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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

For some reason I’m getting YouTube videos on my homepage from people proclaiming various conspiracy theories about the virus. They are usually white, middle-aged middle-class types. People who Inhabit a world not as safe as it was once for them. The crash of 2008 and the Covid crisis has certainly taken its toll.
Perhaps they are unsettled living in a world where there are no longer any certainties and find comfort
In any old tosh that comes along. At least in this world there are answers and explanations.

It's hardly a wonder that there are loads of conspiracy theories when every government has just flat out lied and contradicted itself constantly. Even if everything had been done perfectly and everyone was having to be tested constantly and follow restrictions until there is a vaccine, it would still be very spooky for everyone. Considering that our government just contradicts itself every week and is constantly shifting their rules and approach, of course people are trying to work out why.
And it's not just white, middle aged, middle class people at all.
A collection of loons trying to do events this weekend! and they want people to read out the same thing at the same time
Their blurb is quite telling :facepalm:

covidiots said:
Patriots, freedom lovers, truth seekers and tellers, protectors of liberties, and seekers of justice, we call you to unite as one on 8th August 2020 at 2pm, at one of many locations, to speak your truths and take back your power and sovereignty.

The UK government is seeking to crush it's people and is inflicting pain and harm on us all. They do not care about our freedoms, our health, our wellbeing. They do not care about justice or doing the right and proper thing. The system is corrupt and change is needed.

This coincides with the day masks will be mandated in all public places and we need to take action.

United we stand. United we succeed. We are one, and as one we must step forward for UK freedom now.

Just came across this on an NHS Facebook page. Fed up of these idiots now. The things people are choosing to believe are increasingly ridiculous and dangerous. They're a bunch of self righteous cunts and should be taken to the edge of our flat earth and pushed off.

"This is what I believe "they" have planned for the next six months:

The schools will go back in September as promised, but for the sole reason of making sure all pupils are vaccinated with the live, shedding 'flu nasal mist. You may have been told your child's school isn't doing the 'flu mist until later in the year, but "to protect the NHS", expect the programme to be moved forward. This is the only reason they want children to return to school.

(If it is at all possible, I would strongly advise not sending your child back.)

Within a couple of weeks, the 'flu mist will have shed all over the country, creating a tidal wave of ill health - as it does every year, but expect this year's vaccine to be turbocharged with nastiness - and hey presto, there's your "second wave".

Schools will then be closed nationwide, permanently. They are, we will be told, too dangerous to ever re-open, and all teaching will be moved online (I've posted about this before: Miri AF ).

The country will then declare a state of emergency and a second, much more draconian lockdown will be imposed at the end of September, of the sort going on in Australia now. No leaving your house for ANY reason, not even to exercise. State operatives going door-to-door to check you're inside. Huge on-the-spot fines for anyone found breaking "the rules".

Then, the coronavirus vaccine will debut - the most dangerous vaccine ever produced in human history, which is a position even held by many pro-vaccine advocates. The wall-to-wall propaganda and marketing for this vaccine will be extraordinary, and the pressure to receive it, enormous. Millions will, and then the country - already in compromised health from the shedding 'flu mist - will see mass illness and death on a scale never before experienced. The extra hospitals will be full (with the death-trap, organ-harvesting ventilators getting plenty of use, now that the state owns your organs*), and at that point, entirely unlike now, we will all personally know people who are affected.

We have already been told the vaccine won't be a "magic bullet" (after all, we have a 'flu vaccine, and the 'flu is still responsible for mass illness and death every year), so they will drag out the same script to explain why vaccinated people are dropping like flies - "the virus mutated" - "it would have been much worse if you weren't vaccinated" - "anti-vaxxers are compromising herd immunity" - rinse and repeat, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

At that point, the country will be on its knees in a state of trauma and terror and certainly in no mood to celebrate Christmas, which will be cancelled. Visiting family banned. Christmas lights and attractions called off. And of course, no singing carols, because this, as we know, spreads the virus.

You can also factor in food shortages, power cuts, and a breakdown in law and order (the government has already promised us riots that will entirely eclipse those of 2011 in their severity) as the entire infrastructure of the country collapses.

By the time we get into early 2021, the ruthless assault on the psyche of the (surviving) people will be such that they will be stunned and defeated with trauma, prepared to do anything to feel safe and never experience this horror again. They will agree to chipping, tracking, tracing, monitoring, constant surveillance and vaccination - anything! Just don't make us live through this horror again!

"Of course not, my pretties," the criminally insane overlords will cackle. "Just do exactly as we say, always and forever, and we promise you protection and security. Now, here's your latest injection of sterilising carcinogenic neurotoxins to keep you safe, because we love you. Sorry about bulldozing your house, by the way."

This is the future they've got mapped out.

If it's not a future you particularly care for, the time for action is NOW. Every "little" thing we do, from writing to officials to challenging mask mandates to refusing to comply with track and trace, makes a difference, and if we all do "little" things as often as we can, we end up having a big impact.

We are many and they are few. The only reason they are getting away with this is our silence and compliance.

Speak up - even if your voice shakes 💜

(*Wednesday's Organ Seizure Act — Adam Smith Institute)"
Just came across this on an NHS Facebook page. Fed up of these idiots now. The things people are choosing to believe are increasingly ridiculous and dangerous. They're a bunch of self righteous cunts and should be taken to the edge of our flat earth and pushed off.

"This is what I believe "they" have planned for the next six months:

The schools will go back in September as promised, but for the sole reason of making sure all pupils are vaccinated with the live, shedding 'flu nasal mist. You may have been told your child's school isn't doing the 'flu mist until later in the year, but "to protect the NHS", expect the programme to be moved forward. This is the only reason they want children to return to school.

(If it is at all possible, I would strongly advise not sending your child back.)

Within a couple of weeks, the 'flu mist will have shed all over the country, creating a tidal wave of ill health - as it does every year, but expect this year's vaccine to be turbocharged with nastiness - and hey presto, there's your "second wave".

Schools will then be closed nationwide, permanently. They are, we will be told, too dangerous to ever re-open, and all teaching will be moved online (I've posted about this before: Miri AF ).

The country will then declare a state of emergency and a second, much more draconian lockdown will be imposed at the end of September, of the sort going on in Australia now. No leaving your house for ANY reason, not even to exercise. State operatives going door-to-door to check you're inside. Huge on-the-spot fines for anyone found breaking "the rules".

Then, the coronavirus vaccine will debut - the most dangerous vaccine ever produced in human history, which is a position even held by many pro-vaccine advocates. The wall-to-wall propaganda and marketing for this vaccine will be extraordinary, and the pressure to receive it, enormous. Millions will, and then the country - already in compromised health from the shedding 'flu mist - will see mass illness and death on a scale never before experienced. The extra hospitals will be full (with the death-trap, organ-harvesting ventilators getting plenty of use, now that the state owns your organs*), and at that point, entirely unlike now, we will all personally know people who are affected.

We have already been told the vaccine won't be a "magic bullet" (after all, we have a 'flu vaccine, and the 'flu is still responsible for mass illness and death every year), so they will drag out the same script to explain why vaccinated people are dropping like flies - "the virus mutated" - "it would have been much worse if you weren't vaccinated" - "anti-vaxxers are compromising herd immunity" - rinse and repeat, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

At that point, the country will be on its knees in a state of trauma and terror and certainly in no mood to celebrate Christmas, which will be cancelled. Visiting family banned. Christmas lights and attractions called off. And of course, no singing carols, because this, as we know, spreads the virus.

You can also factor in food shortages, power cuts, and a breakdown in law and order (the government has already promised us riots that will entirely eclipse those of 2011 in their severity) as the entire infrastructure of the country collapses.

By the time we get into early 2021, the ruthless assault on the psyche of the (surviving) people will be such that they will be stunned and defeated with trauma, prepared to do anything to feel safe and never experience this horror again. They will agree to chipping, tracking, tracing, monitoring, constant surveillance and vaccination - anything! Just don't make us live through this horror again!

"Of course not, my pretties," the criminally insane overlords will cackle. "Just do exactly as we say, always and forever, and we promise you protection and security. Now, here's your latest injection of sterilising carcinogenic neurotoxins to keep you safe, because we love you. Sorry about bulldozing your house, by the way."

This is the future they've got mapped out.

If it's not a future you particularly care for, the time for action is NOW. Every "little" thing we do, from writing to officials to challenging mask mandates to refusing to comply with track and trace, makes a difference, and if we all do "little" things as often as we can, we end up having a big impact.

We are many and they are few. The only reason they are getting away with this is our silence and compliance.

Speak up - even if your voice shakes 💜

(*Wednesday's Organ Seizure Act — Adam Smith Institute)"

Shit, that sounds like, heavy shit, man.
I love the convergence of "they" between the intersectional new wave who's target of ire is gender-specific pronouns and the all-encompassing omnipotent "they" of the conspiracy theorists who have planned out the whole future of society at some secret meeting in Switzerland with really snazzy cakes and stuff.
So the elite, which is able to make a comfortable life for themselves based on how society is currently organised, want to disrupt and smash that, turn everything on it‘s head and kill off many of the people who currently toil away funnelling money upwards to them. Seems legit.

Like most of the 9/11 bollocks conspiracies, this stuff is easily defeated by simply just asking ‘why?’
(e.g. why would they bother wiring up the tower with explosives, what would that have gained ‘them‘ that just smashing a plane into it and killing hundreds wouldn‘t have done?)
So the elite, which is able to make a comfortable life for themselves based on how society is currently organised, want to disrupt and smash that, turn everything on it‘s head and kill off many of the people who currently toil away funnelling money upwards to them. Seems legit.

Like most of the 9/11 bollocks conspiracies, this stuff is easily defeated by simply just asking ‘why?’
(e.g. why would they bother wiring up the tower with explosives, what would that have gained ‘them‘ that just smashing a plane into it and killing hundreds wouldn‘t have done?)

But restricting people's movement and freedom to assemble has obvious benefits. They haven't turned society on it's head they have just made everyone accept a load of stuff that would be unacceptable without a health scare. 'Don't shake hands or gather, don't go abroad'

The government has spent 5 billion or whatever on this and we are not allowed to go anywhere. It's moved more money upstairs, all of the private businesses and private citizens have taken a big hit, whereas these drugs companies and other aspects of the flailing neo liberal capitalist model where the government collects taxes and distributes it to their mafia companies has just got another bailout. And of course we bitch and moan, but we aren't going to do anything about it, I bet a lot of us work for these companies.

I'm not into conspiracy theories, because none of this is a secret. I think that the virus came out of China because they don't take food regulation seriously and the western governments made a pigs ear out of it because they are completely corrupt, it's jjust a culmination of stupidity and complacency.
This makes depressing reading.

However, 10% believe face masks are bad for your health and 13% think they are just a way for the Government to control people.

This increases to one in five 16 to 24-year-olds (21%) and a quarter of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups (25%).

A third (34%) of those use WhatsApp as a main source of information think it is a way of the Government exerting control, as do 30% who rely on YouTube.

How the hell can a mask be used to control people, do they shock you if you go to buy unhealthy food? :D

And, WTF are people doing using WhatsApp & YouTube as their main source of information? :facepalm:
This makes depressing reading.

How the hell can a mask be used to control people, do they shock you if you go to buy unhealthy food? :D

And, WTF are people doing using WhatsApp & YouTube as their main source of information? :facepalm:
Funnny you should bring this up - as trouble potentially relating to masks and Jo Maugham QC may be looming.
Jo Maugham (who ,likes holding the government to account eg over proroguing parliament) is seking a judicial review over the purchase of £250 million worth of facemasks through a Mauritius tax-haven company - authorised by an adviser to Liz Truss without the normal due process.

Apparently the fixings on £177 million of the masks are not up to NHS spec. - so they cannot be used.
The cynic in me says there is sod all point in taking the government to court over this. Boris and Dominic Cummings will probably tell the judges to take a long sunner - just like Trump would do.
how do you get news on whatsapp? i use it for sending memes between workmates and don't really know anything about it. is there news services and stuff?
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