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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

Some of them out today, and 5g of course
loons trying to get their personal cause heard, over their fellow loons
Part of the conspiraloons obsession with Greta Thurnberg is that shes autistic. Right wing conspiraloons have some weird issue with Autism
A mate of mine has something to do with the civil service and mobile phone networks - I had a natter with him on my state sanctioned exercise the other day - he was "not particularly upset" about this, which seems to have slipped under my radar.

3 years. They have another couple of cases in the pipeline too.

I was listening to the soundtrack of Full Metal Jacket yesterday, which has some wonderful ambient synth tracks by someone called Abigail Mead who, it turns out, is actually Stanley Kubrick's daughter Vivian Kubrick - this seems to be the only music she's ever released so I thought I'd check if she was on twitter so I could ask her if there was more... and she is. But I don't want to ask her anything anymore - it's a wall of full on MAGA conspiracy theory, Bill Gates vax rage, BLM race hate stuff... These people's brains are actually broken aren't they? It's horrifying.
I had a bit of twitter back-and-forth with her few years back (probably for similar reasons - it's a decent soundtrack), and even in those pre-Trump days it was all a bit strong :eek:
Just ended up talking to someone in a queue for the bank. Uncle died of a heart attack - after being labelled as a Covid death, her mother had to push for an investigation, only to be told said uncle did not test positive for the virus :confused:
It is possible to have the Covid-19 disease and even die from it while no longer testing positive for the virus. The virus and disease are different things with the virus causing the disease. Even when the virus is gone the damage it has done can remain.
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UKcolumn rang a bell so I looked it up. On the home page the third or fourth article down was Beeley. It's a small world.
The thing I'm finding really hard with my mate who is a conspiraloon is that anything I respond to cannot come from anything he considers mainstream media. BBC? Lies. Guardian? Lies. Wikipedia? Lies. Snopes? Lies. The Lancet? Lies.

But a 2 hr Youtube video from an Osteopath who has been reprimanded by various health bodies and has even been implicated in the deaths of cancer patients? The truth.

You literally cannot win the argument because only his side is coming from people who tell the truth. It's impossible.

He know thinks that 'they are winning because even old mates like us are arguing' and it's all about division in society.
The thing I'm finding really hard with my mate who is a conspiraloon is that anything I respond to cannot come from anything he considers mainstream media. BBC? Lies. Guardian? Lies. Wikipedia? Lies. Snopes? Lies. The Lancet? Lies.

But a 2 hr Youtube video from an Osteopath who has been reprimanded by various health bodies and has even been implicated in the deaths of cancer patients? The truth.

You literally cannot win the argument because only his side is coming from people who tell the truth. It's impossible.

He know thinks that 'they are winning because even old mates like us are arguing' and it's all about division in society.

For a suitably nebulous definition of ‘they’, ‘they’ are always winning.
souljacker, that's exactly the same as my now ex-mate, any old bollocks found online to back-up his batshit ideas is the truth, and everything else is lies.

I found trying to have a conversation with him was like knocking my head against the wall, it got seriously wearing, hence blocking his number.
The thing I'm finding really hard with my mate who is a conspiraloon is that anything I respond to cannot come from anything he considers mainstream media. BBC? Lies. Guardian? Lies. Wikipedia? Lies. Snopes? Lies. The Lancet? Lies.

But a 2 hr Youtube video from an Osteopath who has been reprimanded by various health bodies and has even been implicated in the deaths of cancer patients? The truth.

You literally cannot win the argument because only his side is coming from people who tell the truth. It's impossible.

That's cult-like too. It's a sort of self-referencing, circular thought system. They think using cult terms and cult definitions of words, and eventually they can't think outside that. Any statements from someone outside the authority figures are suspect.

Because they don't trust anyone on the outside, with cults a main way of cutting through that is pointing out inconsistencies in the authority's writings. Even they can be explained away though as 'later research' or 'you're just misunderstanding it'. It also means you have to read through the shit to find the inconsistencies. :(

I have a couple of mates who are into conspiracy theories and we just don't discuss them, otherwise the friendship would be short lived. I just hope they come out the other side.
I have a long standing conspiracy obsessed colleague and I haven't returned his call in over three months. He's the highest risk imaginable for Covid and he's been out and about so I'm guessing he doesn't believe in it.

I used to have a colleague who was alien obsessed though, he was worse. All human evolution and development was down to aliens. He once pushed me for an 'alternative' (ie. not aliens) explanation for evolution and I said something like 'background radiation in the universe causes mutations in dna which are then subject to natural selection' following which he started taking the piss out of me for believing in "cosmic rays" :facepalm: Some people are just too far gone.
I have a long standing conspiracy obsessed colleague and I haven't returned his call in over three months. He's the highest risk imaginable for Covid and he's been out and about so I'm guessing he doesn't believe in it.

I used to have a colleague who was alien obsessed though, he was worse. All human evolution and development was down to aliens. He once pushed me for an 'alternative' (ie. not aliens) explanation for evolution and I said something like 'background radiation in the universe causes mutations in dna which are then subject to natural selection' following which he started taking the piss out of me for believing in "cosmic rays" :facepalm: Some people are just too far gone.
Tbf if you say man after cosmic rays it sounds proper woo.
I've got a couple of friends who has been posting increasingly far right shit as a result of covid conspiracy world. I have really tried patiently engaging - "have you watched this video? Do you know this guy used to lead an actual fascist party?" "I know you agree with these guys on covid, but did you see they're also slating black lives matter in this one?" but they are so far gone it's pointless. Won't accept any of it is right wing. More and more angry that I am a "trained monkey parroting the official line". Eventually told I am gaslighting them. It's horrific. The UK Column bullshit is especially devoured and it's so awful - paranoid far right middle aged men posing as expert undercover journalists. I don't get how people are so politically illiterate and so easily drawn into this web of shit.
Too stupid to assess the quality of sources properly?? :hmm:

AKA neither actusl historians, nor trained researchers ;) :cool:
It's not stupidity, it's more a belief system. They leaned in this direction anyway and now have fully committed to the cult. Theres just no point using logic, which just drives me insane, because tbh that's the only way I see the world.
It's not stupidity, it's more a belief system. They leaned in this direction anyway and now have fully committed to the cult. Theres just no point using logic, which just drives me insane, because tbh that's the only way I see the world.

To be more fair than I want to be, it can take a certain type of ultra-smartness, and big-style, to both ignore logic and evidence to that level, and also to commit to a belief system so far out-there as to encompass all that bpllocks you reported up there! :eek: ;)

I'm too stupid to do the same :p
I posted this last Monday, on another thread, that had gone off topic a bit, discussing conspiracy nonsense.

Well, I am glad I am not the only one who knows someone that has disappeared down this rabbit hole, a good mate of 30+ years has totally lost the plot.

Actually, I should say ex-mate, I can't deal with him anymore, I've blocked his number. :(

Anyway, he's just phoned me using his son's phone. :facepalm:

He made no comment on why he was using his son's phone, i.e. he couldn't reach me on his, and went straight off on one - how this is a 'plandemic' by the Americans and those controlling the banks & world's money (that'll be the Jews, I guess), how the deaths registered are just made-up & all lies, blah, blah, fucking blah. :mad:

I tried to talk sense to him, but he wasn't having it, because he knows THE REAL TRUTH!1!!1!!!!

I said, 'Alan, mate, you have disappeared down an internet rabbit hole', his reply, 'charming' and he hang up, and so another number blocked, hopefully that'll will be the end of that. :thumbs:
I posted this last Monday, on another thread, that had gone off topic a bit, discussing conspiracy nonsense.

Anyway, he's just phoned me using his son's phone. :facepalm:

He made no comment on why he was using his son's phone, i.e. he couldn't reach me on his, and went straight off on one - how this is a 'plandemic' by the Americans and those controlling the banks & world's money (that'll be the Jews, I guess), how the deaths registered are just made-up & all lies, blah, blah, fucking blah. :mad:

I tried to talk sense to him, but he wasn't having it, because he knows THE REAL TRUTH!1!!1!!!!

I said, 'Alan, mate, you have disappeared down an internet rabbit hole', his reply, 'charming' and he hang up, and so another number blocked, hopefully that'll will be the end of that. :thumbs:
you can hope, but as holder of the truth can they really let you wallow in your ignorance?
I give it a fortnight at the outside.
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