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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

This tweet seems a bid odd.
How can Covid infected men's sperm count drop by 516%?
Are the Telegraph promoting the New Maths here?
This tweet seems a bid odd.
How can Covid infected men's sperm count drop by 516%?
Are the Telegraph promoting the New Maths here?
If you investigate the relevant preprint (DOI: 10.1530/REP-20-0382) then you will see that it's an ambiguous way of saying that sperm concentration was typically reduced by a factor of (just over) 5. Also, if you read the preprint, it is clear that the Torygraph was just rehashing a press release.
ah yeah, does he have form? I'm not totally sure he's a full on denier tbh, he's never totally explicit what his position is - just shares conspiracy theories and asks questions from time to time.
the "asking of questions" is a classic tactic in the conspiratorial world. Hey, it's nothing to do with me, I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just take a look at this [utter batshit/far right/end times] view point.

If you don't want anything to do with it, why the fuck ask it in the first place? If it holds no value to you, then why the fuck am I reading it on your twitter page?
Nah we use 1ml syringes for IM injections all the time. Never been told otherwise. You would usually use a blue needle but as I can't see the actual sharp I'm not going to jump to conclusions. Needles have been made longer as people have got bigger. I wouldn't use a blue on a little old lady for IM, I'd hit bone. Plus vaccines can be given SC if a person has a bleeding disorder or is taking warfarin, although the HCP's technique there is for an IM injection 🤷‍♀️ Now he's not a sparrow of a man but ultimately I can't see the needle and I don't know his medical history or the clinical reasoning being used. Anyone in my profession putting that^ on the internet without reflection deserves a slap from their governing body.
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Nah we use 1ml syringes for IM injections all the time. Never been told otherwise. You would usually use a blue needle but as I can't see the actual sharp I'm not going to jump to conclusions. Needles have been made longer as people have got bigger. I wouldn't use a blue on a little old lady for IM, I'd hit bone. Plus vaccines can be given SC if a person has a bleeding disorder or is taking warfarin, although the HCP's technique there is for an IM injection 🤷‍♀️ Now he's not a sparrow of a man but ultimately I can't see the needle and I don't know his medical history or the clinical reasoning being used. Anyone in my profession putting that^ on the internet without reflection deserves a slap from their governing body.
Thanks Rebelda .
they pose for the press pictures as taking one from the actual injection might not get a good shot, but I guess that's a photographer knowledge rather than a nurse one.
e2a: it also explains why the cap is still on the syringe in the shot.
The cap is not on, that's likely just the coloured base of the needle. Although logic and facts aren't going to sway anyone posting that, or anyone giving it any credence. I'm starting to think just agreeing with them and then adding to their paranoia with ever more bonkers stories might be the way to go.

It was an orange one I had on Saturday. Needle looked long (good bit longer than the flu vaccine ones - I'd guess an inch). She didn't stick it all the way in (meant to turn properly away but I have this thing where I need to see the needle go in or I get a bit freaked).
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They can't even make their minds up. Which is it; the vaccine is dangerous, not needed, a 5G tracking chip, or now doesn't exist?
This is the whole laughable paradigm these people are circulating in and the lack of self awareness is so pronounced that the are totally unaware that even their bonkers conspiracy theory is often multiple times self-contradictory. I have noticed that as time has drawn on a lot will not even have definite conclusions any more (no surprise because they have no evidence to form any sort of premises) so they just swim around in a sort of strange "multipe outcome" conspiracy world - so they scream over and over on facebook that the vaccine will kill you, or control you, or Jews, or Communists, or 5G, or something. Or some such shit.

Always having liked to familiarize myself with arguments counter to my own outlooks, never, ever have I come across such mass bat shit lunacy as I have in the covid denial world (I'm sure that
some will say most politics is like this - that we are all deranged, but there's something different going on here - in affect, the most stark different from the usual political stuff is this is built on conspiratorial, paranoid, almost deranged thinking - over and over again, it's 4+6 =79). Combined with a nice big fat dose of a blood thirsty sneer at us sheeple, it's really quite a site to behold.

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Nah we use 1ml syringes for IM injections all the time. Never been told otherwise. You would usually use a blue needle but as I can't see the actual sharp I'm not going to jump to conclusions. Needles have been made longer as people have got bigger. I wouldn't use a blue on a little old lady for IM, I'd hit bone. Plus vaccines can be given SC if a person has a bleeding disorder or is taking warfarin, although the HCP's technique there is for an IM injection 🤷‍♀️ Now he's not a sparrow of a man but ultimately I can't see the needle and I don't know his medical history or the clinical reasoning being used. Anyone in my profession putting that^ on the internet without reflection deserves a slap from their governing body.

It was a 1ml syringe that I was vaccinated with, with a blue (23 gauge) needle.

We always used a green for IM, or blue if they were thin, into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. :)

Do you automatically 'quarter' the buttock before stabbing them? :) Avoidance of the sciatic nerve was vital.
It was a 1ml syringe that I was vaccinated with, with a blue (23 gauge) needle.

We always used a green for IM, or blue if they were thin, into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock. :)

Do you automatically 'quarter' the buttock before stabbing them? :) Avoidance of the sciatic nerve was vital.
I remember buttock jabbing from a bad case of non typical pneumonia aged 11
and the nurse kept saying
"relax now" before jabbing
cue some seriously tense buttocks and pain
I remember buttock jabbing from a bad case of non typical pneumonia aged 11
and the nurse kept saying
"relax now" before jabbing
cue some seriously tense buttocks and pain

I was in basic training with a lad called Kev Lowe, I went on to nurse training, he went to be a Theatre Tech.

The OTTs spent a month on the wards as part of their training, and Kev landed on the ward I was on.

We had a patient in with syphilis, back then it was a multi day treatment of injected penicillin. He was a cocky bugger.

Kev went to tell him that as it was his last injection, it would be a wee bit bigger. 'No problem' said the lad.

We got a spinal needle, about 3" long, and attached it to a 50ml syringe filled with milk and water.

Got the screens round, Kev had the syringe in a tray, out of sight of the lad.

I held up the syringe and expelled the air, he was out of the bed and into the bogs like Linford Christie, he locked himself in, and took a bit of persuading out. :)
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Chinese Chilean cherry Covid conspiracy: Covid-19 scare in imported cherries

A bit alarming this, as Lidl have half price cherries as fruit of the week.
Only just picked up on the issue just now, when it was on Al Jazeera news.

The Al Jazeera spin on this is that China, having got bored with buying Chilean Lithium and Cooper mines have turned their hand to agricultural land.
China is a big customer for Chilean cherries - and obviously a social media rumour killing off the demand for cherries at harvest time would make cherry orchards cheap to buy.

So - according to Al Jazeera - this is all about China state farms buying Chilean cherry orchards at a knock down price.

At least I hope it is - I bought a kilo of cherries yesterday.
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