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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

‘now’ ?!! Have you ever given any credence to his views?
I went to a lecture of his once at Conway Hall. On weather.
He had a blow-up globe and a thing like plastic feather boa which represented the Jetstream.
He seemed so innocently charming in those days.
A friend of mine was down there photographing today, & this was what he posted on fb earlier;

“According to the Covid-19 deniers at Trafalgar Square today. All of the people that have died were actually murdered by the telecommunications companies as part of their 5G program. I kid you not, they actually said that.”

A long wall & a GPMG.
Just checking timing for tomorrow's rally, when I see that Piers Corbyn, David Icke and - of all people - Dr Vernon Coleman [who used to be The Sun doctor an aeon ago] are now having their videos hosted by Register | Brand New Tube
As you see they want to know you are watching - and who you are.

Anyway things are supposed to kick off at Trafalgar Square at noon.

BTW one of Piers allies, Stand Up UK has an illuminating page on 5g:

Apparently the fibre optic cable installation we are currently suffering in Lambeth is part of 5g, as is the major tree felling operations such as by the Labour reptillian council in Sheffield. Trees block 5g - so you can't be surveilled.

PS why is no-one ranting about 5g smart meters in the UK? In the US they are positively mental about them.
just popped up in my youtube feed - live now but you can rewind, didn't start 10 mins ago
about confronting conspiracy theories i think...could be good

just popped up in my youtube feed - live now but you can rewind, didn't start 10 mins ago
about confronting conspiracy theories i think...could be good

ta, will check this out - someone was recommending a film Peter Jukes made on this topic I've meant to watch...

The grand prize for the most unhinged conspiracy theory goes to (who else?) QAnon followers. One of the many bizarre things these people believe (without any foundation) is that Covid-19 is a hoax designed to deflect attention from a Satan-worshipping pedophile ring operated by Hillary Clinton and liberal elites. Trump, their reasoning goes, is pretending to have Covid-19 as part of a grand plan to arrest Clinton. According to these geniuses Trump communicated his intentions via a tweet on Friday morning where he announced he and Melania had tested positive and declared: “We will get through this TOGETHER!” When you pull apart TOGETHER it spells out TO GET HER. Boom!

yep, and don't forget that if you add the 14 days quarantine to the date the tweet was released you get the date of the next day which happens to be. the 17th letter of the alphabet...
It's all there for those who seek!
Poked my nose in Twitter today and ‘whyarewedoingthis’ is trending, which is a hashtag being used by absolute fuckwits to share youtubes by fake doctors etc. The quantity of shite is depressing, even if quite a lot of the accounts are obviously bots.
They're pushing their shit on Twitter again. Saw #PandemicIsOverUK on the menu on the right of the Twitter page. What the fuck is wrong with these idiots? How braindead do you have to be to think that the pandemic is over? Fuckwits!

Just had a quick look, it seems most people using that hashtag are replying along to lines of 'no it fucking isn't', so there's some hope.
And, there's this too...

Rally at Piers Corbyn’s test case for Hyde Park arrests (May 16 & 30)
Westminster Magistrates Court, London, NW1 5BR
Friday 23 October, 9:30am

... fingers crossed he loses, and ideally ends up locked-up rather than locked-down. :thumbs:
People are claiming that because the hashtag was started by one Dr Mike Yeadon, which apparently means that the pandemic is over.
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