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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

a question: I saw someone on farcebook saying they were there and that the EDL and fascists attacked demonstrators, did you see any of that?
Nothing like that, no violence of any sort (mind you I didn't stay super long). I have no idea why fash would do that and I've not heard anything similar from any other sources.

For the record I didn't see an organised fash presence attending either, though there were a few obvious folk, and I'd be surprised if there weren't more given the types of conspiracy theory on display. We've all seen the BUF flag picture of course. There may have been groups deeper in, but no ducking way was I going to go into that crowd.
I just thought on the way home ...
Clever enough that Bill Gates has come up with a vaccine that will sterilise 8 billion people, but coming up with one that works for both men and women takes real skillz...
I just thought on the way home ...
Clever enough that Bill Gates has come up with a vaccine that will sterilise 8 billion people, but coming up with one that works for both men and women takes real skillz...

Something that interrupts meiosis would do the trick, possibly by interfering with something in the synapsis process.
Actually I just realised they only actually need to sterilise one sex ... but such precise gene targetting - if only it were so ...
Fucking idiot. :mad:

*Shemirani, not you, Lurdan.

Steve Topple adding his own brand of cripsploitation to the mix.

It’s ok, the independent explains that it’s really just a misunderstanding Analysis: The truth about do not resuscitate orders
Conspiracy scum have always been hearse-chasing the victims of medical/care homicide. Google ‘citizens commission on human rights’
Not conspiracy exactly - more exploitation. I caught this early one morning in late August.

Robert Beckford, an academic theologian and Christian presenter on Channel Four and BBC did this programme about Coronavirus. What caught my ear specifically was the interview with Bishop Climate Irungu - a rather notorious Pentecostal minister whose church is directly opposite Camberwell Rail station (disused).

Also there is some discussion of Ty and his death, Ty being a Pentecostal Christian apparently.

Climate Irungu is being investigated for selling holy healing oil which wards off Coronavirus.

Being the BBC there was a humanist input too (albeit from America)
Heart and Soul - Will God protect me? - BBC Sounds

Sorry it's not possible to edit this into specific segments - it is a 27 minute programme giving insight into these points of view.
This makes for depressing reading. :(

The merger between QAnon and Covid-19 conspiracies is also apparent in a number of emails received by the BBC.

"Coronavirus is a cover-up for… child sex trafficking - a major issue in this world and nobody wants to report about it," one typical email read.

Another man got in touch to explain how his mother - who attended the protests - has been led down the rabbit hole over the course of the pandemic, taken in first by coronavirus conspiracy theories and now by QAnon.

Steve Topple adding his own brand of cripsploitation to the mix.

It’s ok, the independent explains that it’s really just a misunderstanding Analysis: The truth about do not resuscitate orders
I'm not totally convinced that Phil the Greek isn't dead already and they just prop the corpse up when they need to, As for Brenda the woman seems to be immortal anyway.
Good piece here:

and on Icke here

The "MEDIA" doesn't show on my PC - on ANY browser.
What is it?
Yeah, I haven't seen it but one of the conspiracy types on Facebook shared something about it being a great interview by Corbyn

Well loons would say that, personally I think the whole interview was a total shambles, somewhat of a car crash, fuck knows why GMTV thought it would be a good idea to give him any airtime.

I've engaged my cousin on their FB because they posted something along th lines of "project fear!! U r all so blind!! The govt and WHO have made everyone so afraid!! CDC data shows only 6% of deaths attributed to covid alone!! There is no pandemic!!1" :facepalm:

He's a fucking idiot, as you clearly know, send him the link below, which demonstrates the complete ignorance of people thinking that.

Corona conspiraloon cunts in action



Brees is a freelance 'independent journalist' and a close associate of ex-filth, 'child abuse entrepreneur' and general scumbag Jon Wedger. (See for example this from last year and various issues of Private Eye).

Given that forms of covid denial, and of anti-lockdown, 'childrens rights' (sic) and 'child protection' (sic) activism are finding an audience among some parents in local social media networks I'd imagine there will be a number of schools subject to 'scrutiny' and 'pressure' from shitheads like this on top of their other difficulties.
Interesting article about French anti-mask conspiracists - the profile of the average anti-masker is pretty much a direct description of every covid-denying person I know. Swap Didier Raoult for Andrew Wakefield and the gilet jaunes for anti-fracking though.

French people who reject mask-wearing are more likely to be older, educated women who support the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) protest movement and the controversial virus specialist Didier Raoult, and would refuse to have a coronavirus vaccination if one were available

I wondered briefly this afternoon whether some of the fascists might object to facemasks partly because they've been so vehemently opposed to the niqab that they'd now feel like they were wearing one.

i have seen the opinion expressed (not sure if it was something copied and posted on here or what) that facemasks are a plot to get everyone used to wearing islamic face coverings and it's all sadiq khan's fault


I wondered briefly this afternoon whether some of the fascists might object to facemasks partly because they've been so vehemently opposed to the niqab that they'd now feel like they were wearing one.

Already happened. There was a right-wing meme knocking about a while ago along the lines of ‘if they can get you to wear one of these, it makes it easier to get you to wear one of these’ with a picture of a face mask and burka.
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