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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

How come "The Sun" is offering a live feed of rather thinly rampaging mobs clashing with the police today

(this is relating to lock-down, not to women's safety by the way)

Maybe Murdoch's Sun is now aligned with Putin's RT - undermine the liberal dictator Boris and replace with a Libertian nerd such as Mogg or Redwood?
Will catch up with most recent stuff in this thread in a bit .... :oops:

But more generally, conspiraloon-wise ...

Has the almost-certainly-dodgy Doctor, Dr. Mike Yeadon, been discussed much (or at all) earlier up this thread?? :confused:

I wasn't aware of him at all, but festivaldeb alerted me to his vaccine scepticism -- and he used to work for Pfizer !

Let's just say that Deb's main sources were 'friends on the internet', sending her links about which I know not what! :hmm: :(

My main source was the first/top result of a Google search by me just now -- a Reuters article that pretty much takes apart Dr. Yeadon's "credibility", IMO :cool:

Call me 'biased' against conspiraloons, BUT!!! ... it would be good to read other Urban's take on/awareness of this rogue Dr. ......... does he live in Wakefield-land? :hmm:
Will catch up with most recent stuff in this thread in a bit .... :oops:

But more generally, conspiraloon-wise ...

Has the almost-certainly-dodgy Doctor, Dr. Mike Yeadon, been discussed much (or at all) earlier up this thread?? :confused:

I wasn't aware of him at all, but festivaldeb alerted me to his vaccine scepticism -- and he used to work for Pfizer !

Let's just say that Deb's main sources were 'friends on the internet', sending her links about which I know not what! :hmm: :(

My main source was the first/top result of a Google search by me just now -- a Reuters article that pretty much takes apart Dr. Yeadon's "credibility", IMO :cool:

Call me 'biased' against conspiraloons, BUT!!! ... it would be good to read other Urban's take on/awareness of this rogue Dr. ......... does he live in Wakefield-land? :hmm:

I've been aware of Yeadon for some time, because of the looney mod on a pirate radio forum constantly quoting him, and I've read some of his bullshit on the 'Lockdown Sceptics' website, the classic being last November when he forecast 'the pandemic is effectively over', when it was clearly taking off again. :facepalm:

Of course, some of the loons that follow him & quote him actually think he was right on that, because they refuse to believe the official figures on cases & deaths, or that hospitals were becoming overwhelmed - I guess all those patients, doctors & nurses filmed inside hospitals must all just be state actors. :D

These two articles, published last Sept. & Nov. are good for a laugh -

Oh, I've just remembered I bookmarked that link to the 'covidfaq' website you posted some weeks ago, they have a whole section on the loon -

Michael Yeadon is a former employee of Pfizer, credentialed with a PhD in respiratory pharmacology. Despite his background, he has persistently argued that the pandemic is not as severe as mainstream scientists believe.

In September 2020, he claimed that around 90% of positive tests since May were false positives, and has described PCR testing as "lethal" because it fuelled fear and restrictions.

In a blog post dated the 16th of October 2020, he argued that the pandemic was "effectively over" because of his claim that only a minority of the population remained susceptible to infection. Citing a paper by John Ioannidis, he claimed that "a fair estimate of the IFR is 0.2%."

“The Mark of the Beast” Georgian Britain’s Anti-Vaxxer Movement
April 28, 2021
Rowley was a prominent figure in nineteenth-century England’s anti-vaccine movement, the earliest predecessor to today’s anti-vaxxers. Several years before Rowley published his vitriolic pamphlet, Edward Jenner’s discovery of a vaccine against smallpox had caused a public health revolution and birthed the field of immunology as a discipline — but it also came decades before germ theory was known to scientists. As a result, even those who embraced Jenner's vaccine lacked the conceptual framework needed to understand precisely how it worked.

This gap between evidence and explanation allowed doubts to suppurate and spread as clergy, members of parliament, workers, and even doctors voiced their opposition to the vaccine on religious, ethical, and scientific grounds. Jenner’s supporters saw it as their moral duty to advance the cause of a life-saving technology; their opponents felt an equally strong moral obligation to put a halt to vaccination at all costs. In the decades following Jenner’s discovery, this conflict would play out bitterly in newspapers, in artwork, and even in the streets as both sides battled for the body and soul of Britain.
Mentioned kin the Channel Four documentary above was anti-vax rapper Remeece.
Is he famous?
I would have thought rapping with Piers Corbyn would be a turn-off to the usual rasp fans?
American preacher Rick Wiles after a March 2020 COVID outbreak in a synagogue: "God is spreading it in your synagogues! You are under judgment because you oppose his son, Jesus Christ. That is why you have a plague in your synagogues.”

Rick Wiles today:

Have been pulling of a few of those in this here sunny sarf london too
Yeah, same. Grit bins, lamp posts, zebra crossing control panels (including near schools)...all popular locations for this nonsense round my way :mad:

Must admit, I didn't tear off the most recent one I saw ("Breathing in bacteria keeps me healthy!" :facepalm:) but wrote FUCK OFF YOU TWATS on it in purple pen instead.
Looks like the winter booster will only be MRNA. Haven't seen much fuss about this. The viral vector vaccines for the first time won't be available. Some people were definetely concerned about cutting-edge 'gene therapy' and opted for the vector ones.

I would have expected conspiracies about staging and phasing traditional vaccines out so that everyone has their 'DNA modified'.
Having just had a Moderna booster, I found following the trail on this a bit disconcerting

Apparently Moderna causes heart problems, meanwhile Pfizer is being sued for health incidents which affect women much more so than men

Having survived the rigours of potential blood clots from two AstraZeneca injections, if I survive the Moderna unscathed I think I might become a mad apostle for mass treatment via the water supply.

People used to get upset about fluoride in water. How about lithium? It is apparently extremely soothing for certain South American communities (lithium occurs naturally in Peru and Chile). One wonders whether a healthy dose of lithium in London water might slow down the knife epidemic.
Just to note that the author of that (not peer reviewed) is described as a pseudoscientist in his Wikipedia bio.
And Zerohedge is apparently a Bulgarian investment spiv who likes to post unsettling stuff similar to RT on Twitter. He is banned on Facebook,
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I just found out that not only have they put ebola in The vaccine, but also AIDS and marburg, we are all well and truly fucked.
It's been nice knowing you.
Link to FB video if you fancy it...
From another woo peddlar.

What a nutter -

She described herself as a 'Goodwill Ambassador' - Dr. Ariyana Love is founder of Meta Nutrients, an international foundation pioneering harmonized medicine. She's a second generation Naturopathic Doctor and a researcher/writer.

Remember Ariyana Love, the Jew-hater who has spread libels against me for years and even tried to get me fired from my job when I worked in hi-tech? She is many things: vile, antisemite, batsh*t crazy to name a few. But one thing she most definitely isn’t is a doctor. Yet she is now claiming to be one, as she “reinvents” herself as some kind of Covid vaccine expert.

Interviewed by a conspiracy theorist and anti vaxxer called Stew Peters, “Dr” Love claims that Covid vaccines contain parasites, viruses and hydras, and that human DNA is being ‘rewired’ by ‘electrodes’, creating hybrid creatures that are no longer human. No prizes for guessing who she blames for being behind this evil plot.

He cites several examples, such as BDS activist Ariel Gold. She is a member of Code Pink. In a Facebook post, independent journalist, researcher Ariyana Love is complaining about being called an antisemite, “Ariel jumps in to calm her down. “She doesn’t ask what happened or what was said,” notes Collier.

Then he demonstrates that Love shares antisemitic content, including from the “Renegade Tribune,” a well-known white separatist, Holocaust denying, historical revisionist, neo-Nazi website established in 2012 by Kyle Hunt. In one post, she said that 6 million Jews dying in the Holocaust was a hoax.

A proper charmer.
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