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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

Interesting article about French anti-mask conspiracists - the profile of the average anti-masker is pretty much a direct description of every covid-denying person I know. Swap Didier Raoult for Andrew Wakefield and the gilet jaunes for anti-fracking though.

French people who reject mask-wearing are more likely to be older, educated women who support the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) protest movement and the controversial virus specialist Didier Raoult, and would refuse to have a coronavirus vaccination if one were available

a lot of women at the London demo the other day from the pictures I saw, like the worst of mumsnet had come to town. Curious as to why it seems to have hit home with this demographic, any ideas?
a lot of women at the London demo the other day from the pictures I saw, like the worst of mumsnet had come to town. Curious as to why it seems to have hit home with this demographic, any ideas?

A lot of the natural/alternative health stuff is targeted at women isn't it. It's not a massive leap from that to anti-vaxx and conspiracy stuff.
The women in my circles that are neatly described by that article have always been alternative health leaning into conspiracy theory types, who spend a lot of time by themselves because they are either retired or on the sick - I wonder if middle aged women are more likely to be socially isolated and more prone to falling victim to online radicalisation - which is what this is - as a result?
wonder if this also ties in with historic gender imbalance in people studying/working in STEM?

Hmm sounds like maybe a bit of a stretch to me. I mean most people of whatever gender haven't really studied STEM subjects at any sort of advanced level let alone worked in those fields, and are also not conspiracy loons. If there is a gender imbalance in the people who are into this (and I'm not 100% that there is) that seems a bit broad as an explanation to me.
Piers Corbyn coming up in half an hour.
Better see if I can get the Roku working to savour the moment
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You mean the Xenu?

We'll see won't we. If he can get into bed with Scientology he can do anything.
He won't be sectioned through them will he? They don't believe in mental illness.
no, psychiatrists (and anyone who opposes scientology) are evil. They will I'm sure offer him the Bridge to Total Freedom though.
Piers Corbyn just agreed with the host that he supports Trump - on the grounds that Trump hasn't supported any wars.
Wonder what Jeremy thinks of that.
I would say John Mappin is a fully paid up QAnon believer - as well as Scientologist.
He's now got onto President Trump arresting the paedophile trngs.
Anyone know of any arrests by the way - apart from Epstein?

Piers Corbyn seems to parrot whatever John Mappin brings up - see Trump above.

PS Irena - Mrs Mappin - was in the Lenin Youth. Ready Always Ready was their motto she said.
Piers Corbyn said he thinks the Salisbury poisonings were a British effort.
I really can't take anything he says seriously now.
And Mappin's behaviour on his Free Speech channel is beginning to look like Russia Today.
Anyhow, someone round here (Bristol, yes, I know) has been spraying a stencil on the pavement that says ‘It’s not real’. Someone else has now gone out and sprayed over the ‘not’. A kind of timid local culture war.

Loads of loon shit about here, including some flyposter trying to sound all sciencey by pointing out that the virus is much smaller in size than the particle sizes that a mask can stop, deliberately overlooking the fact that the virus doesn’t fly about like a single molecule but is attached to droplets which are somewhat larger. I’d say thick twats, but I’m certain they know they’re wrong anyway.
Loads of loon shit about here, including some flyposter trying to sound all sciencey by pointing out that the virus is much smaller in size than the particle sizes that a mask can stop, deliberately overlooking the fact that the virus doesn’t fly about like a single molecule but is attached to droplets which are somewhat larger. I’d say thick twats, but I’m certain they know they’re wrong anyway.
Even fluid resistant surgical face masks will filter many SARS-CoV-2 virions moving through their layers due to diffusive processes and electrostatic action. FFP2+ masks filter virions inbound through impaction and interception mechanisms as well (which all ultimately feature electrostatic capture).
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