbrake forever.

If we get through the next period without doom, then there should end up being considerably less of a gap between my sort of stance by then and your position. In some basic ways at least, probably we will never have much in common in terms of the underlying pandemic detail by the sounds of it. Never mind, we dont need to get along. But be clear, my position does evolve as the rest of reality changes, just because its not happening at the same pace as yours doesnt mean we are actually on opposite sides of the universe.

I'd rather hear your point of view than the ridiculous 'selfish'' 'anti-mask' 'anti-vax " tiresome words that appear here, even though it may not seem that way.
Sure, I can actually believe that, cheers.

I should probably try to explain some of my anger that went in your direction tonight.

Its understandable when people express feelings of being fed up with it all and being very keen to go back to the old normal now ar as soon as possible. Its just that such complaints seem to slip quite easily into territory where sensible health measures get criticised in ways that seem to have more in common with anti-mask, anti-vax etc idiots than the basic realities of pandemic public health.

Im sure we are all sick of it. But when it comes to detail, it gets infuriating. Because from my viewpoint some of those attitudes are what doom us to repeat large waves of infection, time and time again. The picture is changed by vaccines, but it takes time to be sure of the exact extent of gains, and so patience is required at a time when patience may be in short supply.

I'm going to be so angry if the rush to remove restrictions forces another difficult round of them to be reimposed again. Its so counterproductive, it doesnt get us to the end of the tunnel any quicker, and now I just have to hope it hasnt made the tunnel longer again. What I want to happen is something that some of Johnsons rhetoric claimed to be in support of - that relaxations be done in a manner that allows them to actually stand a good chance of being permanent, or at least to last longer than a few months before the shit hits the fan again.

The current bunch of vaccines are really quite impressive. I might actually allow myself to hope that they will carry all this weight. But the way some people talk its as if they want to keep pushing more weight on, testing things to destruction, in the name of freedom. I dont think thats the most reliable path to freedom, I'll be bloody happy if they do get away with it, but it just seems like extra risk to me that could have been avoided in ways that werent too draconian or headfucky.
I do wonder just how many people up and down the country have been traumatised by this since March 2020. I've heard of people who literally haven't ventured outside for 15 months.
Its going to be an issue, one of many.

We caught one sort of glimpse of it after the first wave, last summer. The government had a 'lets get the economy going' agenda and an original timetable for things like going back to offices and reopening schools which they had to abandon quite quickly for a number of reasons. This made a lot of people more wary, not less, it was counterproductive to cajole people back to a version of reality that was really still out of reach at the time. Some could take advantage of those times, but others were left behind. Especially those that were told to shield, since the government was so slow to unlock shielding that by the time they did so the danger had started to grow a lot again, and then they were slow to reimpose it! Reckless shit.

This is also one of the areas where I think its a shame we are attempting to ditch all mitigation measures so quickly.

For example in order for economic activity to truly recover, various sorts of confidence need to return. Some wont struggle to find that confidence (as some never lost it in the first place) but others will. And I think that will be a tougher nut to crack if the government and broader establishment ditch stuff like masks and certain forms of distancing at the very earliest opportunity.

For some people mental recovery will be best enabled by us actually getting to enjoy a long enough period where there are not shitloads of cases, and not a mass of hospitalisations and a bunch of deaths.

A modern society and economy also needs a certain level of functioning healthcare system that is able to somewhat cope with demand in order to create a foundation of confidence about that aspect of our lives. Even if this wave isnt a bad one, the prior state of the NHS, the backlog and the way health care professionals have been shat on in various ways in this pandemic means this is likely to be rather an arduous task that is still mostly ahead of us.
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Rewinding to Sassaferato's post, I had a think about this and by the time I came back there'd been that whole exchange between Griff and Elbows (which I've read most of but not fully taken in):

Australia probably wouldn't be having any problems now if the various other countries weren't letting it rip.

Living with covid doesn't just mean an increased % of people grieving, of people who've had their lives cut short unnecessarily,
It also means living with long term disability. Long covid affects peoples' brains, (Deepti Gurdasani (@dgurdasani1))

There's a significant % of people who survive very mild covid and are left with a fraction of the functionality they previously had.
It means living with a burnt out traumatised healthcare work force and a health service which is probably never going to recover.

Sass probably understands that the experiment the uk govt took in putting the economy first has failed miserably (at least that's what I took from the reference to a surgical proceedure being successful but the patient being dead, Sass please correct me if I read that wrong.)

The uk govt deciding we're going to just live with it also means we'll likely go on incubating and exporting variants around the globe. It drives up the chances of a variant which escapes vaccine or exposure acquired immunity, which in turn fucks things up for the rest of the world. (All the while hoarding access to the vaccines, of course.) Bringing us back to where I started, all the countries which went for short and stringent measures and had successfully avoided high death tolls or extended lock downs, are now at risk once again because of the craven corrupt short sighted actions of the twats in charge of places like the UK that are run by disaster capitalists.
In addition to my last post, vaccines and the sense of changed risk that has accompanied them for many people can play quite a big role in mental recovery and venturing back out into the world.

Whether people have already taken that concept of reduced risk and run a little too far with it, given that vaccines havent yet unlocked the level of overall population immunity that can really dampen waves down to manageable levels, is one of the questions we will learn the answer to via the current wave and how high it ends up going. And indeed how people respond if it does reach dangerous heights again. The polling about whether people supported the previous delay to step 4 unlocking suggests a lot of people still grasp the current situation reasonably well, but plenty of people have already raced back to the old normal to the maximum extent possible, and probably wont react well to any setbacks, so I think that one is also delicately balanced at the moment.
Their lockdown was awful compared to ours. Proper nasty, not allowed out of the house, coppers hitting people stuff etc.

Not sure what the rest of your post means.
Absolute horse shit. I am in Oz and our lock downs have been much shorter and less severe than in the UK. I am in Perth, at the minute we are having a four day lockdown, before that I hadn't worn a mask in months.
Zero-covid is an insanity policy. Strangling life as we know it for a disease which has a mortality rate mostly for the 80÷. i.e. Life.

Maybe people here wish to live their lives in masks even though they've been jabbed, it seems that way.

Sorry, pissed after the England game, but some of the shit posted in here enfuriates me.

Seems like you don't want normality anymore, love lockdowns and love the theatre of masks. So depressing.

In vino veritas, innit

Funny how a few people flying beneath at least my radar have revealed themselves to be utter twats over Covid recently.
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