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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I did the same surge test last week, you have to register the test online via the government site ‘ Book a drive-through test ‘ they will ask you for the barcode number on the kit and it’s individual parts, you need to fill a form giving personal details and contacts. Do it at same time as you do the test, you can ignore the Royal Mail bits if you’re taking it back to the same testing site....

Edited....dunno why the link refers to a drive thru test. but it still takes you to right place.
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I've got the details registered in the end via a phone call, but it looks like they did fuck up at the testing site.
I was just thinking maybe you could return to the test centre with your barcode and they could add your details that way, but it sounds like you've got it sorted.

Good luck for a positive (negative) result
I've got the details registered in the end via a phone call, but it looks like they did fuck up at the testing site.
When I did mine they gave me a bundle of leaflets but the first surge test in Lambeth was a little confusing. Good luck with the result...!
I was given one piece of paper with no web address.
You have the Test Receipt Card but not the Test Registration Card. Go to gov.uk/register-your-test and input your bar code. You can type the number in or scan it. You will also be asked for a 3 letter code for your test centre. This is on the Test Registration Card. The code for Windrush Square is WMR. If yow went to a different centre I think there might be a link to tell you the code? Not sure.
Cases breached previously detected levels in Scotland, but for the other nations and regions of England, that point hasnt been reached just yet. There are a few age groups in a few regions that I can zoom in on which have reached or gone past previous waves highs, but not the overall figures.

Although we also need to consider the difference between positive cases detected via testing, and the actual number of infections in reality. Including chances to the testing regime over time. General population survey testing provides clues about how the present level of infection compares to past waves, but only in hindsight since it lags behind the picture we get via testing of symptomatic people & contacts.

The current situation and what will come in the next weeks cannot really coexist with the old sense of normality. Even the government knows this, so this wave is considered to be part of the push back towards normality, rather than actually arriving at that destination. Its a high risk approach not only in terms of public health, but also politically there will be heavy ramifications if they've pushed too far and this whole exit attempt blows up in their face. Even then they will have a consolation prize in mind, the idea that this is the exit wave and either via vaccines or via getting infected, after this wave they will expect population immunity levels to be reasonably good, further unlocking their 'back to business as usual' destination. 'If at first you dont succeed, try try again' is in play.

The great unknowns remain whether the numbers of this variant vs the vaccines will add up, and whether even if the government get away with their plan this time or in the near future, what variants may come along to spoil the viability of their approach at any point.
You're quite good at this.

I find it difficult reconciling the two realities, as I see them. Partly I think because of my own cognitive issues (not important). Not being able to get a handle on the situatoin means I lack control or agency and that makes me very uncomfortable. I can catch a bus to go to do my shopping in Tesco but there are people I have had no interaction with since March last year. Fortuantely I'm not one of the unlucky ones in this horrible situation. I've not lost loved ones and, obvoiusly, not my life. We're all going to have to cope with this and I dread to think how services are going to cope moving forward. Particularly when I consider what future Work Capability Assessment are going to be like. Never mind for those poor sods suffering long covid whom I'm sure the government will dismiss
Would you like us to say that at your funeral if you do end up being one of those deaths? I guess if you survive and Mrs Sas doesn't you'll say it yourself?

So the zero-covid idea really exists.
Let's all live in your lock-down, masked up life then.
So the zero-covid idea really exists.
Let's all live in your lock-down, masked up life then.

Nah, let's let loads of people die horribly, gasping for breath, and loads more become longterm disabled, when we could have prevented it. Much more fun.
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Your comments are a disgrace on several levels.

There are many perfectly acceptable discussions to be had about the extent to which we genuinely try to minimise the number of infections. Zero covid is at one end of the spectrum and everyone knows that its not been the chosen approach in this country, and that now is hardly the perfect time to sell everyone on the idea. But its certainly a time where it is understandable that aspects of that approach are going to come up, when we discuss what it means to follow various versions of 'learning to live with covid'. It is also possible to be concerned about the current approach, the current situation, and what is being advertised as the future approach, without travelling all of the distance towards zero covid. Whereever people settle on that spectrum, I dont think its aceptable that they should be abused for it, or for pointing out the real impact in terms of individual lives lost.

People who are very tired of restrictions should be free to point out the impact that stuff has on them too. And since we are in an era of vaccination, they might be able to carry that all the way to the extreme end of that spectrum without that inevitably involving death on a massive scale. The high quantity of death that such stances always previously entailed caused me to be rude and aggressive towards that sort of stance when taken too far in the past, but I do have to adjust my sense of what counts as too far now that vaccines are carrying some of the pandemic weight. But it does still involve some death, just as we have some ongoing deaths right now, and people should be free to point that out without being called a cunt.
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Zero-covid is an insanity policy. Strangling life as we know it for a disease which has a mortality rate mostly for the 80÷. i.e. Life.

Maybe people here wish to live their lives in masks even though they've been jabbed, it seems that way.

Sorry, pissed after the England game, but some of the shit posted in here enfuriates me.

Seems like you don't want normality anymore, love lockdowns and love the theatre of masks. So depressing.
There will be a period of readjustment where everyone finds their own way to the new normal. It’ll probably look much like the old normal.

Calling people cunts won’t help anyone though.

Unfortunately at the moment it looks like covid will end up as a disease for the deprived, the BAME communities and the privileged anti-vaxers. Shorter term we need to take measures to limit spread while the unvaccinated are addressed.
Oh that sort of stance Griff, thanks so much for sharing your ignorance.

Its actually possible to do zero covid, or very close to zero covid, with less effort and sacrifice than the people of this country have had to make when following the approach that was actually taken. Its not some magic fix, and effort is required in various areas that are a poor fit with the shit establishment attitudes, priorities and economic interests of the establishment of this country.

Lots of health care workers lives are made much easier, and lots of people are spared from illness and death as a result of that sort of thing. The economy usually fares better too, because there ends up being less disruption overall.

The downsides include effort being required in areas that the powerful in this country cant be bothered with, people who will seek to foster an army of ignorance to defeat such attempts at a sane policy that is best for public health above all else. No surprise that those who stoop to using terms like brainwashing are more likely to be the ones who have been effectively sold various lies that enable much shit. A foundation of compacted shit that makes them think they are on solid ground when they are at their most ignorant, well done.

Other downsides are that people get complacent if the threat is kept to a low, fleeting level domestically. Then when the time comes for vaccination, there can be problems getting high enough uptake because people didnt feel as unsafe because they'd not had to deal with huge waves of death.

There are some shit 'global hub' aspects to the way GB PLC sees itself, that made zero covid approaches an unlikely fit, but I still say thats more about the peculiars of our establishment and their priorities than a real fundamental barrier to ever making that approach work here in practice, if the will was there. We probably wont ever get to find out unless the chosen approach repeatedly fails again now and in future, eg via future variants mucking everything up, in which case there will be further opportunities to demonstrate why ideas that lockdowns and restrictions and disruption are worse & longer with zero covid approach than they have been with the chosen UK approach are false. I doubt there is much chance of convincing anyone who hasnt already grasped that of it in the meantime though, but its very similar to the stuff about doing lockdowns early or late - the economy and the restrictions on peoples lives ends up being worse if we act too late, too weakly rather than taking things seriously from the start and trying to nip things in the bud.

Anyway even though I well understand the underlying sponsors of your sort of rant, and provide much content that I'm sure infuriates you, I'm not actually planning to be some weird extremist that will be subject to your sort of disgusting attacks, once the pandemic has gone beyond its acute phase. I spent years talking about flu in nerdy detail, and with a fairly strong stance, without routinely brushing know-nothing, freedom and ignorance loving fuckheads up the wrong way. Once I am satisfied that the largest threats from this virus are no longer a massive deal, I'm sure there will be a version of my normal where I can linger without falling foul of this sort of aggression, because so many people will lose interest and the stakes in so many ways will not be so high, so it wont matter.

In the meantime we will just have to endure a period of uncertainty with a diverse array of opinions about how far we should or should not be going.

I do think, as socierty seeks out a new normal, a new set of accepted values etc, that it inevitably involves some degree of arguments, insults, and energy. I was after all likely a conduit for some of that myself when it came to people coming to terms with a temporary new normal that featured many restrictions previously considered unthinkable. I suppose since I was happy to call some people stupid cunts for not buying into the benefit of masks, or failing to recognise what lockdowns etc actually achieved, that I may be being hypocritical to complain about someone else doing much the same thing now that we are travelling in a different direction.
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Zero-covid is an insanity policy. Strangling life as we know it for a disease which has a mortality rate mostly for the 80÷. i.e. Life.

Maybe people here wish to live their lives in masks even though they've been jabbed, it seems that way.

Sorry, pissed after the England game, but some of the shit posted in here enfuriates me.

Seems like you don't want normality anymore, love lockdowns and love the theatre of masks. So depressing.
Drunken twat spewing drunken bollocks. How interesting.

The whole 'blah it only kills 1% of people' line is so pathetic it bearly even needs pointing out anymore. I will anyway though. 1% of tens of millions of people is still a huge number. Not to mention that a much higher percentage need hospital treatment and a significant percentage get long covid requiring long term hospital treatment.

I'm sick of lockdowns, sick of wearing a fucking mask all day and sick of morons coming into where I work not wearing a mask. Nobody loves all this, we're all sick of it.

Maybe sleep it off before posting more?
Yes Doctor Carrot, we're all sick of it, that's the point. Counting cases rather than hospitalisations, rather than deaths. Doing this, we'll never get out of it.

I'll take your advice and go to bed.
Zero-covid is an insanity policy. Strangling life as we know it for a disease which has a mortality rate mostly for the 80÷. i.e. Life.

Maybe people here wish to live their lives in masks even though they've been jabbed, it seems that way.

Sorry, pissed after the England game, but some of the shit posted in here enfuriates me.

Seems like you don't want normality anymore, love lockdowns and love the theatre of masks. So depressing.

But it's the countries which pursued zero covid who are living normal lives. We are in constant economic limbo because our govt didnt pursue it. They wanted to save the economy, not us, and it backfired. That's the insanity.
Yes Doctor Carrot, we're all sick of it, that's the point. Counting cases rather than hospitalisations, rather than deaths. Doing this, we'll never get out of it.

I'll take your advice and go to bed.

Cases are linked to hospitalisations and deaths, that link is not broken, just the ratios changed.

The ideal end destination for mass vaccination is that levels of population immunity are reached that mean whilst outbreaks are still possible, we dont routinely get huge nationwide viral resurgence and really high number of infections. Or at least not too often, eg might go in epidemic cycles every so many years eventually. In real bad seasons some measures will be required to help hospitals etc cope, but between those times it will be more like the old normal.

Even the governments version of 'learning to live with covid' is not supposed to feature as much infection as we are being treated to now and in the coming weeks. Thats why they have not tried to come close to reaching this destination yet, the current wave and all its uncertainties is part of what they need to reach that destination in future. Thats why they've left certain rules in place but are busy telling us the ways in which they plan to erode those rules in future. Thats why they delayed the final unlocking steps. Because they know that the required population immunity levels, that would stop cases exploding generally all the time, are not yet in place. Some of the infections they are letting happen now are part of the way they want to reach that destination, filling in some of the gaps that they dont expect vaccines to reach for one reason or another (including them not looking too keen on vaccinating children from what we can tell of their approach so far).

If the impatience of recent times leads to a massive pandemic setback then the rush to freedom ASAP will have been one of the worst own-goals I've ever seen. It will be just another version of 'we didnt want disruption so we stuck our heads in the sand and ultimately ended up with even greater disruption as a result'. Unlike the previous occasions there is at least a chance that these fears of mine will not come to full fruition this time, that the rush and bluster approach will be gotten away with. I'll be very happy to avoid much more death, but then people like you will probably have your ignorance cemented by the government getting away with this sloppy unlocking, ready for some future catastrophe where bleating about not listening to doommongers and pessimists will actually lead straight to doom.
Like Australia, locking down again?

Perhaps you could add up how long Australians have been under lockdown in total throughout the pandemic so far and compare it to the length of our harshest restrictions. Or how normal their lives were in between compared to ours. Its also winter there, and they and the world faces a harsh new variant, the same one you dont think should dictate our lives in the UK right now.
You were doing so well until the condescending 'people like you with your ignorance'.

I apologise for my working class ignorance.

Not sure about your Australia post, could you explain, NSW was under far more severe lockdowns, yet there they are again.
You were doing so well until the condescending 'people like you with your ignorance'.

I apologise for my working class ignorance.

Not sure about your Australia post, could you explain, NSW was under far more severe lockdowns, yet there they are again.
It is true that I am condescending towards people who display grotesque ignorance about pandemic details and then demand that certain things be done or not done based on that ignorance.
How much lockdown have they had compared to us?

I'd be pretty fucked off with the UK and all the others who pissed their chances up the wall last year then export covid back to the countries who did well.
Their lockdown was awful compared to ours. Proper nasty, not allowed out of the house, coppers hitting people stuff etc.

Not sure what the rest of your post means.
It is true that I am condescending towards people who display grotesque ignorance about pandemic details and then demand that certain things be done or not done based on that ignorance.
Then when this finishes, I sincerely hope you"re as totally clever as you think you are.

I really mean that. :)
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