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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

Just unfriended someone on Facebook after they posted this video. Couldn't even be bothered to try and convince them of the truth.

Definitely wins the award for most jumped up self important cunt on the internet. Basically saying that you can't catch a virus and it's your body deciding it needs a detox.

I can't watch that. I can't get much beyond "you cannot catch a virus"
The feckin prick.
The mayor of liverpool mocked the 5g coronavirus conspiracists and then there was a fire. :(

eta Another one in Brimingham as well .
Solid debunking here
The new coronavirus is also spreading in places without 5G networks. There are many parts of the UK that do not have 5G coverage yet, but are still affected by the virus (for example, Milton Keynes and Portsmouth). There are no 5G networks at all in Iran, yet this country has been severely affected by Covid-19 (at the time of writing, Iran had the sixth-highest number of reported Covid-19 cases and fourth-highest number of deaths of 177 countries and regions in the world).

Soros keeping very quiet throughout the whole thing
Why would Soros want to get involved? He's had enough trouble with Viktor Orban - who had now graduated from antisemitism to tearing up the EU democracy rule book.
If you want conspiracy - go to the expert
Arch conspiracy theorist David Icke has done a 45 minute interview saying he thinks he had Coronavirus himself before Christmas and shook it off like a cold.
He gradually gets more agitated through the interview as he states that the World Heath Organisation was founded by the Rockerfellers, and is headed up by an Ethiopian ex-Marxist who was exposed three times for fiddling the cholera figures for Ethiopia when he was minister for health.

The long and the short of it is that this is a conspiracy to introduce a New World Order by 2030 - as outlined by Prince Charles at Davos. I was slightly amazed to hear that this also fits the Global Warming emergency - and that both the global warming emergency and the coronavirus emergency clearly fit the pattern required for the whole world economy to be shut down, cash to be abolished and universal tracking of people via their mobile phone to be introduced.

I'm a bit surprised it's come to this. I used to organise the Green Party stall outside Marks & Sparks on Saturday in the late 1980s. It was always a bit of an embarrassment that David Icke's books were our biggest sellers. At that time he had only declared that he was God. I guess if the Green Party currently sell his stuff there would be questions in the house.
David Icke | David Icke - Coronavirus - London Real - passes 1 million views in first 24 hours
It's nice that the "powers that be" are calling for conspiracy theories leading to radio towers being burned being banned but conspiracy theories about global climate change and vaccination and the like are perfectly fine :thumbs:
I can't help but to laugh at these twats, despite the fact that I know spreading this shit & sucking in mugs is dangerous. :oops:

No idea if this sort of idiocy does actually pose a threat in any way but the number of people spouting this rubbish is worrying.

It does, twats are setting fire to 5G masts, at least three so far in the UK. :facepalm:
What vaccine?

Do some research, but don't ask me to explain anything or I will have to link to a YouTube video or cut and paste something that I don't understand but someone on the internet says is true.

I tried engaging with a couple of people online and looked at their evidence. There was an article where the headline implied that the WHO had faked the SARS outbreak, which turned out to be about them being accused overstating the dangers of SARS. Another article claiming that it proved there was a conspiracy because all the victims of coronavirus shared three characteristics. Turned out that it was just underlying health conditions. There was also a YouTube video of a US state trooper claiming the whole thing was being exaggerated to cause panic. My favourite was someone asking me to explain the patent numbers. When I asked for the numbers they didn't have them. All of these were presented as if they were smoking gun level evidence. It's like some kind of mass delusional movement.
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