I’ve got Skol but I’m not a Scholar
Interesting article about French anti-mask conspiracists - the profile of the average anti-masker is pretty much a direct description of every covid-denying person I know. Swap Didier Raoult for Andrew Wakefield and the gilet jaunes for anti-fracking though.
French people who reject mask-wearing are more likely to be older, educated women who support the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) protest movement and the controversial virus specialist Didier Raoult, and would refuse to have a coronavirus vaccination if one were available
French 'anti-maskers' most likely to be educated women in 50s, says study
Results show 94% of Covid sceptics would refuse vaccine and most describe themselves as
a lot of women at the London demo the other day from the pictures I saw, like the worst of mumsnet had come to town. Curious as to why it seems to have hit home with this demographic, any ideas?