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She's taking down Facebook in retaliation

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(Sorry for the Mail link)

https://www. dailymail .co.uk/news/article-8571715/Dr-Stella-Immanuel-says-Jesus-destroy-Facebook-removing-video.html?fbclid=IwAR11Jk6dPVIGxF1C-O0git_vZHcWtbuOHUWlsVg4XI6-z-My9TeTi7u8F58

I'm no theologian but that statement of hers would appear to be in direct violation of the third commandment. She's deffo flirting with Hell there.
There's stuff round the Twittersphere lately connected with Piers Corbyn and someone new to me - Dr Kevin Corbett.
They have sent Boris an ultimatum:
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This in itself seems dubious - because according to Wikipedia the Koch Postulates were analytical tests for bacterial infections such as cholera and tuberculosis in the 1870s.

Of course Wikipedia is no doubt subsidised by Bill Gates and the vaccination mob - so maybe their article is just a plant? Koch's postulates - Wikipedia

We all know Piers Corbyn - but "Dr" Kevin Corbett? He seems to be a nurse from his CV above - and to have studied for a Ph D at South Bank with Jeffrey Weekes - an emminent gay activist and sociologist.
Then there is the Art degree from Reading and the Diploma from the Slade.

Kevin Corbett has recently been welcomed as a guest commentator on the Unity News Network (?) on youtube.
according to this interview Kevin (and no doubt Piers) will be demonstrating later today against masks.

Koch's postulates have been revised. It is possible for people to be infected with a virus and still be healthy for example. As far as I can tell SARS-CoV-2 has fulfilled the revised postulates. This nonsense about it not being isolated (I'm not sure of the relevance of a particular PHE lab) is weird. It has been isolated. It has been grown in culture. Pictures have been taken of it using fancy microscopes. It has been used to infect various animals and isolated from them. Its RNA has been extracted, sequenced and modified. Its structure determined and proteins identified. Parts of its genetic sequence have been edited into the sequences of other viruses in order to recreate certain proteins. All that but these twats are arguing it has not been isolated.
Round up of fuckwittery here

"You don’t need masks. There is a cure,” Dr. Stella Immanuel promised in a video that promoted hydroxychloroquine. “You don’t need people to be locked down.”

The truth: Federal regulators last month revoked their authorization of the drug as an emergency treatment amid growing evidence it doesn’t work and can have deadly side effects. Even if it were effective, it wouldn’t negate the need for masks and other measures to contain the outbreak.

“Unless you make a stand, you will be wearing a mask for the rest of your life,” tweeted Simon Dolan, a British businessman who has sued the government over its COVID-19 restrictions.

Can never understand how people can be so unaware of the fact that being compelled to work is how 'they' control us and get rich.

"Madonna claimed a vaccine existed but was being concealed. “They would rather let fear control the people and let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,”

Madonna leads celebrity vogue for Covid-19 conspiracy theories

I'm wondering if someone can help me with this

My brother thinks that the whole thing is a big con that has gotten out of hand and he claims that this year is only the 8th highest deaths of the last 25 years. He is a bit of a conspiracy type, but he's not a nut. Does anyone know where he's getting this from?
I'm wondering if someone can help me with this

My brother thinks that the whole thing is a big con that has gotten out of hand and he claims that this year is only the 8th highest deaths of the last 25 years. He is a bit of a conspiracy type, but he's not a nut. Does anyone know where he's getting this from?

Ask him? It's bound to be from some dodgy place. Either that or "I made it up".
Ask him? It's bound to be from some dodgy place. Either that or "I made it up".

It's one of those things that he's said a couple of times when we were drinking and we had a little argument and then moved on. I don't want to discuss it with him, I just wondered if anyone knew where he got this from....

I tried to look up the numbers on the government website but got bored
It's one of those things that he's said a couple of times when we were drinking and we had a little argument and then moved on. I don't want to discuss it with him, I just wondered if anyone knew where he got this from....

I tried to look up the numbers on the government website but got bored

I’ve heard various things this week and not been able to track them down to any kind of source. It is possible that he heard it from an actual human being somewhere.

I worked at the wholefood shop two days this week, and on both days people were standing and sharing stories, supporting each other, backing each other up in their belief system, and it just seems to be escalating on all sides, but when I go and look but Google to see where those stories are coming from I can’t find them.

One of them is about the dead coming back to life, or being refrigerated without actually dying. So apparently now people are being declared dead of Covid, refrigerated, but actually not being dead.

I’m sure a lot of this has been passed from word-of-mouth.
I’ve heard various things this week and not been able to track them down to any kind of source. It is possible that he heard it from an actual human being somewhere.

I worked at the wholefood shop two days this week, and on both days people were standing and sharing stories, supporting each other, backing each other up in their belief system, and it just seems to be escalating on all sides, but when I go and look but Google to see where those stories are coming from I can’t find them.

One of them is about the dead coming back to life, or being refrigerated without actually dying. So apparently now people are being declared dead of Covid, refrigerated, but actually not being dead.

I’m sure a lot of this has been passed from word-of-mouth.

That's way better than mine
I know some of this is entertaining and even amusing, but actually I think there is something important going on here.

I have to say I’m increasingly worried about this conspiracy issue

It’s really burgeoning, it’s gaining ground and strength. Yesterday I was given a lecture about how North Korea is the best place on the planet, the people love the leader, they don’t have any Covid, and then number of strange other claims arising from that. Dr Stella Immanuel is already a martyr, and apparently her claim to have healed hundreds of people of HIV is proof that she knows how to cure Covid. Try and unwrap that one.

Obviously I have concerns about the safety of people who simply don’t believe in the virus. And of course they are more likely to become a vector themselves, so that’s a concern too. But beyond that, what’s really worrying me here is the way there is increasingly a them-and-us aspect to this.

I mean there seems to be a gap opening up between the people who believe the virus is real, and those who believe it’s some kind of imposed mechanism of control. When I’ve tried to engage in conversation and ask them to explain their reasoning I get a flood of confirmation bias; when I try to point out the inconsistencies and glaring errors in their arguments, I’m met with a stream of “well they would say that wouldn’t they”.

There doesn’t seem to be any way to dissuade people from their belief that the virus is some kind of control mechanism from on high. And the virus isn’t going away. So what happens next? If they or someone close to them gets the virus it will no doubt be blamed on poisoned water or chemtrail or a stranger on the bus who poked them with an umbrella; or they won’t get the virus which will prove that it is a hoax.

But of more concern, to my mind, is this increasing sense of people being othered for their beliefs, of a separation opening up in society. I spoke with a friend of mine last night whose son believes the virus is a hoax, and she feels that it’s affecting their relationship. One of the people in the shop yesterday who was telling me how the virus is a hoax was also lamenting that his mother believes it’s real. I think the effects of the conspiracies are going to be huge, damaging, and long-lasting.

I’m still digesting what I’ve witnessed this week, trying to think it through, so forgive me if these thoughts are unformed. It’s just that I see a huge problem looming on the horizon, and I think this conspiracy problem is both a symptom of it, and also driving it.
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SheilaNaGig : Can I wonder whether you're encountering an unusually high number/proportion of conspiracy theorists?

Online or in your shop or both? :confused:

The opinions that you cite are -- I speculate -- shared by quite a low number of normally-brainwired people, surely?

Maybe I'm sheltered, because I've encountered very few people talking CT-bollocks, even when we in Glastonbury the other weekend! :eek:

And any CTs I encounter online are filtered through sane spots of the net, mainly here :cool: ;)
But of more concern, to my mind, is this increasing sense of people being othered for their beliefs, of a separation opening up in society. I spoke with a friend of mine last night whose son believes the virus is a hoax, and she feels that it’s affecting their relationship. One of the people in the shop yesterday who was telling me how the virus is a hoax was also lamenting that his mother believes it’s real. I think the effects of the conspiracies are going to be huge, damaging, and long-lasting.

I’m still digesting what I’ve witnessed this week, trying to think it through, so forgive me if these thoughts are unformed. It’s just that I see a huge problem looming on the horizon, and I think this conspiracy problem is both a symptom of it, and also driving it.

Part of the problem is leader and establishments who are transparently dishonest, so people don't trust the official narrative. Add to that the fear, isolation the huge change to daily life and the fucking internet, and more people than normal are prone to finding something to believe. Sometimes that something is the sort of wacky conspiraloon stuff that most people couldn't just smell as shit in normal times
SheilaNaGig : Can I wonder whether you're encountering an unusually high number/proportion of conspiracy theorists?

Online or in your shop or both? :confused:

The opinions that you cite are -- I speculate -- shared by quite a low number of normally-brainwired people, surely?

Maybe I'm sheltered, because I've encountered very few people talking CT-bollocks, even when we in Glastonbury the other weekend! :eek:

And any CTs I encounter online are filtered through sane spots of the net, mainly here :cool: ;)

I honestly don’t know William. It seems high to me, but maybe it’s just the way I made engaging with the phenomenon.

I live and work in Brixton, which is busy, and has a particular demographic which differs from most of the rest of the country, so it might just be a small percentage of a larger number of very local encounters.

The shop where I work has a high footfall, it’s very rarely quiet. because we are limiting numbers of people inside the shop there is always a queue outside the door. people arrive exactly as we open the shutters at 9:30 in the morning, and they’re banging on the door as we are pulling the shutters down at the end of the day asking if they can buy “one more thing just one thing“.

So it might just be a high number of encounters, of the kind of people who shop in a wholefood shop.

I’m reluctant to make any statements or conclusions about the types of people or the demographic involved . Because there’s bound to be confirmation bias going on with that. It’s impossible for me to make any qualitative or quantitative conclusions. Having said that, my impression is that most of the people I encounter who hold these views and who say so out loud are Afro-Caribbean. There are some white people, and they broadly seem to be exclusively liberal hippy types. The Afro-Caribbeans who are talking about the conspiracies seem to be all ages up to about mid 50s or early 60s: the Windrush Generation seem to be on board with wearing masks and believing the government. African black people don’t seem to be conspiracists, it does seem to be Black British from Afro-Caribbean backgrounds.

Of course this observation is to som extent an artefact of working in the health food shop, because they make up a large proportion of the clientele.

I wonder what the correlation is here. Is it because British Black people feel particularly ostracised and persecuted by the government and society and these feelings are now manifesting as a sense of being tricked and coerced and lied to? I don’t know, that’s purely speculative, but I am struck by the possible correlation between the BLM uprising and the increasingly vocal assertions that the government, Bill Gates etc are all lying tricksters.

But that’s just because I’m seeing a correlation here in Brixton, not because it’s real (although I do wonder if it’s a contributory factor in some way).

One of my bosses said that when she was working at the shop, she was shouted at and accused of racism by several people specifically when she asked them to wear a mask. (I was also accused of racism a couple of weeks ago, by a woman who refuses to wear a mask. It’s the only time in my life anyone has said this to me, so obviously it feels significant to me that it was from a Covid conspiracist).

It’s not just Black people though. Plenty of white people are also talking about the conspiracy theories.

And it’s not just here in Brixton, is it. America is maggoty with it, although it seems to be largely coming from the Trumpian right over there.

And it’s happening elsewhere too:

Et cetera

Just google conspiracy theories and any country or region or covid conspiracy theories world and you get loads of hits. Although Sweden doesn’t seem to have any reported stuff.

I dunno. As I said up thread, it feels like it’s symptomaic of something else, something larger or deeper.
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For some reason I’m getting YouTube videos on my homepage from people proclaiming various conspiracy theories about the virus. They are usually white, middle-aged middle-class types. People who Inhabit a world not as safe as it was once for them. The crash of 2008 and the Covid crisis has certainly taken its toll.
Perhaps they are unsettled living in a world where there are no longer any certainties and find comfort
In any old tosh that comes along. At least in this world there are answers and explanations.
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