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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

I wonder what a real pandemic would look like? I mean, if this one is a huge hoax, how would a real one differ from this one?

And how do they explain the bodies in the streets in Guayaquil? Did they get killed by the authorities to support the hoax? If so, why in such an out of the way spot?

I know the conspiracists are working with a very limited palette but how can they simultaneously believed in their superior intelligence (both meanings ) and also be so lacking in common sense?

The woman I mentioned in the OP keeps emailing me links (most of whcih have now appeared on this thread) , all without any comment. Which is great becasue it means there’s no invitation for me to comment in return. But I think she feels that she’s doing me a service by increasing my access to information.

Cos that’s the other thing, they seem to think no one else has access to the stuff they’re reading, and if only we did, we would also see the troof.
I know the conspiracists are working with a very limited palette but how can they simultaneously believed in their superior intelligence (both meanings ) and also be so lacking in common sense?


The woman I mentioned in the OP keeps emailing me links (most of whcih have now appeared on this thread) , all without any comment. Which is great becasue it means there’s no invitation for me to comment in return. But I think she feels that she’s doing me a service by increasing my access to information.

Possibly respond "Haha thanks for the link, yes bollocks isn't it. I can't believe people agree with this shit :D"?
[rekil's reply was on the cumming's thread but better fits here]

Wild speculation is Murray's default setting. He has also claimed that it was the jews who poisoned the skripals. He is loonosphere scum.
Clive 'get on your knees bitch' Lewis has been circulating this Murray guff.

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[rekil's reply was on the cumming's thread but better fits here]

Clive 'get on your knees bitch' Lewis has been circulating this Murray guff.

Craig Murray's website gives a more verbose explanation - and then offers this:
UPDATED: I should never be surprised by the puerile nature of debate on the internet, but I frequently am. There appears to be organised pushback stating that this article is only speculation. Of course it is. It states a number of facts not generally known, and wonders if there is a connection. It does not claim to have proof Cummings visited GSK, let alone of what he did when there. But both GSK and Cummings are known bad actors.

On Twitter a conspiracy enthusiast piled in with this:

Nice to know even Beelzebub himself is now co-opted into the situation - but then again wasn't Blair on Marr or Newsnight the other day furiously advocating for vaccine research?
It might be interesting if Wikileaks suddenly turned up tax haven info on funding sources for the Blair Trusts.

Edited to include link to Craig Murray's original article Why Barnard Castle - Craig Murray
Haven't carefully read thread but it's my belief that a different Boris Johnson emerged from hospital than went in, they've substituted a false Johnson for the real one just like they did all those years ago with paul mccartney. And the reason cummings can't go is fear that if he get sacked he'll introduce proof into the public arena. He'll either be killed or stay forever a cancer at the heart of government
I wonder what a real pandemic would look like? I mean, if this one is a huge hoax, how would a real one differ from this one?

And how do they explain the bodies in the streets in Guayaquil? Did they get killed by the authorities to support the hoax? If so, why in such an out of the way spot?

A White Helmets working holiday :hmm:
Interesting piece here


“The drug and vaccine companies, and their medical lackeys, hate hydroxychloroquine not only because Trump promotes its and was even taking it as a preventive. Trump is promoting hydroxychloroquine because it truly is a populist drug—one that is affordable and helpful to ordinary people but does nothing to enrich the elite in medicine, science, government, and the drug industry.”

I wonder what a real pandemic would look like? I mean, if this one is a huge hoax, how would a real one differ from this one?

And how do they explain the bodies in the streets in Guayaquil? Did they get killed by the authorities to support the hoax? If so, why in such an out of the way spot?

I know the conspiracists are working with a very limited palette but how can they simultaneously believed in their superior intelligence (both meanings ) and also be so lacking in common sense?

The woman I mentioned in the OP keeps emailing me links (most of whcih have now appeared on this thread) , all without any comment. Which is great becasue it means there’s no invitation for me to comment in return. But I think she feels that she’s doing me a service by increasing my access to information.

Cos that’s the other thing, they seem to think no one else has access to the stuff they’re reading, and if only we did, we would also see the troof.
That's my pet hate when some LoonTroofProclaimer just posts up some shitty video from some FuckNut channel with the presumption that No Comment Is Needed because it's like, so obvious that the author of FuckNut channel has simply nailed the dispute beyond doubt.
“The drug and vaccine companies, and their medical lackeys, hate hydroxychloroquine not only because Trump promotes its and was even taking it as a preventive. Trump is promoting hydroxychloroquine because it truly is a populist drug—one that is affordable and helpful to ordinary people but does nothing to enrich the elite in medicine, science, government, and the drug industry.”

This guy is a geriatric delinquent toe-rag. Prior to the discovery of Coronovirus he made a living out of psychiatric medication scares - including my and Stephen Fry's drug of choice Alert 6: Lithium in Our Drinking Water? The Real Danger from this Threat! | Psychiatric Drug Facts
Excellent stuff

4. Conviction something’s wrong
Conspiracy theorists may occasionally abandon specific ideas when they become untenable. But those revisions tend not to change their overall conclusion that “something must be wrong” and that the official account is based on deception.

When “Plandemic” filmmaker Mikki Willis was asked if he really believed COVID-19 was intentionally started for profit, his response was “I don’t know, to be clear, if it’s an intentional or naturally occurring situation. I have no idea.”

He has no idea. All he knows for sure is something must be wrong: “It’s too fishy.”

5. Persecuted victim
Conspiracy theorists think of themselves as the victims of organized persecution. “Plandemic” further ratchets up the persecuted victimhood by characterizing the entire world population as victims of a vast deception, which is disseminated by the media and even ourselves as unwitting accomplices.

At the same time, conspiracy theorists see themselves as brave heroes taking on the villainous conspirators.

Worth a read this, on how much money people (including David Icke and Marty1's 'London Real') have been making by peddling and platforming these ideas.
He's Benjamin's son and is always banging on about how his dad is being persecuted by shadowy forces choreographed by Sinister Puppet Master Soros, and anyway That Money Was Just Resting In His Account etc.
I got that he's the son but I've only ever encountered Soros as a hate figure for anti-semites - hence my confusion
In the above JTA article, this loon's Twitter is quoted :rolleyes: :

Some Twazzock said:
James Woods

#Antifa is merely a pawn in the plan engineered by Soros and the Deep State. The Obama/Ayers/Alinsky/Cloward-Piven/Clinton strategy has always been to provoke, destabilize, and then rebuild a “socialist nirvana” from the ashes.

I was wondering what it was that made me think (for the last thirty-odd years) that all conspiracy theorists are completely barking, no exceptions :confused: ;)
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