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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

Camellia sinensis, the plant that gives us green tea and our morning cuppa, does have lots of really useful medicinal properties. It is antiviral.

But it’s definitely not a cure for the coronavirus.
Camellia sinensis, the plant that gives us green tea and our morning cuppa, does have lots of really useful medicinal properties. It is antiviral.

But it’s definitely not a cure for the coronavirus.

We just don't know until it's been tried :rolleyes:
Still a conspiracy? What are your thoughts? 👁

One giant Psy opp? or global shift?

The world is in lockdown. Let that sink in....

5G is being rolled out world wide conveniently at the same time.... Research health effects of 5G

Megan and Harry leave royal family.

Prince Andrew is a convicted pedophile and was close with Jeffrey Epstein.

Research Epstein Island if you have a strong stomach.

Reasearch Pizzagate if you can handle it.

Wiki leaks exposed Clinton and she deletes 340,000 emails.. Trump gets elected.

Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s biggest germ was arrested 3 weeks ago.. all of a sudden he got the virus?

Prince Charles & now the Queen have the “virus”, the queen fled the palace to isolate weeks ago...

All of your Hollywood favourites have the virus. Adrenochrome is your topic here.

Bill gates is pushing vaccines and he owns 15% of the WHO, which are owned by George Soros and the Rockerfellers. Don’t know them? Research them.

Google is currently uncensored and you can access this information.

Whilst you’re there, google “Adrenochrome” and start to follow the trail.

An Adrenochrome batch was made in Wuhan... how fitting....

US deployed 30,000 troops to Europe. “Oh yeh it’s for training”. Without masks or any hand sanitizer.

600 Mexican drug cartels were arrested, one of the biggest busts by the U.S... why didn’t we hear about that?

298 Saudi’s royals, lawyers and judges were arrested for corruption

3 Chinese including 1 Harvard professor was prosecuted for economic espionage 5 weeks ago.

Today Trump crashed the Fed bank, they bought all of the gold and now hold the keys to creating a gold back currency, removing the fiat. There is no fee banking anymore, The fed and treasury were basically merged meaning that Trump is now the Chairman for global banking system with the people’s money. Not the rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Soros, Goldman the list goes on.

For this to be possible, the economy must be crashed. All corrupt coin needs to be drained. A 14-28 day lock down is the best way to do this and even better to distribute the money to people on government grants, payg refunds for business and ato offsets.

Believe what you want. But open your eyes beyond the virus.

Some of the worlds most powerful CEO’s have stood down.. why? This was before the crash mind you.

Multiple arrests have been made for child trafficking, human trafficking and sex abuse.. but the media is not telling you that.

What you are seeing is a war. An invisible war that Trump keeps taking about.

It’s a war between Trump and his SS against the elites, bankers and mainstream media.

Pay attention to the bigger picture. Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world... but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream (George Soros funded media) make out that he’s a moron.

Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks. There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollar, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes.

You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you won’t want to believe it.

If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly cessnas, which then magically upskilled into Boeing’s and flew aluminium planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded. (Let’s not forget the 6 seals who took Osama down that were killed in a mysterious chopper crash. RIP fellas).... you’re in for a wake up call.

Some of the big banks will go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax will go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.
Still a conspiracy? What are your thoughts? 👁

One giant Psy opp? or global shift?

The world is in lockdown. Let that sink in....

5G is being rolled out world wide conveniently at the same time.... Research health effects of 5G

Megan and Harry leave royal family.

Prince Andrew is a convicted pedophile and was close with Jeffrey Epstein.

Research Epstein Island if you have a strong stomach.

Reasearch Pizzagate if you can handle it.

Wiki leaks exposed Clinton and she deletes 340,000 emails.. Trump gets elected.

Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood’s biggest germ was arrested 3 weeks ago.. all of a sudden he got the virus?

Prince Charles & now the Queen have the “virus”, the queen fled the palace to isolate weeks ago...

All of your Hollywood favourites have the virus. Adrenochrome is your topic here.

Bill gates is pushing vaccines and he owns 15% of the WHO, which are owned by George Soros and the Rockerfellers. Don’t know them? Research them.

Google is currently uncensored and you can access this information.

Whilst you’re there, google “Adrenochrome” and start to follow the trail.

An Adrenochrome batch was made in Wuhan... how fitting....

US deployed 30,000 troops to Europe. “Oh yeh it’s for training”. Without masks or any hand sanitizer.

600 Mexican drug cartels were arrested, one of the biggest busts by the U.S... why didn’t we hear about that?

298 Saudi’s royals, lawyers and judges were arrested for corruption

3 Chinese including 1 Harvard professor was prosecuted for economic espionage 5 weeks ago.

Today Trump crashed the Fed bank, they bought all of the gold and now hold the keys to creating a gold back currency, removing the fiat. There is no fee banking anymore, The fed and treasury were basically merged meaning that Trump is now the Chairman for global banking system with the people’s money. Not the rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Soros, Goldman the list goes on.

For this to be possible, the economy must be crashed. All corrupt coin needs to be drained. A 14-28 day lock down is the best way to do this and even better to distribute the money to people on government grants, payg refunds for business and ato offsets.

Believe what you want. But open your eyes beyond the virus.

Some of the worlds most powerful CEO’s have stood down.. why? This was before the crash mind you.

Multiple arrests have been made for child trafficking, human trafficking and sex abuse.. but the media is not telling you that.

What you are seeing is a war. An invisible war that Trump keeps taking about.

It’s a war between Trump and his SS against the elites, bankers and mainstream media.

Pay attention to the bigger picture. Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world... but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream (George Soros funded media) make out that he’s a moron.

Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks. There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollar, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes.

You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you won’t want to believe it.

If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly cessnas, which then magically upskilled into Boeing’s and flew aluminium planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded. (Let’s not forget the 6 seals who took Osama down that were killed in a mysterious chopper crash. RIP fellas).... you’re in for a wake up call.

Some of the big banks will go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax will go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.

Apparently there is going to be 3 days of intermittent internet working when the mass arrests start.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg thinks we're in this mess because of a misinterpretation of the facts and "group think" among politicians and virologists. He doesn't believe this particular virus is correctly tested for either. He rattles through it in German (with subtitles) so it's a bit hard to follow. Even if you don't follow his conclusions it's interesting stuff on the flu viruses.

This was the video that the conspiraloon cunt linked me to on Facebook.
My mate reckons that the ‘theory’ that it first got passed to humans at a Chinese wet market (and then covered up by the CCP) is just the CCP trying to stop people learning about the truth about their ‘Bioweapon labs’.
I disagree now with Dr Wodarg looking how things have developed but he's not a conspracist. He was making a different judgement on how things could turn out.
I didn't say that he was. But it seems obvious to me that the loons are abusing his opinion in an attempt to bolster their batshittery.
Someone round here going on about agenda 21 and asking for everyone's phone numbers for when the Internet gets taken down
Morning all. I've got a top tip here by whatsapp from a rickshaw driver in India who i met last month.. pass it on! :facepalm:

View attachment 204022
I drink about 10 cups of green tea everyday. I'm not being virtuous, or indeed 'signalling' virtue saying that, it's to offset the effects of other things I may enjoy 'recreationally'.

I don't have COVID-19. Proof, if proof be need be that this is true.
Shane Dawson - a just asking questions loonery peddling real piece of shit. Would you mind deleting the link.

I’m not going to delete the link.

It’s not a hill I’m going to defend or die on, but I don’t see why I should.

I reckon it’s no better or worse than any other conspiracy nonsense, which is corralled and contained in a separate thread. Added to which, some of the information in that video is being discussed more seriously elsewhere (what was the timeline in China, who - if anyone - was silenced, and what theories are out there about how the virus was initially pinpointed etc.)

I’m interested to know what everyone everywhere is saying and thinking, even if I absolutely disagree or oppose what they’re saying. That video neatly rounds up a bunch of stuff in one place, so I don’t have to go digging into multiple videos.

Also, it’s not a Shane Dawson video. It uses SD in the thumbnail in order to make people think it is a SD video. And as you’ve demonstrated, it’s a tactic that woks.
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Anyone know how I could find the agenda of a particular site without clicking on it?
Trying to get people to see that their "sources" are shite and scaremongering is unhelpful!
i.e. this one bionititiative.org
Just unfriended someone on Facebook after they posted this video. Couldn't even be bothered to try and convince them of the truth.

Definitely wins the award for most jumped up self important cunt on the internet. Basically saying that you can't catch a virus and it's your body deciding it needs a detox.
This self righteous bollocks gives me the rage.

If you’re doing your yoga properly you won’t get it, if you don’t allow it to be real then your vibration won’t be lowered enough to get it, if you do your daily prayers you won’t get it.

I do wonder how much of this is desperate magical thinking covering up for genuine fear.

I suppose the other end of the spectrum is blaming the government, 5G, the illuminati, some other identifiable nefarious agent.

What these have in common is the idea that it’s not random. The difference is that the yoga/ Ant Middleton types believe they have complete autonomy and control while those who believe in an evil plot have no sense of autonomy, only degrees of victimhood and being at the mercy of something huge and uncaring.

So, some kind of god by any other name. You can either propitiate the god with your yoga and excercise, or just accept the hammer blow of their capricious will.
Just unfriended someone on Facebook after they posted this video. Couldn't even be bothered to try and convince them of the truth.

Definitely wins the award for most jumped up self important cunt on the internet. Basically saying that you can't catch a virus and it's your body deciding it needs a detox.

wow, that's some serious woo. And I know woo.
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