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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

I've just watched 'Viral: The 5G Conspiracy Theory' on the iplayer - Viral: The 5G Conspiracy Theory

I would seriously recommend watching this, it's fucking nuts.

Apparently 22% of 16 to 24-year-olds think 5G is linked to Covid-19. :eek: How the hell have we ended-up with so many uneducated potatoes? :hmm:

Nearly 100 masts have been set on fire in the UK, since March, one person that got caught has been sent down for 3 years, for arson, the fucking twat. :D
There's stuff round the Twittersphere lately connected with Piers Corbyn and someone new to me - Dr Kevin Corbett.
They have sent Boris an ultimatum:
This in itself seems dubious - because according to Wikipedia the Koch Postulates were analytical tests for bacterial infections such as cholera and tuberculosis in the 1870s.

Of course Wikipedia is no doubt subsidised by Bill Gates and the vaccination mob - so maybe their article is just a plant? Koch's postulates - Wikipedia

We all know Piers Corbyn - but "Dr" Kevin Corbett? He seems to be a nurse from his CV above - and to have studied for a Ph D at South Bank with Jeffrey Weekes - an emminent gay activist and sociologist.
Then there is the Art degree from Reading and the Diploma from the Slade.

Kevin Corbett has recently been welcomed as a guest commentator on the Unity News Network (?) on youtube.
according to this interview Kevin (and no doubt Piers) will be demonstrating later today against masks.


This picture was in the Metro on the day after the demo (20 July 20)
I thought it captured the zeitgeist in the manner of Otto Dix
Sorry about the quality - nothing online - this is a scan
Mask demo-r.jpg
Fucking Dellingpole in the thick of it all according to that article. Contrarian media slime now aligning with the worst new age halfwit and anti-science loons. What a world.
What I find odd is how over the last few years people like him have been elevated to the status of official guest on BBC Question Time, BBC Radio Any Questions and BBC TV and Sky News "The Papers" newspaper reviews, both late night and in the morning.

The BBC - which we pay for - has normalised their barmy views, Brexit of course in the lead.

Timandra Harkness, one of the new libertarian shouty types now seems to be on her second series with Radio 4.
Here she is sticking her oar into the idea of Covid monitoring by app. Not that it worked anyway - Boris's faith in technology is the sublime faith of a Latin educated polymath before the invention of electricity
Can your smartphone crack Covid? - UnHerd

Local television stations owned by the Sinclair Broadcast Group are set to air a conspiracy theory over the weekend that suggests Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top expert on infectious diseases, was responsible for the creation of the coronavirus.
During the interview Mikovitz told Bolling that Fauci had over the past decade "manufactured" and shipped coronaviruses to Wuhan, China, which became the original epicenter of the current outbreak. Bolling noted that this was a "hefty claim," but did not meaningfully challenge Mikovits and allowed her to continue making her case.

Klayman, who did not respond to a request for comment, also pushed conspiracy theories about the coronavirus. He said the "origins" of the virus were in the United States. Bolling didn't meaningfully challenge Klayman either.


There's something indescribably sad about someone having to add some extra space to the top of their sign. They must've done the sign, had a look at it, realised it didn't make any sense, then decided that the problem would be rectified by the addition of the words AGENDA MANIPULATION.
During the interview Mikovitz told Bolling that Fauci had over the past decade "manufactured" and shipped coronaviruses to Wuhan, China, which became the original epicenter of the current outbreak. Bolling noted that this was a "hefty claim," but did not meaningfully challenge Mikovits and allowed her to continue making her case.



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Fucking hell, Piers Corbyn is totally bonkers, claiming on Talk Radio that's "there's no pandemic because there's no extra deaths", and he denied the ONS's figure of 65,000 excess deaths in the UK this year, claiming it was part of "a propaganda machine to justify a second lockdown and taking away more freedoms". :facepalm:

Other bizarre quotes:

"If you put a frog in hot water then the frog jumps straight out.

"But what we have now is a slow-cooking, a curtailment of freedoms and people are realising it.

"So radio programmes like yourselves have kind of acted like this was normal, but if you had been away for six months and had come back to England now, you'd think it had been taken over by aliens or something."

Mad as a box of frogs. :D

Reminded of the fact that the coronavirus pandemic extended to the entire world and not just the UK, Mr Corbyn shockingly admitted: "We don't have a pandemic. "It's completely untrue. What we have, if anything, is an occasional flu or cold..."

"There's no pandemic because there's no extra deaths than what would have happened or has happened in normal years.

"So there's no pandemic. And furthermore, this alleged coronavirus, or the symptoms of coronavirus, are not anything of a high consequence."

Alleged coronavirus? :hmm:

Sorry for the link source, but it's the only one I can find that has the video clip of his interview.

cupid_stunt said:
Piers Corbyn is totally bonkers

Contender for the least surprising fact of the last forty-odd years :D :p

I've posted much earlier up this thread about my once knowing him a bit -- crazy then, even crazier now! :hmm:

ETA : At least his taste in beer was excellent ;) back in those days, and may well still be, for all I know .... :cool: :beer:
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Saw one on youtube that a bloke from the States had linked to yesterday, only 40,000 thousand views. But hope whoever is involved with DC comics of Warner Brothers demonetises the fucker
Saw one on youtube that a bloke from the States had linked to yesterday, only 40,000 thousand views. But hope whoever is involved with DC comics of Warner Brothers demonetises the fucker

Mate in work was just saying that his mate is an anti-masker (sounds like a bit of a crystal woo nut), and of asked in a shop just says he can't wear one. Because of the exemptions, no one asks any further.
Mate in work was just saying that his mate is an anti-masker (sounds like a bit of a crystal woo nut), and of asked in a shop just says he can't wear one. Because of the exemptions, no one asks any further.

Was in local tesco at weekend and there are the odd person not wearing masks, and it wasn't be pushed. Which is fair enough, there are legitimate exemptions, but it is reaching social conformity levels (at least locally) despite the seeming cognitive dissonance from the government
Was in local tesco at weekend and there are the odd person not wearing masks, and it wasn't be pushed. Which is fair enough, there are legitimate exemptions, but it is reaching social conformity levels (at least locally) despite the seeming cognitive dissonance from the government

People are nothing if not conformist.
Was just pondering figures.
At the moment if coronavirus deaths stay level, the average person in the UK is 42% more likely to die of coronavirus this year than they were to die in a car crash in 2018 (I expect road deaths will be down quite a bit on that figure this year.

And yes, I've seen this video being shared all over fucking Facebook.

And the slapdown
For the record:
For any of you seeing news about today's Breitbart-sponsored "press conference" on the SCOTUS steps, please be aware of the following facts:
1. "America's Frontline Doctors" didn't exist two weeks ago. Their internet domain name was registered on the 16th of July. It's a newly-created propaganda front, and has no actual medical institutional provenance.
2. The people in the white coats (labeled "America's Frontline Doctors" to make sure you knew they were American frontline doctors) are not actually frontline doctors. Some of them aren't even physicians. To be fair, the ones who aren't physicians didn't actually claim that they were. They just stood there in their white coats (labeled "America's Frontline Doctors").
3. The right-wing media coverage of this is almost universally copied from the same script. Someone fed a text to the right-wing media, and they just ran it.
4. The social media coverage is, similarly, dominated by bots that all say pretty much the same things, often verbatim. Again, there's a script which is being copied ad nauseam.
5. There's going to be more of this kind of thing. It serves to weaken the influence of actual medical professionals' voices in the Republican political effort to pretend that COVID-19 is a negligible problem.
The smell of Republican ratfuckery is all over this thing.
" To be fair, the ones who aren't physicians didn't actually claim that they were. They just stood there in their white coats (labeled "America's Frontline Doctors"). "


Their website was taken down a little over a day ago.
She's taking down Facebook in retaliation


(Sorry for the Mail link)

https://www. dailymail .co.uk/news/article-8571715/Dr-Stella-Immanuel-says-Jesus-destroy-Facebook-removing-video.html?fbclid=IwAR11Jk6dPVIGxF1C-O0git_vZHcWtbuOHUWlsVg4XI6-z-My9TeTi7u8F58
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