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Top science journal faced secret attacks from Covid conspiracy theory group
A conspiratorial group of extreme Brexit lobbyists mounted an extraordinary campaign against one of the world’s most prestigious science journals – part of a series of joint investigations between Byline Times and Computer Weekly
03 Oct 2023
One of the world’s most prestigious general science journals, Nature, was the target of a two-year-long sustained and virulent secret attack by a conspiratorial group of extreme Brexit lobbyists with high-level political, commercial and intelligence connections, according to documents and correspondence examined by Computer Weekly and Byline Times.

The group attempted to have Nature and its staff put under surveillance and investigated by MI5, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, and Japanese and Australian intelligence agencies. They met Cabinet minister Michael Gove and later asked him to arrange phone taps and electronic surveillance. One member of the group led intrusive investigations into the intimate personal life and background circumstances of senior Nature staff the group suspected of “extreme Sinophile views”.

When their campaign flopped and a Covid vaccine promoted by the group failed to reach any form of clinical testing, the group arranged for unfounded accusations against Nature magazines and staff to be published by the Daily Telegraph and on other right wing news sites. They called themselves the “Covid Hunters”. Their allegations against science reporting helped fuel an explosion in “lab leak” claims on right-wing conspiracy sites.
Top science journal faced secret attacks from Covid conspiracy theory group
A conspiratorial group of extreme Brexit lobbyists mounted an extraordinary campaign against one of the world’s most prestigious science journals – part of a series of joint investigations between Byline Times and Computer Weekly
03 Oct 2023

I don't know what's going on either. But Gwythian Prins, mentioned a lot in the article writes for the Daily Telegraph - such articles as "Brussels Empire is collapsing before our eyes but the Remainiacs just don't don't see it" and "Brexit helped save Ukraine from Vladimir Putin"

Here is his biography on GOV.UK:


Gwythian Prins joined the Charity Commission as Board member in June 2013. He is a Research Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also visiting professor at the University of Buckingham and a member of the Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategy Advisory Panel. His previous roles include:
  • Fellow in History at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and latterly University Lecturer in Politics
  • Senior Fellow in the Office of the Special Advisor on Central and Eastern European Affairs, part of the Office of the Secretary-General of NATO, Brussels
Much of his work has been in Africa or on strategic matters. He has published on African history, medical anthropology, European politics and on military and strategic issues.

He is obviously a sensitive soul and got an apology from the LSE over misinformation:

My verdict - I don't want Prins in my house - and to me this all looks like a Fascist/Leftist spat which has spilled over into scientific discourse.
Do we need AI to get fucked up?
Reuters: "Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic"
The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation -- payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and put innocent lives at risk.

The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined. Tailoring the propaganda campaign to local audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East, the Pentagon used a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day. A key part of the strategy: amplify the disputed contention that, because vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, China’s shots could be considered forbidden under Islamic law.

The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency, Reuters found -- even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation. The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.
Original article (archived version).
General Dynamics must have studied the Indian Mutiny. Pork fat used in the grease of East India Company bullets?

Cartridges for the Enfield Rifle-Musket. The cartridge needed to be bitten to tear open the paper casing and load the rifle with gunpowder and a musket ball. Many Indian sepoy soldiers believed that these cartridges were greased with pig or cow fat which went against Hindu and Muslim religious practices. (courtesy Bodmin Keep - Cornwall's Army Museum)
The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and put innocent lives at risk.

Antivaxxers are just promoting Deep State propaganda :eek:

General Dynamics must have studied the Indian Mutiny. Pork fat used in the grease of East India Company bullets?

Cartridges for the Enfield Rifle-Musket. The cartridge needed to be bitten to tear open the paper casing and load the rifle with gunpowder and a musket ball. Many Indian sepoy soldiers believed that these cartridges were greased with pig or cow fat which went against Hindu and Muslim religious practices. (courtesy Bodmin Keep - Cornwall's Army Museum)

I don't know about Hindus, but I was under the impression that Muslims are given dispensation within their scriptures to break halal during times of desperation. Not sure if rebelling against a colonial oppressor would count as such, but given the flexibility of religious interpretation, it would seem unwise for evil imperialists to rely on such tricks.
I don't know about Hindus, but I was under the impression that Muslims are given dispensation within their scriptures to break halal during times of desperation. Not sure if rebelling against a colonial oppressor would count as such, but given the flexibility of religious interpretation, it would seem unwise for evil imperialists to rely on such tricks.
Muslims - which a theologian available to advise yes. But if the evil CIA created a widespread belief that Sinovac was haram?
Look at out own anti vaxxers!
Uh oh! I seemed to have made the locally famous covid conspiracy prat roid rage out at me on social media today. She owns a gym near me and during lockdown decided to keep it open spouting all the tin foil hat conspiracy theories. She got arrested and fined, banged on how she wouldn't pay the fine and then paid it. Anyway, she was in the local news today because she's been given planning permission to rip down her gym and build a tower block, anywhere between 4 and 16 stories high. Like most people in the comments, I pointed out how dodgy that sounded and how I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her gym, after all her shit during lockdown. Got an immediate barage of rants from her, on the news Facebook page and in PMs. Apparently I am "abusive scum" and "not a gentleman". 😂 Just told her I couldn't care less what someone who endangers peoples lives with her silly conspiracy theories thinks and thankfully she ended up blocking me. 😂
Here she is a few years when she got arrested during lockdown, giving it all the "common law" conspiracy crap. 😂:facepalm:...
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Uh oh! I seemed to have made the locally famous covid conspiracy prat roid rage out at me on social media today. She owns a gym near me and during lockdown decided to keep it open spouting all the tin foil hat conspiracy theories. She got arrested and fined, banged on how she wouldn't pay the fine and then paid it. Anyway, she was in the local news today because she's been given planning permission to rip down her gym and build a tower block, anywhere between 4 and 16 stories high. Like most people in the comments, I pointed out how dodgy that sounded and how I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her gym, after all her shit during lockdown. Got an immediate barage of rants from her, on the news Facebook page and in PMs. Apparently I am "abusive scum" and "not a gentleman". 😂 Just told her I couldn't care less what someone who endangers peoples lives with her silly conspiracy theories thinks and thankfully she ended up blocking me. 😂
Here she is a few years when she got arrested during lockdown, giving it all the "common law" conspiracy crap. 😂:facepalm:...

Magic words!!!!

Profile of some conspiracy theorist singer I've never heard before today of but who apparently has a million followers on the tiktoks:

In one popular video, Blake claims to have cured a kidney infection with “good vibes”, while tracks like “Energy Vampires” and “5G” sound like an AI chatbot if its dataset was plugged with Amethyst clusters and conspiracy theories. “I just know her parents work for Lockheed Martin,” says one commenter.
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