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Vitamin D and coronavirus

Vitamin D has other roles in the body, including reduction of inflammation as well as modulation of such processes as cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and glucose metabolism [1-3]. Many genes encoding proteins that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis are modulated in part by vitamin
Im bored. I have about 180 tabs.

What are the side effects?

*joke post. I just googled it. Taking 60,000 international units (IU) a day of vitamin D for several months has been shown to cause toxicity. This level is many times higher than the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for most adults of 600 IU of vitamin D a day.
Fauci takes 6k international untits, has been since Jan/feb 2020, he seems to be fairing a little better than most he dealt with in the White House - despite the fact than large no's, possibly up to 30%, - but that was quoted by The Damage Report so a bit too speccy to trust. I've been taking 4k a day since Feb, havent noticed any side effects (yep I was mad as fuck before I started eating them so no change there). Its difficult to find hard/exact clinical trialdetails, unetthical to just pump loads in someone, see what happens - but luckily, humans love to do it to themselves :- At noon in Miami, someone with Fitzpatrick skin type III would require 6 minutes to synthesize 1000 IU of vitamin D in the summer and 15 minutes in the winter NEJM Journal Watch: Summaries of and commentary on original medical and scientific articles from key medical journals I cant vouch for this source specifically but is similar to other data I have seen. As a kid in lived in Stanely in Hong Kong we had a choice of 3 beaches, I wpuld be at the beach all day every day for the summer hols, when Brits or any other northerner get to Sapin or other Med holiday destinations, they do all day in the sun - 4k an hour in 1 afty you've made 16,000+ . So unless you're planning to eat more, 16 of the Boots high dose or the Vitabiotic(1000IU or 25 micr - wheres the Meu symbol whrn you need it?? :mad: :mad:)So unless you intend to empty a whole box into yourself at once, you're cool to go
I take 5000iu a day minimum, but I was severely deficient and have no desire to go back to how I felt when I was (like death). This is more than you're supposed to take but I also take extra magnesium and vitamin K2 which counteract the possible side effects of calcification of soft tissue. Taking lots of vitamin D makes you absorb more calcium, but that can be a bad thing if the calcium ends up in the wrong places. Magnesium and vitamin K2 send it to the right place (bones) and keep it there. Don't take high strength vitamin D for long without also significantly upping your magnesium and vitamin K2 to compensate.

I do a finger prick blood test once every six months to keep an eye on my level and then adjust my dosage up or down accordingly. Anything above 50 nmol is considered 'sufficient' by the NHS to avoid rickets/osteomalacia but I try and keep at about 100-120 nmol for firing on all maximum immune system cylinders. I tested at 15 nmol when I was really feeling terrible. The blood test costs about 26 quid and gets processed in an NHS lab in Birmingham and they email you your results.
My sister got very ill from taking too much of it - pain, skin rashes, all sorts of issues. Be careful and just take the RDA unless a doctor prescibes you more if you have a deficiency/insufficiency
Some doctors will think taking vitamin D is a good idea, others will disagree. Others will say that a balanced diet should provide you with everything you need, even though we all know that many or most of us have diets which are questionable. So you have to make your own decision on this one, unless more concrete evidence emerges.
I was getting "hydroxychloroquine" vibes off of Davis (I only watched the first minute of it)
That said, I'm half-heartedly upping my game .. one of the reasons I put in 16 weeks' work in the summer before retiring was to get a suntan cycling there and back - ditto gardening .. I seem to be necking 5,000 IU of D3, along with 1mg of B12 added to a fizzy multi vit every 2 to 3 days at the moment.
He may be/is personaly repellent but he does have the techy background - anyway, your not taking it to please him, you are taking it to please yourself and remain healthy. Even the slimey can find a nugget of truth some times
Some doctors will think taking vitamin D is a good idea, others will disagree. Others will say that a balanced diet should provide you with everything you need, even though we all know that many or most of us have diets which are questionable. So you have to make your own decision on this one, unless more concrete evidence emerges.
I’ve had it with people self-diagnosing from reading the internet though. It’s dangerous, it’s always to best get proper medical advice
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My sister got very ill from taking too much of it - pain, skin rashes, all sorts of issues. Be careful and just take the RDA unless a doctor prescibes you more if you have a deficiency/insufficiency

The RDA is tiny - 5µg, 200IU - it's really a minimum rather than a target. The generally accepted safe upper limit for continous daily dosing is 20 times that, 100 µg (4000IU) although toxicity hasn't really been shown to occur until you get to about 10 times that again - 1mg or 40,000 IU - again, daily over a long period

Studies looking at prophylatic effects on respiratory diseases are using doses much greater than 5µg; 25µg or more in general. I think clinical treatment levels are much higher again.

Basically you don't have to stick to the RDA on this one. I'm taking 75µg/day, 3000IU - 15 times RDA - at the moment on the grounds that it might help; dosage chosen by the very scientific method of it being the dosage of the 'maximum strength' own brand vitamin D pills available in Boots :)
Some doctors will think taking vitamin D is a good idea, others will disagree. Others will say that a balanced diet should provide you with everything you need, even though we all know that many or most of us have diets which are questionable. So you have to make your own decision on this one, unless more concrete evidence emerges.
Interesting, humans dont produce any othe Vitamin in our bodies, we depend on all bar Vit D being in our food. Vit D is the only one we do - Inference, it is far too important to rely on food for a decent level in the blood. Equally no other vit acts, at times more like a Hormone - a necessary molecule that evolution has not left to chance discovery of the correct plants to eat - we produce the required hormones in our bodies. I dont trust the supplement manufacs, they really are very slippey fact avoiding shits - Vit d can be produced for a penny per 1000IU - there aint ehough money in it for them, but even though they may get some cash from us, this is the one thing say Holland and Barrett sells I know is not just some middle clash "fashion" nonsense
I’ve had it with people self-diagnosing from reading the internet though. It’s dangerous, it’s always to best get proper medical advice
Yeah, but. This is about Covid and vitamin D. So it all depends on who you ask and not about individual diagnosis. I was talking to a GP the other day and she was saying 'take vitamin D'. Others will say different. So it's not self diagnosis but self selection of GP advisors. Or pot luck.
I’ve had it with people self-diagnosing from reading the internet though. It’s dangerous, it’s always to best get proper medical advice
Given that while sunbathing in summer you make 4kIU an hour, why are beaches at Benidorm not covered with really sick, Vit D OD people every year? I've spoken to my GP about it, she says well its safe to take 5-6k a day but then just parrots the NHS RDA - shich she admits is basically to protect childrens bone growth. Do what you choose but know thats safe to eat 6k a day, its cheap as chips and could sop you from getting it. This is not some, inject yer bum with fillers at home and you'll be fighting the boys off idiocy - check the info from the Andalucian link in my very garbled OP. the numbers are good
Some doctors will think taking vitamin D is a good idea, others will disagree. Others will say that a balanced diet should provide you with everything you need, even though we all know that many or most of us have diets which are questionable. So you have to make your own decision on this one, unless more concrete evidence emerges.
There could so much more via double blind empically proven clinical trial IF the UK had shelled out £20m back in March when the then existing efficacy against other respiratory infections and enecdotal/observational mini-trials was brought to their attention- instead they chose to spend that money on what turned out to be useless PPE - all straignt to landfill....actually I think that bill was over £100m (Its was big news then, RAF aircraft hung about in Istanbul airport - made to wait for 2-3 days if I recall correctly - when Boris tried the old school "Gunplane" diplomacy - wow that went well eh?)
Given that while sunbathing in summer you make 4kIU an hour, why are beaches at Benidorm not covered with really sick, Vit D OD people every year? I've spoken to my GP about it, she says well its safe to take 5-6k a day but then just parrots the NHS RDA - shich she admits is basically to protect childrens bone growth. Do what you choose but know thats safe to eat 6k a day, its cheap as chips and could sop you from getting it. This is not some, inject yer bum with fillers at home and you'll be fighting the boys off idiocy - check the info from the Andalucian link in my very garbled OP. the numbers are good

Check that link from weepiper :)

Experts do not believe that excessive sun exposure results in vitamin D toxicity because thermal activation of previtamin D3 in the skin gives rise to various non-vitamin D forms that limit formation of vitamin D3. Some vitamin D3 is also converted to nonactive forms. However, frequent use of tanning beds, which provide artificial UV radiation [without the thermal activation?], can lead to 25(OH)D levels well above 375–500 nmol/L (150–200 ng/mL) .

(my square brackets)
Given that while sunbathing in summer you make 4kIU an hour, why are beaches at Benidorm not covered with really sick, Vit D OD people every year?
That site Hyperdark referred to says you can't OD on vitamin D from sunlight or from foods, so not a proper comparison.
(*other thread deleted)


Thank you!!!! I dont have a clue how I managed two (It sort of rhymes and sounds like a confeesion from a cake addict, but its mine and I'm sticking to it!!) I thread good etc...Pxx
That site Hyperdark referred to says you can't OD on vitamin D from sunlight or from foods, so not a proper comparison.

I think you could presumably theoretically OD from foods given that you can from (oral) supplements - impossible in practise I guess as you'd have to eat something like 16lb of salmon (pretty much the richest food source) each and every day to get to the lowest possibly toxic threshold.... (this is not a challenge).
I've seen several figures for maximum dangerous dose, starting from 4,000 IU I think as extreme high but just about safe temporarily. The capsules I got were 5,000 IU and I took them for several months. I've cut down on them now though after reading stuff on here.

I've also seen recommended dose (400 IU?) is twice the rda. Also that vitamin K is good to take at the same time to help absorb it (although someone again on here said that was information from the vitamin k manufacturer) or that milk is good from geminisnake as I recall because vitamin D is fat soluble. (Also dosage should really now be given in micrograms mcg rather than IU but I forget what that is :) )

Dangers of too much were posted up here a couple of days ago - including things like kidney damage and leaching calcium from bones. Eta although that's very high doses for extended period of time.

Sorry - someone will doubtless come along with the correct figures but those three areas seem like the important things.
Sorry its taken so long to get back to you but I've got things a bit more organised you'll be happy to hear - The RDA is miniscule, its was estblaished to set the levels for children to acoid rickets - even my GP admitted that when I asked her. She said she took it but said she could not tell me what she took as that would constitute advice when her and my condtions were different.......All true, but just sticking to the NHS guidelines. OK, so we have to dig:- "At noon in Miami, someone with Fitzpatrick skin type III would require 6 minutes to synthesize 1000 IU International units)of vitamin D in the summer and 15 minutes in the winter."( NEJM Journal Watch: Summaries of and commentary on original medical and scientific articles from key medical journals) Running about or lying down the sun in yer swimmies in summer you get C 4k IU per hour, so on an average sunny afternoon on hols in say Spain you'll get between c 16k - 20k IU. LOts of people do this every year, millions in fact, I have never seen nor can I find on the net, any cases of Vit D OD. In INdia they were giving people 60kIU muscular injection, as have at least one of morfe people posting on this thread - no reports of adverse reactions let alone OD. Dr Anthony Fauci the US infectious diseases expert takesm and has been taking 6k IU per day since late Jan/Feb - he is still with us and seems perfectly healthy. I have been taking 4k IU per day since Feb - so far no probs - as have lots of others on this thread. It is fat soluable so simply eat them after a meal, it needs very little fat, you dont have to neck packets of butter with it to make sure it works - you've probably read all of this on the other posts by now, but you didn't deluge me with Spice Girls puns even though the opportuinty was huge and tempting (well to me it would have been:thumbs::D) for that I owe you one (also that was a well sweet piss take, posting one of by doubles and attaching it to my "Cant find another thread like this" - loved and laffed like a drain- blinding shot Sir, blinding....Some linky bits:-
Office of Dietary Supplements - Vitamin D - still focused on bone health, it does admit to other benefits useful
“Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study” This is the only small scale randomish trial we have to date, ther are observational studies based on care home that regularly took blood from the patients to monitor health, rather dense but the bootm line is 76 patients, 50 got Calcifediol or equivalent ( Calcifediol is the activated form of Vit D after both the liver and liver add differnt hydroxyl groups, meaning that it can be used by the body instantly - Vit D tabs take several days to progress thru this process) 26 got the best clinical care but no Vit D. Of the 50 given the activated Vit D, only one needed ICU treatment, none died. Of the 26 not given it, 13(50%) needed ICU treament, 2 of them died
“Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study”
Since this trial the Govt of Andulucia have mandated the activated Vit D and their death nubers have dropped dramatically form near 70 per day, to the most recent :- "There have been 94 deaths in Andalucia in last seven days. The total for the pandemic is 5.578. " Coronavirus in Andalucia, News and Statistics | Andalucia.com There has also been public health camapigns to make people aware and getting to take Vit D suppliments to reduceb the risk of contracting it in the first place " Confirmed cases that required hospital admission in Andalucia in the last seven days number 723, the total admissions for the pandemic is 25.368 Confirmed cases that required intensive care admission in Andalucia in last seven days was 39 the total for the pandemic is 2.524. " Same source
They are safe to eat and it appers very effective, cheap and possibly, life saving
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If people have some research and evidence great, or wants to discuss it more broadly, but some of this thread is starting to read a bit bonkers and Trump like with his quackery.
Yeah, but. This is about Covid and vitamin D. So it all depends on who you ask and not about individual diagnosis. I was talking to a GP the other day and she was saying 'take vitamin D'. Others will say different. So it's not self diagnosis but self selection of GP advisors. Or pot luck.
Or government recommendations?
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I got a particularly good suntan during last summer (starting in April and only stopped about middle of September), one of the benefits of WFH.
Currently, I've still got plenty of colour as the tan didn't fade as fast as usual.

So, I've been taking a multi-vit + iron about two days out of three as an average since new year.
I'll do that until the spring sunshine wakes me up.
Well I take Vitamin D the stuff is amazing, you need K2 with it as well, not even
had a runny nose in 7 months, most of my friends think I`m going over the top
about it, I take stuff like Borum and magnesium as well.

p.s great idea to start this thread
4000iu is the maximum safe daily dose. . . . but in general that is waaaay too much.
I was told by my doctor I had dangerously low levels of vitamin D and had to take mega boosts for about three months, and now just have to take a pill a day for the rest of my life.
I sure hope they don't start selling out in shops.
If people have some research and evidence great, or wants to discuss it more broadly, but some of this thread is starting to read a bit bonkers and Trump like with his quackery.

In what way? Most of the posts seem to align with the reference weepiper gave, which seems to summarize the scientific work done:

All the vitamin D facts you could possibly desire here

Sold out and not back till 16th feb in my local supermarket, obviously people are buying it up

That was my experience too last Friday, in two branches of our local mini-chain of pharmacies. Vit D also seemed to be sold out from Superdrug in town.

( I was after a epecific £1= per tub of 30 tabs though ( :oops: ), intending to buy several).

Both festivaldeb and I are each taking one tab a day daily now (hence my wish to top-up stocks).
That Observer article that from which @editor posted a link, was very informative and interesting, and as I posted on the main Covid UK thread, my main reaction was ''what harm can it do"?

I have read various posts/links on here about maxiumum reconmmnded limits. And we're taking a very modest amount anyway.

I'll go in quest of more tablets on Friday (my non-working day :) -- so what else is there do do? ;) :D )
I've been prescribed Vitamin D for years (there's a link between a condition I have and Vitamin D deficiency). My maintenance dose is 1500mg/400IU twice a day.

3 grams/day? :hmm:

That might be for the pack or something... I'm on one 800IU tablet; 20mg. Also prescribed... Did get initial heroic dose thing, which was something like 6000IU. But that was once/week (which, come to think of it, isn't much more than 800/day, though I may have forgotten the exact dose/how many times).
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