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Coronavirus Conspiracy Corner

Was that Dr Rashid Buttar?

He's all over the internet, he's an osteopathic physician, so is qualified in the manipulation of muscle tissue and bones, not a virologist nor any other expert in infectious diseases.

He's using his title of 'doctor' to suck people into the nonsense he is spreading about Covid-19, because he's also a conspiracy theorist & anti-vaxer, from the David Icke school of loons.
It's different in the US, these guys are docs
From Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine - Wikipedia

"Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO or D.O.) is a professional doctoral degree for physicians and surgeons offered by medical schools in the United States. A DO graduate may become licensed as an osteopathic physician, having equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree.
I don't really understand why that is thought to be the case, there are a whole load of coronaviruses that occur naturally across a whole number of species, why would this one have to have been genetically modified in a lab? It makes little sense really.
It's different in the US, these guys are docs
From Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine - Wikipedia

"Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO or D.O.) is a professional doctoral degree for physicians and surgeons offered by medical schools in the United States. A DO graduate may become licensed as an osteopathic physician, having equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree.

Yes, I knew he was a doctor & entitled to use 'doctor' as a title, but I didn't make myself clear, I should have used the word 'specialist' rather than 'qualified', as in him being a specialist in the manipulation of muscle tissue and bones, he certainly isn't a specialist in viruses.

Although, he's a right dodgy doctor, having been reprimanded twice for unethical treatment of patients, and received warnings over illegal marketing of unapproved drugs.
But if there was an accidental release of a genetically modified virus from a lab how the fuck would we know? Who would tell us the truth? Who would admit to experimentation in this area? Who would be allowed to publish anything at all on the subject? We wouldn’t expect peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, because that wouldn’t be allowed. How would we find out?
You could say the same thing about the virus being spread by aliens, though. Doesn't make it any more likely.
No pressure. I just wondered if anyone on Urban was any kind of an expert in this area. There’s all kinds of arguments against GM, scientific, social, economic etc, but that’s another matter. But if there was an accidental release of a genetically modified virus from a lab how the fuck would we know?

Because a modified virus would have sequences in its genome that could not possibly have happened naturally. Anyone capable of sequencing would be able to tell.
No pressure. I just wondered if anyone on Urban was any kind of an expert in this area. There’s all kinds of arguments against GM, scientific, social, economic etc, but that’s another matter. But if there was an accidental release of a genetically modified virus from a lab how the fuck would we know? Who would tell us the truth? Who would admit to experimentation in this area? Who would be allowed to publish anything at all on the subject? We wouldn’t expect peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, because that wouldn’t be allowed. How would we find out?

Researchers led by Shan-Lu Liu at the Ohio State University say there is “no credible evidence” of genetic engineering (Emerging Microbes & Infections, doi.org/dpvw). The virus’s genome has been sequenced, and if it had been altered, we would expect to see signs of inserted gene sequences. But we now know the points that differ from bat viruses are scattered in a fairly random way, just as they would be if the new virus had evolved naturally.

Read more: Did coronavirus come from a lab?

Just do a google search for “Was the coronavirus genetically modified” or any similar question to find plenty more stuff.

There is no evidence that the virus was genetically manipulated or engineered. None. So unless you’re in the “Well they would say that wouldn’t they...” camp, you’re going to have to accept that no evidence means that the virus is natural.

It was only a matter of time before this happened. We’ve been lucky for a long time. The idea that our world is fragile is too scary for some to accept, so they grab the idea that some evil genius has done this terrible thing.
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Posting conspiracy drivel for morons
Yes, I knew he was a doctor & entitled to use 'doctor' as a title, but I didn't make myself clear, I should have used the word 'specialist' rather than 'qualified', as in him being a specialist in the manipulation of muscle tissue and bones, he certainly isn't a specialist in viruses.

Although, he's a right dodgy doctor, having been reprimanded twice for unethical treatment of patients, and received warnings over illegal marketing of unapproved drugs.
Fair point, but he is rather more medically qualified than Bill Gates!

I think his supporters would say he is not dodgy, but a renegade. Desiree Jennings would be one of them.
Osteopathy is woo btw, though the DO does seem to require medical training too.
even for back pain? I'm not kidding, I saw one a few years back, and after three visits it was like my neck and back had had a full restoration job, neck mobility freed, back pain gone, and I felt an inch taller. Possibly the only time I've seen a health chap for a chronic issue and it was straight out sorted.
Was that Dr Rashid Buttar?

It was indeed.

interested to note that the friend-of-friend under that post who made some comments minimising the seriousness of the pandemic &need for a lock down, has deleted their comments.... I did reply to them, which got an angry response, replied to that also...came up again later, poof all that persons comments are gone.
Now there’s another one from a professor Dolores Cahill.
Its just over an hour long and I don’t have time to watch it.
From the comments on where it was shared from it seems to be another one claiming the lock down is unnecessary, the death count is exaggerated, the whole thing was pre planned.
Checked the profile of the person who put it up, couple of posts down they’re celebrating about “at least 77” 5G towers set alight.
Every post includes a warning to save the links and info before the stuff gets taken down.
I don't really understand why that is thought to be the case, there are a whole load of coronaviruses that occur naturally across a whole number of species, why would this one have to have been genetically modified in a lab? It makes little sense really.
I guess to spice it up a bit Epona. Common cold doesn't really cut it for imposing martial law!
Posting unhinged loon vids
Not sure if this has been posted before but it is quite spectacular tying together of 5G, coronavirus, and the 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony 😈
That character in the bed really does look like Boris Johnson too at seven minutes in
(have to click through to youtube to watch)
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even for back pain? I'm not kidding, I saw one a few years back, and after three visits it was like my neck and back had had a full restoration job, neck mobility freed, back pain gone, and I felt an inch taller. Possibly the only time I've seen a health chap for a chronic issue and it was straight out sorted.
And your dick had grown by at least 3 inches, once you got out of the way of the 5G covid death rays.
I didn't realise I was expected to critique a conspiracy theory video concerning dancing nurses and Boris Johnson puppet in a bed during the 2012 Olympic Ceremony, but there you go. :)
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