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Pat Robertson Jesus

Here's a heap of stupid shit

“Some of these young uns are doing all kinds of unnatural things with their sex organs,” said Robertson. “When people do that, they transfer all kinds of chemicals from ladies’ private parts and that’s where I think the virus came from. We never had this kind of thing when I was coming up. But no one was committing oral sex back then.”

Robertson previously blamed 9/11 on witches and lesbians.
I'm not sure why you are stopping at religious cranks and people obviously suffering from paranoia,.
I was a bit disappointed last night when my daily White House Coronavirus briefing was cut short. Even Al Jazeera can't stand these shambolic rambling events. Last night Mr Trump felt moved to advocate (yet again) taking a couple of his favourite anti-malarial drugs to prevent getting coronavirus White House Coronavirus Task Force Briefing
Loon after loon

Well, this is frightening ... a Texas pastor is selling a new cure for the virus ... just blow it away.

Check out this video from Televangelist Kenneth Copeland, who sermonized to his congregation Thursday that with a little wind and heat, he could take the wind out of the sails of the deadly virus.

Pat Robertson Jesus

Here's a heap of stupid shit

Not happy to see that nasty old cunt is still breathing.
have just been e-mailed by someone recommending Icke's video. Have been wondering how to respond (politely). The bbc article's tempting but I'm fairly sure her response will be something to do with sheeple :(
have just been e-mailed by someone recommending Icke's video. Have been wondering how to respond (politely). The bbc article's tempting but I'm fairly sure her response will be something to do with sheeple :(

Tell them to be careful about watching, distributing or taking about anything like that on social media as the government are preparing a list of enemies who they will use for the next phase of testing a new virus that has a 87% kill rate. That's my new approach.
Tell them to be careful about watching, distributing or taking about anything like that on social media as the government are preparing a list of enemies who they will use for the next phase of testing a new virus that has a 87% kill rate. That's my new approach.
Ironically I'm sure I heard somewhere that Russia was legislating to punish people who spread false information on social media.
Dont know if this is really conspiraloon stuff - but ive seen it a few times on face book - but its not in any mainstream media - thoughts? Im going with unsubstantiated but not necessarily bollocks. authors are academics but not in any sort of medical science. thoughts?

Dont know if this is really conspiraloon stuff - but ive seen it a few times on face book - but its not in any mainstream media - thoughts? Im going with unsubstantiated but not necessarily bollocks. authors are academics but not in any sort of medical science. thoughts?

This this has been all over my facebook feed for the past day. Haven't really looked into but am taking it seriously potentially. Am cycling slightly further behind and giving joggers a slightly wider berth.
David Icke fan anti vaxxer has been posting painful videos am itching to click on the videos to debunk them, but am holding back as even discussing conspiracy videos seems to add to their viral nature. Taking some satisfaction that the last two she has posted have not any likes at all. It pains me as she is an old friend of nearly 30 years and has really good qualities in real life. But her Fb is shit at the moment.
Dont know if this is really conspiraloon stuff - but ive seen it a few times on face book - but its not in any mainstream media - thoughts? Im going with unsubstantiated but not necessarily bollocks. authors are academics but not in any sort of medical science. thoughts?
The authors are experts in the physics of urban built environments, civil/mechanical/wind engineering with extensive CFD experience, have modelled respiratory disease droplet dynamics before and have a publishing history in the field (it's taken me only a couple of minutes to check this). The paper isn't unreasonable. It's really all about physics/engineering; I wouldn't expect people coming from a pure (bio)medical background to be churning out studies such as these.

Why the conspiraloon query? (Or am I missing something?).
Interesting article in today's Times about some of the more 'respectable' 'academic' elements of the Coronalooniverse.

British academics sharing coronavirus conspiracy theories online - Times (paywalled)

An archived version of the complete article is here. The meat of it is in the spoiler below

Dominic Kennedy, Investigations Editor
Saturday April 11 2020, 12.01am BST, The Times

Prominent British academics have been sharing conspiracy theories about the coronavirus online, The Times can disclose.
They included suggestions from other social media users that Bill Gates, the billionaire philanthropist, and the World Economic Forum (WEF) that meets in Davos may be involved in plots to exploit the illness and speculation that it was a biological weapon.

The academics include Tim Hayward, a professor of environmental political theory at the University of Edinburgh, and Piers Robinson, co-founder of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS), which uses the University of Bristol as an address.
The OPS tweeted a YouTube interview last week headlined “Is Coronavirus The New 9/11?”, where Dr Robinson said it was now obvious the official story of the World Trade Centre attacks was incorrect. “The question is who was involved in influencing, arranging, and which states, including from within the US political system. And if that’s the case with 9/11 it’s perfectly possible that there are actors at play in relation to this. Some people have talked about bioweapons.”

He described Covid-19 as “a low fatality virus . . . There’s no indication that it’s significantly different from what we see with major flu outbreaks every year”, but “propagandistic information” had created “so much hype around it, there is so much fear”.

The OPS has given Companies House the address of the School of Policy Studies at Bristol, where one of its directors, David Miller, is professor of political sociology. A university spokesman said it had not been aware its premises were listed.

Another director, Mark Crispin Miller, a professor at New York University, has written that the coronavirus “may be an artificially created bioweapon”. Professor Crispin Miller was approached for comment.

Professor David Miller issued a statement from the OPS saying it “includes a range of academic and expert contributors with independent views.

“Its function is to scrutinise propaganda and intelligence campaigns, specifically examining the role of British media organisations in amplifying those state propaganda campaigns.”

On Monday Professor Hayward retweeted to his 13,000 followers a Canadian environmentalist’s claim that the WEF, United Nations and Imperial College London might be part of a scheme to exploit the pandemic by promoting vaccines and creating gene-modified flu-resistant chickens.

Professor Hayward and Dr Robinson retweeted a YouTube interview with Ernst Wolff, a fringe author, who suggested the lockdown was a way to facilitate a fascistic financial coup. Professor Hayward tweeted: “Your attention may be drawn away from the bigger picture. According to Ernst Wolff, they’re banking on it. They? Well, who’s reporting, who’s funding, who’s profiting?”

Professor Hayward retweeted the film-maker Oliver Stone speculating on whether the virus could have been a biological attack on China.

Professor Hayward told The Times: “The implications of the virus’s effects and the policy response to it on economy, culture, society, order and every aspect of life in the UK require people to have greater access to information, not less. If I retweet interesting tweets by an influential public figure, I think it is up to other people what they make of it. If controversial ideas are not discussed, mistakes cannot be revealed.”

Dr Robinson, with 12,000 Twitter followers, retweeted the blogger Vanessa Beeley claiming Gates had links with Imperial College and asking: “Is UK government working for Bill Gates?”

Professor Hayward, Dr Robinson, Professor David Miller and Ms Beeley are members of an academic working group on Syria that was challenging western claims that President Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Professor Crispin Miller has served on their advisory board.

Dr Robinson denied spreading conspiracies and said his interview “concerned the danger of events such as 9/11 and the coronavirus being exploited by political actors for political, military and economic purposes. It is essential in a democratic system that people are alert to these matters.”

Network sets out to fight ‘propaganda’

Academics have formed networks to combat what they see as western propaganda spread by the media on behalf of governments. None of the three groups has issued coronavirus studies but have looked at contentious issues on war and peace.

Piers Robinson, a former professor of politics, society and political journalism at the University of Sheffield, belongs to all of the organisations. The Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media produces papers that contradict what “western narratives” about atrocities attributed to President Assad.

It claimed that White Helmets rescuers committed mass murder to provide bodies for a faked chemical attack on civilians that led to the bombing of Assad’s military. It also cast doubt on Russia’s responsibility for the Salisbury poisonings.

Paul McKeigue, professor of genetic epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, a co-author of its research, has said that as an NHS public health consultant he was now working “flat out” on coronavirus.

The Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global “War on Terror” is sceptical that the Twin Towers attack was the sole work of al-Qaeda. The Organisation for Propaganda Studies says it aims to conduct research of propaganda.
Prominent British academics have been sharing conspiracy theories about the coronavirus online (...)
They included suggestions from other social media users that Bill Gates, the billionaire philanthropist, and the World Economic Forum (WEF) that meets in Davos may be involved in plots to exploit the illness and speculation that it was a biological weapon.

The article refers to three academic 'working groups' with interlinked memberships, the 'Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS), 'The Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media' (SPM) (which includes Vanessa Beeley and is referred to on her thread here and also on this page), and the 'The Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 Global “War on Terror”'. This Times story is a follow up to previous articles about the Assadist aspect of this 'network'.

The video interview the article refers to with Dr. Piers Robinson, co-founder of the OPS, is here at the Geopolitics & Empire site: “Is Coronavirus The New 9/11?”

The article refers to Prof. Tim Hayward retweeting
a Canadian environmentalist’s claim that the WEF, United Nations and Imperial College London might be part of a scheme to exploit the pandemic by promoting vaccines and creating gene-modified flu-resistant chickens.

That (very long) twitter thread by Cory Morningstar, author of 'The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg', is archived here. It's a pretty hardcore piece of Coronaloon dot joining.


And obviously a smart fellow like Prof. Hayward isn't someone you could easily take in, now is he.
The authors are experts in the physics of urban built environments, civil/mechanical/wind engineering with extensive CFD experience, have modelled respiratory disease droplet dynamics before and have a publishing history in the field (it's taken me only a couple of minutes to check this). The paper isn't unreasonable. It's really all about physics/engineering; I wouldn't expect people coming from a pure (bio)medical background to be churning out studies such as these.

Why the conspiraloon query? (Or am I missing something?).
Mainly cos only medium. Com were carrying it and i didn't know how kosher the authors were.
have just been e-mailed by someone recommending Icke's video. Have been wondering how to respond (politely). The bbc article's tempting but I'm fairly sure her response will be something to do with sheeple :(

I decided on:

No I've not seen it, I've heard about it though - where he talks about the 5G and coronavirus stuff? I understand that people have taken that seriously and set fire to a few transmission masts.

Not too bothered about that to be honest what with not having a mobile phone but I do think that sort of belief is dangerous because the more people believe it the fewer are likely to be careful not to isolate themselves.

At times I get bad asthma so am on the at-risk register. I'm not going to survive if I do get coronavirus so I'm rigidly self isolating and taking all the precautions really seriously. I think it's essential to follow the WHO advice and scientific consensus.

with a couple of pleasantries at the end.
Seeing the TRUTH requires the ability to spot things HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT

Icke today


A slightly more polished version is also circulating



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