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I wondered why "died suddenly" was trending on Twitter so I checked:

"Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history."

I wondered why "died suddenly" was trending on Twitter so I checked:

"Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history."

It’s shit like that that makes me think our best course of action is to delete the entire internet and just start again :D
This is a good review of so called 'documentary'.

Note the word “suggesting” rather than “showing” or “proving.” While the film shows headlines and stories of people dying suddenly, it never really provides much concrete scientific evidence linking Covid-19 vaccines to all these sudden deaths. It essentially just says oh look at all these sudden deaths over the past couple years and, oh. people, in general, have been getting Covid-19 vaccines. Never mind the fact that people have been dying suddenly ever since, oh, the beginning of human existence. Never mind the fact that over a million people in the U.S. and over 6.6 million around the world have died from, you know, Covid-19, since early 2020. Never mind the fact that people have dying suddenly since Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Georgia) was elected to Congress.

The film presents a clot of innuendo as well. It shows pictures of what looks like blood clots yet never really confirms the true origins of them. To suggest that these were caused by Covid-19 vaccines as the film did would be kind of like showing pictures of mullets and then claiming that vaccines caused such hairstyles. In the film, a person blurred out did say in a distorted voice, “as a Canadian embalmer, I have found that everyone who I have embalmed for over a year had fibrous mass clots.” However, you can’t really tell who this person really is, because saying Canadian embalmer isn’t quite the same as saying billionaire who bought Twitter. It doesn’t really pinpoint who the person is. In fact, you can’t really tell the identities of many of the people featured in the film since there is very little use of captions.

Christ I just searched for that on Facebook.
On the positive side it's a useful filter for choosing friends or employees or just people to entrust with pointy scissors.
I live in quite an enlightened area, but when this shit is in the air, I am wont to look at other humans strangely.
Meanwhile there appears to be a very real 'sudden death' problem caused by the virus, very much including peoples whose symptoms were considered mild when they first caught covid. Its sort of being acknowledged more online and in sections of the press these days, and over time more proper studies are adding detail to the picture of the risks.

I dont know quite how I would characterise the following articles in terms of getting the balance right, and some may consider them to be excessive. But since I've struggled to get much of a conversation going on others threads here about these things, and am lacking in time to fish out more detailed studies, these will have to do for now:

As sometimes pointed out in articles like these, people with an interest in this side of the picture, ie the virus not the vaccine, are compiling sudden death lists on twitter etc too. Its not a trivial task to unpick this picture and correctly identify which of these deaths were the result of the virus. The picture will remain a bit murky in that respect a lot of the time, but proper studies that quantify the risks will continue to emerge too. And I fear many of us will end up noticing this stuff via people we know and lose, even if we are left with just a suspicion of what lurks behind this picture rather than actual certainty in every case.
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BBC fact check took a look at the Sudden Death film and related social media shit:

They didnt dwell on the covid-related sudden death stuff that I mentioned, but I wouldnt really expect them to, not at this stage. Especially since they've found plenty of examples that dont fit into that category either, people named in the shit film who clearly died of other causes or didnt even die at all!

When I mention the covid sudden deaths I find it hard to do so while giving an appropriate sense of scale and proportion. Its important for people to be aware of it, but I dont yet have a full sense of its scale or the most appropriate ways to illustrate the scale that manages not to downplay or overplay it. And Im aware that anything I say about it is likely to sound a bit dramatic given that I think it deserves more attention and much of the mainstream barely acknowledges it at all, there is a risk of me overcompensating for that.
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BBC fact check took a look at the Sudden Death film and related social media shit:

They didnt dwell on the covid-related sudden death stuff that I mentioned, but I wouldnt really expect them to, not at this stage. Especially since they've found plenty of examples that dont fit into that category either, people named in the shit film who clearly died of other causes or didnt even die at all!

When I mention the covid sudden deaths I find it hard to do so while giving an appropriate sense of scale and proportion. Its important for people to be aware of it, but I dont yet have a full sense of its scale or the most appropriate ways to illustrate the scale that manages not to downplay or overplay it. And Im aware that anything I say about it is likely to sound a bit dramatic given that I think it deserves more attention and much of the mainstream barely acknowledges it at all, there is a risk of me overcompensating for that.
Fucking Musk:

What's new this time is the main account spreading the film on Twitter has bought verification - the blue tick which is supposed to be a mark of credibility, something experts have warned could help misinformation spread.
Meanwhile there appears to be a very real 'sudden death' problem caused by the virus, very much including peoples whose symptoms were considered mild when they first caught covid. Its sort of being acknowledged more online and in sections of the press these days, and over time more proper studies are adding detail to the picture of the risks.

I dont know quite how I would characterise the following articles in terms of getting the balance right, and some may consider them to be excessive. But since I've struggled to get much of a conversation going on others threads here about these things, and am lacking in time to fish out more detailed studies, these will have to do for now:

As sometimes pointed out in articles like these, people with an interest in this side of the picture, ie the virus not the vaccine, are compiling sudden death lists on twitter etc too. Its not a trivial task to unpick this picture and correctly identify which of these deaths were the result of the virus. The picture will remain a bit murky in that respect a lot of the time, but proper studies that quantify the risks will continue to emerge too. And I fear many of us will end up noticing this stuff via people we know and lose, even if we are left with just a suspicion of what lurks behind this picture rather than actual certainty in every case.

Eventualities like this are precisely the reason I've been taking Covid infection seriously since the beginning, even as a (relatively) "young" and "healthy" adult. We've long known that contracting a virus can fuck you up later in life, even if the initial infection was mild. Just look at chickenpox/shingles.
Eventualities like this are precisely the reason I've been taking Covid infection seriously since the beginning, even as a (relatively) "young" and "healthy" adult. We've long known that contracting a virus can fuck you up later in life, even if the initial infection was mild. Just look at chickenpox/shingles.
I mean long Covid was a clue there could be alsorts of sequela to worry about.
I mean long Covid was a clue there could be alsorts of sequela to worry about.

Long COVID is something the antivaxxers seem determined to blame solely on the vaccine, not the virus - many of them go as far as denying the existence of COVID altogether, so how could it be anything else..!
Antivaxer shithead ex-nurse in Germany gets a pathetic probationary sentence for defrauding and assaulting thousands of patients:

Over 8000 people may have had a vaccination denied to them without their knowledge and consent. That's a large enough number that some of them may have experienced significant illness or even death because of that, especially considering the age of the people who were supposed to be vaccinated. I don't believe for one second that the six doses she got caught not giving were the only ones.
Eventualities like this are precisely the reason I've been taking Covid infection seriously since the beginning, even as a (relatively) "young" and "healthy" adult. We've long known that contracting a virus can fuck you up later in life, even if the initial infection was mild. Just look at chickenpox/shingles.
Yes. I started with one-sided tinnitus in my late thirties, and eventually lost hearing on that side completely. No explanation ever found despite being shunted around various hearing specialists for quite a few years as my hearing on the right gradually disappeared, but one thing all of them asked me was have I ever had a really bad virus (I had, due to never thinking about infectious environments at all when younger, like most people, so too many to pinpoint the culprit.) Left me with occasional slight, but very noticeable, and in certain situations rather unnerving, balance problems, as well as a lot of general inconvenience. Getting the right side of everybody to be able to hear what's being said makes it like fucking musical chairs whenever I go in a noisy pub in company.
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The twat from pointless boyband Blue has detached from reality

More to say: He continued posting on Wednesday morning as he tried to get his point across

https:// www dailymail. co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8175051/Lee-Ryan-confuses-fans-claims-devil-controls-government.html
Recently found guilty of racially aggravated assault. All rise!

Far out and far right conspiraloon John Mappin is keeping it up.


twitter link, where you can watch the video in the tweet he quotes by Amy Kelly, a "writer, video clipper, and pro-freedom citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience".
Or not. I'd recommend the latter option but YMMV.
Very recently, work gave me the opportunity to get through an anonymous, secure airlock in a very plain corridor and into a suite of rooms that make-up the specialist COVID lab we maintain as part of the national pandemic/emergency response.

Sadly, for the antivaxers, conspiracists and other assorted truthers, it was not filled with mad scientist and other bad actor-types, working feverishly towards humanity's doom. Instead, it had been completely cleaned, sterilised and mothballed, just in case..! :D
Was that Dr Rashid Buttar?

He's all over the internet, he's an osteopathic physician, so is qualified in the manipulation of muscle tissue and bones, not a virologist nor any other expert in infectious diseases.

He's using his title of 'doctor' to suck people into the nonsense he is spreading about Covid-19, because he's also a conspiracy theorist & anti-vaxer, from the David Icke school of loons.

Claimed he was poisoned in hospital ...didnt say why he was hospitalised.
Died aged 57 a few days after telling an interviewer that if he dies it will not have been suicide. He also claimed that anyone who got a covid vaccine would be dead by 2025... 😳😳

He probably convinced many not to be vaccinated. How many deaths was he responsible for.
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Claimed he was poisoned in hospital ...didnt say why he was hospitalised.
Died aged 57 a few days after telling an interviewer that if he dies it will not have been suicide. He also claimed that anyone who got a covid vaccine would be dead by 2025... 😳😳

He probably convinced many not to be vaccinated. How many deaths was he responsible for.
the majority of the comments on that are gold, my favourite so far:
"I believe he is alive, just another actor who distracted everyone and left the scene!"
take that you anti vaxxer, he was a crisis actor and you all got took in 🤣 🤣 🤣
not sure if this is some alternate universe, its 23 minutes long, just listen to beginning, history of science and testing these virusis?

Here is the Wikipedia entry for London Real YouTube channel and its owner: Brian Rose (podcaster) - Wikipedia
Reuters say this about David Martin's video: Fact check: The mRNA coronavirus vaccine is a vaccine, and it is designed to prevent illness

If you really really want more of Dr Martin - and to check out his wife, who is a lifestyle coach who looks like Tammy Wynette try the "We are the People" YouTube channel:

With "your" video note that the European Parliament contains AfD neo-Nazis and used to contain Nigel Farage Clair Fox and Widdy - all of whom turned their backs and farted!
Even supposing the talk is an official EU event it might have the status of a Westminster Hall Debate - i.e. non-binding and a device to write something into the parliamentary record.

Here is the Wikipedia entry for London Real YouTube channel and its owner: Brian Rose (podcaster) - Wikipedia
Reuters say this about David Martin's video: Fact check: The mRNA coronavirus vaccine is a vaccine, and it is designed to prevent illness

If you really really want more of Dr Martin - and to check out his wife, who is a lifestyle coach who looks like Tammy Wynette try the "We are the People" YouTube channel:

With "your" video note that the European Parliament contains AfD neo-Nazis and used to contain Nigel Farage Clair Fox and Widdy - all of whom turned their backs and farted!
Even supposing the talk is an official EU event it might have the status of a Westminster Hall Debate - i.e. non-binding and a device to write something into the parliamentary record.

I ll take it down then.
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