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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

There's a film on PBS America Freeview today called The Virus Hunters.
Must've been made a while back, covered Ebola, Zika and one \I've not heard of - Nippah. which is caused by bats pissing in date palm juice in Bangladesh.

Its always the bats - Coronavirus, Ebola and Nipah. Funnily enough they're a protecgted species in the UK - not that they get much chance to piss in date juice here.
A full on conspiracy nut posted up a link to this 'coronavirus is a hoax' website as a credible source to support her 'theory.'

And it's got the flipping lot: flat earth, Disney 666, anti-vaxx, NASA run by Satanic devil worshipping occultists, iPads causing infertility and much more.

How can people be so fucking stupid as to be taken in by a site as unhinged as this one:
What's the thinking behind shit like this? Does these nutters think the new world order has had a planning meeting and someone's said 'We created a global pandemic in a lab in secret - this musn't get out and alarm the public, so let's just scatter a few random clues about like on obscure countries' bank notes, just to hint at what we're doing, but not the give the whole game away'. Dr Evil nonsense
Oh my. There appears to be a lot of shit out there, but luckily for us someone has made it in to one neat (not so neat) map.

Not strictly Covid related but definitely the full conspiraloon.

View attachment 213598

The sheer fucking arrogance of these people is one of the things that gets me. Those stupid motherfuckers can't even string a logically coherent explanation together, and yet they somehow think that they've got everything figured out? They think the world is some bizarre mish-mash of Stargate SG-1 and the X-Files on crack and bad acid. How the fuck do these people even function?
Oh my. There appears to be a lot of shit out there, but luckily for us someone has made it in to one neat (not so neat) map.

Not strictly Covid related but definitely the full conspiraloon.

View attachment 213598

I see three open anti-semitic ones on there, well four if you count Assange (as i think we probably should). Probably more, and the rest of that shit is undoubtedly suffused with it.
Oh my. There appears to be a lot of shit out there, but luckily for us someone has made it in to one neat (not so neat) map.

Not strictly Covid related but definitely the full conspiraloon.

View attachment 213598
That print is beyond miniscule.
So I'll say one thing for these conspiraloons -- they must have an absolutely cracking level of reading vision! :eek:
But as for their discernment levels and sanity levels ...... :rolleyes:
Oh my. There appears to be a lot of shit out there, but luckily for us someone has made it in to one neat (not so neat) map.

Not strictly Covid related but definitely the full conspiraloon.

View attachment 213598
Yes - this is Graham Hancock sort of stuff. Conspiracy lite.
It brought to mind another huge and less artistically attractive chart.
"The Bridge" is alleged to be a document of the Church of S**entology, but no doubt they would claim it is a conspiracy aimed at them
Scientology chart1.gif
Yes - this is Graham Hancock sort of stuff. Conspiracy lite.
It brought to mind another huge and less artistically attractive chart.
"The Bridge" is alleged to be a document of the Church of S**entology, but no doubt they would claim it is a conspiracy aimed at them
View attachment 213633

Yes that's what I thought of when I saw it too.
Yes - this is Graham Hancock sort of stuff. Conspiracy lite.
It brought to mind another huge and less artistically attractive chart.
"The Bridge" is alleged to be a document of the Church of S**entology, but no doubt they would claim it is a conspiracy aimed at them
View attachment 213633

I think this, along with the previous image, are examples that show up what kind of bureaucratic, repressive nightmare would happen if these cunts were to ever get their hands on any meaningful power. They would inevitably become the very thing that they claim to fight against, because they know of no other way of exercising power.
Someone posted a really disrespectful "It's all a lie" with loads of batshit bollocks and there were at least 2 people that said relatives and people they knew had died and the person posting the shite just kept asking them if the people who'd died were given tamiflu and asking them to find out and let them know!! :eek: :mad:
Someone posted a really disrespectful "It's all a lie" with loads of batshit bollocks and there were at least 2 people that said relatives and people they knew had died and the person posting the shite just kept asking them if the people who'd died were given tamiflu and asking them to find out and let them know!! :eek: :mad:
I nearly lost my rag when some fucking ignorant piece of loonshit on FB suggested that 'independent verification' was necessary to prove that my neighbour really did die from COVID-19, with the implication that the doctors were involved in some sort of cover up.
I nearly lost my rag when some fucking ignorant piece of loonshit on FB suggested that 'independent verification' was necessary to prove that my neighbour really did die from COVID-19, with the implication that the doctors were involved in some sort of cover up.

All the doctors on the planet are in on it, somehow. Apart from one chiropractor or something.
I'm in a safeguarding leads' forum right now and it turns out that conspiracy theories and theorists are presenting all kinds of additional safeguarding risks to children and young people in lockdown. Doubly, triply so for our students who all have additional needs and are so, so vulnerable. I'm furious.
A full on conspiracy nut posted up a link to this 'coronavirus is a hoax' website as a credible source to support her 'theory.'

And it's got the flipping lot: flat earth, Disney 666, anti-vaxx, NASA run by Satanic devil worshipping occultists, iPads causing infertility and much more.

How can people be so fucking stupid as to be taken in by a site as unhinged as this one:

Made me chuckle that they think the purpose of "CV-19" (sic) is to "wipe out the middle classes". :D
What fucks me off about these idiots is that they never stop going on and on about some particular IMPORTANT thing that REVEALS THE TRUTH and angrily berate anyone who doesn't immediately answer every one of their questions - but as soon as their VERY IMPORTANT claim becomes unsustainable n the face of overwhelming science and research - WHOOSH! It's never mentioned again.
I hate it when they say DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH as if ten minutes’ googling carries more weight than the findings of an international body of experts
Ah, but a random YouTube video from some bloke with 'Dr' in his name (usually retired) clearly carries more weight than the findings of an international body of experts anyway.
What fucks me off about these idiots is that they never stop going on and on about some particular IMPORTANT thing that REVEALS THE TRUTH and angrily berate anyone who doesn't immediately answer every one of their questions - but as soon as their VERY IMPORTANT claim becomes unsustainable n the face of overwhelming science and research - WHOOSH! It's never mentioned again.

There's one twat on a pirate radio board, who I've put straight with some facts on various occasions.

When the penny drops that he's out of his depth, he just closes the conversation with - 'you believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want', followed by complete silence. :facepalm:

But, it's fun leaving him looking like a complete twat. :D
There's one twat on a pirate radio board, who I've put straight with some facts on various occasions.

When the penny drops that he's out of his depth, he just closes the conversation with - 'you believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want', followed by complete silence. :facepalm:
Ah, the standard cop out line. :facepalm:
Someone else sharing a video with a Dr Dolores Cahill.
Someone previously mentioned her background being somewhat murky, does anyone have useful links to show this?
Someone else sharing a video with a Dr Dolores Cahill.
Someone previously mentioned her background being somewhat murky, does anyone have useful links to show this?
For her to claim 'patients who have recovered from COVID-19 are immune for life' is crazy, there's no evidence to support that, as it's too new, there is however some evidence surfacing that suggests the opposite.

A chief concern is that coronaviruses do not tend to trigger long-lasting immunity. About a quarter of common colds are caused by human coronaviruses, but the immune response fades so rapidly that people can become reinfected the next year.

Researchers at Oxford University recently analysed blood from recovered Covid-19 patients and found that levels of IgG antibodies – those responsible for longer-lasting immunity – rose steeply in the first month of infection but then began to fall again.

Last week, scientists at Rockefeller University in New York found that most people who recovered from Covid-19 without going into hospital did not make many killer antibodies against the virus.

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